The app will have buttons to press when you are dealing with problems- like a personal assistant.
You click the emotion and it gives suggestions:
1. if you're upset - seek and give space don't expect apologies keep it professional
2. avoid potential threat - decide on fight or flight or monetary peace offering assume they have weapon, don't try to reason with angry or intoxicated people
3. feeling low self-esteem- that means you are focusing on others.
4. focus on yourself and your projects and live for your future spouse
5. avoid manipulators- they will offer free things to make you feel obligated to them avoid premarital intimacy
6. self intimacy with toys is necessary. it's sex with self. if you allow others to do it they will control you.
7. deal with angry person : give and seek space, text email not talk in person or phone,
8. focus better : stand up desk, find conducive environ, do quick exercises
9. avoid being sad - who you are mantra, ideal state is neutral peace , not necessarily happiness, allow self time to be sad loneliness- we are only one being, so always alone, but will feel complete if you journal and spend spare time and money doing what you want to do
10. envious - envy is a disapproval of a misuse of body or money. if someone is rich and has good genetics and they are using their body and money in a loving and constructive way to build family and society, then you wouldn't envy them. they are creating future attractive bodies for you to reincarnate into
11. stressed out - how you feel is based upon how you are breathing. breathe deeply for 4 sec hold for 8 exhale for 7
12. feel underpaid? - work as if you are making a higher wage- develop industrious habits, only quit job if you have another one
13. upset at parents? - when you label someone a parent, it is a role of authority, and it will make you submissive in general. label them by first name basis. you can better serve each other by playing the roles of spiritual siblings. if you do not share the same values as they do, you have no moral obligation to them and it's a lie.
14. upset at children - be their professional guardian - label them on a first name basis. as children get past 18, you should give guardianship only to those who want it... because there may be others who could appreciate it more. discipline when young.
15. They are not listening to you because they either are not mature enough to understand your reasoning in which case they will need physically discipline.
16. if they are old enough, you should reason with them. remember your job is to teach them to fend for themselves, not be their friends.
17. only when they are older and meet their own needs can they choose to stay connected with you if you have the same values or not. this applies especially to Men.
18. for women, I recommend if the woman wants, they stay at home if possible and be pure and ready for a husband.
19. not all women's families can afford to safeguard them like this. not all women will want this. upset at siblings - is this person your spiritual family?
20. only stay personally connected to people who sexual tension- give the opposite gender space. only approach someone if you are ready for marriage
Here are the steps of the Daily Action Plan to Prepare for a Great Marriage:
Core Principles :
1. Commitment to preparing for marriage
2. no premarital intimacy
3. practice veganism
4. meet your own needs, desires and wants while preparing for marriage
5. do not label anyone as an authority figure higher than yourself. for example, do not label someone as a father, uncle, boss, instead, label them on a first name basis or last name, and act like you are doing business with them, not for them. for example, your male guardian (aka father) is someone who you hire to be your guardian , and in exchange, you pay them by abiding by their cultural rules.
6. Label people Brother and Sister only when they are " spiritual siblings " with you, which means that they have the same values as you and therefore, even if you died, you would be glad you invested in them because you know they would perpetuate your values into the future, thus making the world one you would want to reincarnate into.
7. make women a main focus of your life and celebrate them and pay attention to them, including other women treat yourselves as important and sacred.
8. do not have pets because that detracts from the focus on women and humanity and raising children , also, no pets are conscious and so they cannot choose to be vegan.
9. be professional and do not force people to follow Shield Heart principles, and only talk about it when it seems appropriate but do not alienate professional relationships, and instead, say that you respect a person's right to their own practices.
The information and advice presented on this website are based upon the research
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