25 Daily Actions List
1. Repeat List Aloud Daily, to mentally program yourself similar to how watching news everyday programs the mind
2. Distrust people’s words compliments and free offers. Even if they SAY they are a ShieldHeart practitioner, look at their actions, not what they say. So do a continued active analysis of people around you.
3. Avoid sitting down and being hungry or needing housing or transportation etc in public because it will make you more submissive and accept “free” things which makes it easy for people to manipulate you because it makes you feel obligated.
4. Engage in self-intimacy daily “having x w/self” use toys such as doc johnson signature stroker w coco oil. This allows for one’s controlling desires, not being seduced and avoiding premarital intimacy.
5. Envy is a disapproval of misuse of body or money. Act like you are all that is , and be glad when people use their money and favorable genetics for sustainable family living
6. Derive emotional power (3rdchakra activation) from creative activities, exercise, self-affirming words and actions such as listening to yourself via journaling, positive self-talk throughout the day, and being your #1 fan by liking and commenting on your own social media posts. Do not ever rely upon others to lift you up. Know yourself, like yourself and make space for what you want. Write down one thing today that you can do to make progress on what you want.
7. When you or others are upset, seek and give space. Upset emotions are caused NOT by rude people, by not breathing deeply, and thinking that you “have to” feel badly for some reason.
8. As Humans, we ought to worship our Human Flower aka VulvaV.com aka GoddessVVV.com. do not worship power, trying to show off and get the newest cars technology, except for practical reasons. Make the primary focus about VVV, the meaning of life.
9. As affordable, Choose Vegan Fair Trade products, which are Free of bad karma, diseases and cruelty
10. Drink lots of quality water. A good reference is Evian or Whole foods Still Italian water. Some tap waters are pretty good, some need multi filtration such as Kangen water. Even with filtration, some are still toxic. pur water filters, Dasani Aquafina etc seem to have fluriode and other toxic metals in them. If possible, use only glass or copper, NOT stainless or aluminum hydro flasks
11. Exercise a healthy skepticism of big pharma, dentistry’s incorporation of fluoride, over prescribing. Listen to yourself, use a dental pick on your gums/teeth weekly, I suggest Jason coconut strengthening paste, and let it sit on your teeth after brushing for 60 sec
12. To experience the “magic of God” do LW LightWork – visualize bright white light lasers and brightening peoples auras , and imagine people smiling, including people you are upset at and world leaders who are targets of interdimensional forces – visit my youtube channel for a tutorial
13. Avoid hedonism- unity consciousness- acting like you care about the world- requires you to alleviate suffering from the world , before enjoying the better parts of life, such as marriage and family. If we all take a “hedonism” break for about 5 years, we can work together and bring about a peaceful world. If you have already started a family, maybe you could adopt if you want more children.
14. VulvaV is new technology- it’s the Clitoris, Labia Minora and Majora and it belongs to a woman who is strong and has healthy skin and is shaven and hygenic
15. A baseline of cardio 3x a week for 1 hour sessions
16. Pushup (secret to back health) and other weight etc exercises throughout the week as you have energy. (have 2 rest days, perhaps wed and Sunday
17. Create a healthy space between the genders. Look at how men and women are happier in more orthodox cultures, because they realize there is an xual tension and create a healthy space between that.
18. Send a daily loving email to your future spouse thus affirming and reminding yourself of why you live, and save money etc (attach a fun pic too) ( have a puppet keychain representative of them and talk to the puppet- ask what would your future spouse want you to do when making decisions. Don’t be so concerned about other’s opinions.
19. Wear a wedding band (rubber if necessary ) representative of your commitment to yourself, your values and your future spouse
20. Avoid premarital intimacy because it is unloving. Aim to be in the frequency of love, not lust. Transition to the frequency of protection if needed
21. Support each other in preparing for a future spouse and do not seduce your fellow man’s daughters, sisters or potential future spouse, and the same for women and how they treat men.
22. LGBTQ marry lovingly and when you see them, encourage them to prepare for a great marriage. Even Homo men can support the worship of GoddessVVV by protecting women.
23. Breasts are for babies. Men focus on Vulva- look at it, celebrate it compliment it. Ideally, strippers are married women who want to “display “ their vulva like a flower. Make this a mainstream part of the culture.
24. As needed, due to life altering problems with mental or physical health and age, consider letting go of the body- boosting- and getting a new body. Perhaps on a new planet. State in your will that you do not want to be kept alive for more than perhaps a few month if you are not conscious and can communicate cognizantly and there is no chance of recovery… also, if I was born like that with autism etc I would not want to be kept around like a pet. I would want to be treated humanely just like we treat pets humanely- and put down- boosted to my next life.
25. If people really believed in reincarnation, and realized heaven is boring, where do you think people keep coming from?
Vulva is like JESUS CHRIST aka GoddessVVV.com
, the moment you accept it as the most important, and a saviour you're life is SAVED in 1 sec, now you have meaning.
" thou shalt have no other FALSE GODS or graven images before me. "
this means that you should not worship anything more than VulVaV .
