At Shield Heart, Life Partner Spousal Pair Bonding is
considered the highest expression of Love.
From Experience Observation and Research, we are crafting
the most efficient process to prepare for and sustain a Strong Marriage. If you have the same goal, join us and share your ideas.
Let's build Great Marriages which will lead to stable families, communities and a Peaceful World!
To become a Member of Shield Heart ® ,
the following Core Values are prerequisites.
1. Committed to helping yourself &
others achieve a sacred loving marriage,
with no Premarital Verbal or Physical intimacy.
2. Label no one your higher authority, or Hierarchical role, such as father, mother, uncle, older brother/sister, master etc.
3. Lable no one submissive to you such as son niece etc, unless they are young and need guardianship.
If you align with people, label them "Spiritual Sibling"
4. Practice of Fair Trade and Veganism, as your budget allows.
5. Do not enable people such as a rogue child or drunken biological relative or animals such as pitbulls who are a threat to other humans
6. aim to live as long as possible via responsible health and finance practices
There are other recommended values and practices from Shield Heart ® ,
but these Core Values are necessary for Official Membership
Core Principles Reiterated:
1. Commitment to preparing for marriage
2. no premarital intimacy
3. practice veganism
4. meet your own needs, desires and wants while preparing for marriage
5. do not label anyone as an authority figure higher than yourself. for example, do not label someone as a father, uncle, boss, instead, label them on a first name basis or last name, and act like you are doing business with them, not for them. for example, your male guardian (aka father) is someone who you hire to be your guardian , and in exchange, you pay them by abiding by their cultural rules.
6. Label people Brother and Sister only when they are " spiritual siblings " with you, which means that they have the same values as you and therefore, even if you died, you would be glad you invested in them because you know they would perpetuate your values into the future, thus making the world one you would want to reincarnate into.
7. make women a main focus of your life and celebrate them and pay attention to them, including other women treat yourselves as important and sacred.
8. do not have pets because that detracts from the focus on women and humanity and raising children , also, no pets are conscious and so they cannot choose to be vegan.
9. be professional and do not force people to follow Shield Heart principles, and only talk about it when it seems appropriate but do not alienate professional relationships, and instead, say that you respect a person's right to their own practices.
Here are ways you can promote the Shield Heart ® message of Protecting the Mind and Body:
1. Contact me, the concept creator/founder of Shield Heart to make a plan to keep this website published into the future. If I were to be deceased, perhaps the information would be lost forever, although part of it is preserved in my YouTube and TikTok Channels...
1.1 Speak about this to people during the right context
2. Wear a wedding band and tell people you are married to your future spouse and that you use Shield Heart to focus on this goal
3. Wear a Shield Heart ® "Patch" or "Wristband" to promote conversation about the Organization
4. Share videos from Shield Heart ® on Social Media
5. Make a video explaining your favorite Aspect of Shield Heart ® and post it.
6. Email the Founder, myself, Mr. John Remis, to help with marketing, live stream moderation, or brainstorming ideas
7. Provide a financial contribution so myself and others can work full time on sharing the Shield Heart ® Methods.
8. This publication is intended to be used as a reference in discussions of the subject matter within.
For example, if the subject of marriage is brought up, one could refer to sections " V " or " VI " and further specific lines
9. Please report any feedback to the author at
Shield Heart Wristbands & Patches now available ! patches can be ironed on to the left upper chest where the Heart is!
Religious Accessories remind us and others who we are every single day. This includes wearing a wedding band, and we will soon also be offering a patch with a blue shield that can be placed on a shirt over the left breast pocket over the heart. For now, try to start using a metal and or rubber wedding band and request a bracelet. If you are interested in Shield Heart, you can easily have these kinds of products made and ordered in bulk.
BE WARY, that even if a person has accessories with the Shield Heart Logo, it does not mean that they are legitimate. They may be an imposter pretending to value marriage etc only to manipulate you or people you care about in order to get what they want.
Part of Membership benefits is having someone you can contact, and in the future, a call center. the call center will feature operators who will discuss immediate or impending problems, but also,
There will be Operators who mimic conversations you would have with your future spouse. For example, if you are a hetero man and you call in, the Operator would be a woman who would talk to you and ask you how you are doing and how you are preparing for her, as a future spouse, and thank you for caring so much about her and she would also say that she loves you very much.
Currently, It's only myself, the only current Member of Shield Heart, and Founder.
I can be reached at or 8088594059
However, my agenda is not to gain power or money with this organization, but rather, to connect with like minded people and we can all be "Members" aka Spiritual Brothers and Sisters.
Ultimately, I would like there to be other presidents of the organization.
Also, I think that the core principles of Shield Heart should not change, even though that may seem dogmatic. If you prefer other things, make your own religion or organization or join another one.
Core Principles include
1. Commitment to preparing for marriage
2. no premarital intimacy
3. practice veganism
4. meet your own needs, desires and wants while preparing for marriage
5. do not label anyone as an authority figure higher than yourself. for example, do not label someone as a father, uncle, boss, instead, label them on a first name basis or last name, and act like you are doing business with them, not for them. for example, your male guardian (aka father) is someone who you hire to be your guardian , and in exchange, you pay them by abiding by their cultural rules.
6. Label people Brother and Sister only when they are " spiritual siblings " with you, which means that they have the same values as you and therefore, even if you died, you would be glad you invested in them because you know they would perpetuate your values into the future, thus making the world one you would want to reincarnate into.
7. make women a main focus of your life and celebrate them and pay attention to them, including other women treat yourselves as important and sacred.
8. do not have pets because that detracts from the focus on women and humanity and raising children , also, no pets are conscious and so they cannot choose to be vegan.
9. be professional and do not force people to follow Shield Heart principles, and only talk about it when it seems appropriate but do not alienate professional relationships, and instead, say that you respect a person's right to their own practices.
Core Principles :
1. Commitment to preparing for marriage
2. no premarital intimacy
3. practice veganism
4. meet your own needs, desires and wants while preparing for marriage
5. do not label anyone as an authority figure higher than yourself. for example, do not label someone as a father, uncle, boss, instead, label them on a first name basis or last name, and act like you are doing business with them, not for them. for example, your male guardian (aka father) is someone who you hire to be your guardian , and in exchange, you pay them by abiding by their cultural rules.
6. Label people Brother and Sister only when they are " spiritual siblings " with you, which means that they have the same values as you and therefore, even if you died, you would be glad you invested in them because you know they would perpetuate your values into the future, thus making the world one you would want to reincarnate into.
7. make women a main focus of your life and celebrate them and pay attention to them, including other women treat yourselves as important and sacred.
8. do not have pets because that detracts from the focus on women and humanity and raising children , also, no pets are conscious and so they cannot choose to be vegan.
9. be professional and do not force people to follow Shield Heart principles, and only talk about it when it seems appropriate but do not alienate professional relationships, and instead, say that you respect a person's right to their own practices.
The information and advice presented on this website are based upon the research
and the personal and professional experiences of the author,
and are not intended as a substitute for consulting with a healthcare professional.
The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly
with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
There are no magical instant solutions to personal mastery and preparing for and locating a spouse.
The benefit of re-reading this website is not that the information will change, but that as you re-read,
you will refine your understanding of the information and
discover details you did not recognize during previous reading sessions.
With persistent analysis of Shield Heart® Methods and other information available,
throughout the realms of personal growth and professional counseling,
self-mastery and healthy marriage goals can be realized.
Following the advice within this website could lead to favorable or undesired results.
Regardless of any claims made herein, no claims are definite.
Claims may or may not be relevant to your circumstances.
Studying this website is considered consent to be exposed to ideas which
can motivate you to significantly alter your personal and professional life and relationships.
This could be a positive or negative experience, but that is relative to the individual and their subjectivity.
Read and implement at your own risk.
if at least some of these methods worked for you, please consider sharing®
with people you deem receptive ,as a form of payment to the author.
This publication is intended to be used as a reference in discussions of the subject matter within.
For example, if the subject of marriage is brought up, one could refer to sections " V " or " VI " and further specific lines
Please report any feedback to the author at
Copyright © 2023 Shield Heart ® (.org) - All Rights Reserved.
Shield Heart ® (#98157325) and the " green heart blue shield " Logo (#98157331)
are Federally Registered Trademarks with the USPTO United States Patent & Trademark Office
Routine internet searches shall determine if these trademarks are being used without authorization.
A letter of cease and desist will be sent via an attorney's office in the event of an infringement.
If necessary, an injunction will be filed in Federal Court, damages will be sought and
appropriate parties and media sources will be notified of any misappropriation and/or dishonorable conduct.