Define VulvaV:
VulvaV is the modern version of Vulva.
healthier, cleaner, hairless, and potential for purity until husband (or at least reborn virgin)
1. Vulva > Vagina > other sexual features.
1.1: men need to mastrubate so they don't need a woman's vagina to get off. A man's primary objective should be to provide oral sex to his wife and selecting her because he wants her for oral sex not sexual intercourse
2. What is point of living if not for Vulva Human Flower?
3. Celebrate & Worship Vulva by looking at Vv protecting Vv*, and Oral sex & massage for your Wife. This gives real purpose and direction. Towards & around Vv
*women and trusted men like fathers protect
3.1: anything such as men wanting cars pets fame riches - if you make anything more important than protecting and building society to make women comfortable and safe and treat the VulvaV sacred, you will suffer.
men wanting sexual attention rather than directing attention to a woman's vv
or men wanting to suck nipples of fatted breasts more than suck vulva- BABIES THEY ARE, NOT MEN.
4. Gay men can play a supportive role.
5. Oral sex > Sexual Intercourse
6. It's important for men to masturbate Daily and orgasm because that makes them in control of their desires, able to avoid premarital intimacy, and most importantly, since they don't rely on sexual intercourse for orgasm, all that is left is oral sex for wife, and that is most important.
7. For peace and enjoyment It's recommended to focus the most on Vulva, 51% and less on other aspects of life such as hobbies, pets, cars etc
8. Oral sex for women is different that oral sex for men because life is about vulva and its feminine for a woman to recieve attention and compliments and masculine for a man to provide that attention , rather than hoping for that upon him. Even if you have no pp, it makes it easier to focus on the source of peace, vv.
9. Oral sex for women is different than sexual intercourse because intercourse is more about the man dominating her, pp oriented and its more of a mindless biological desire that any animal can have.
It's not special and heart-felt, like being near your wife, massaging her, celebrating vv, snuggling etc
Although woman's fat reserves on breasts and buttocks may seem exciting, Vulva is more exciting
11. When you look at a woman youre looking the first thing you should ask is "would I suck her Vulva?"
Dont get distracted by her face,
or her breasts, which are more for babies,
You can appreciate things about her but whether you want to have oral
12. When guys say they really want Pussy, they should really say, they want to worship their future wifes vulva.
13. One woman and her vulva should be enough! Some men are not strong and passionate enough to prefer only one woman
14. , and why not a virgin woman - and for women to be virgin, men have to be virgin also
15. Daily masturbation on Clit and internal with dildo so that not reliant upon wanting man that is not husband
16. Not a world worth saving
Save human species
If not worship VulVaV, not worthy of existance.
17. When women use herbal natural solutions to keep the inner vagina healthy and clean and ph balanced,
and when they use laser hair removal, and kneed the vv and surrounding skin (and whole body) with coconut oil and
18. exercise to keep super healthy, and incorporate a vegan clean diet,
it makes it so it's not about the fat on a woman's body,
19. but it's about whether the man wants to
and women can keep themselves pure whether they have a father or uncle or someone they can trust to pay their bills (maybe live at their parents home) or if women need to work, they can work and don't need to trade their body for a man or husband they do not like.
20. Choose either nice hygenic areated vagina or nice fat
21. MaStUrBaTiOn* =
Self-Consent = Self-care = Self-Love = Self-Control. Done daily it allows for "Post-Orgasm Clarity in thinking and behavior! "
The Result is Self-Control.
*Women should be the first to penetrate themselves
* men should begin using "stroker toys"
recommended is the doc johnson main squeeze product line, but only with natural oil ie %100 coco oil because it absorbs into the body.
22. men wanting a blowjob more than wanting to give a woman a blowjob is a feminine man!
some think only a youthful tight woman's vulva is beautiful
I think a loose open vulva is significantly more attractive, even if it gets looser from childbirth the visual experience is satisfying. a good example of this is " cristina slut " on xvideos .com
24. a larger Clitoris and Inner labia labia minora and major is sexy too because it's more to visualize and suck on.
25. Intercourse is more about dominance
Cunilingus is about worship
26. a meaningful rediscovery of a woman's Body
men need to have self intimacy masturbation activation daily, and can surely use
when a man masturbates to orgasm at least daily,
he will have post nut clarity.
post nut clarity allows a man to focus more on the VulvA and not trying to get off in the vagina- because that's more about competing to dominate and or impregnate a woman- but oral sex is more about worshiping the woman.
27. et's take a careful look at youtube searching key figures in the " alpha male red pill " ideology
- " John Zherka does not "eat pussy " prefers to get dick sucked.
I would rather suck my wifes Vv so I am please her,
rather than trying to seek pleasure f
you know you've made it in life when you want VulvA.
whenever it seems like a woman is showing off her flower, do offer her attention,
be careful because sometimes women do this
it can be useful to act as if you don't even have a pps and also pretend that tts dont exist either- what would you rather orally fixate on, tts or vvs?
the idea is to make vvs the top priority
sometimes we are fortunate and a woman's labia and or clitoris are naturally larger and can be seen through her pants.
rather than focus on men's penis or women's breasts, or other people's sexual or romantic relations, this is a cultural shift, an orientation towards a woman's flower.
we must trust in Vv as a source of peace for humanity.
women are also supposed to help protect VulvaV - that is Humanities' Lord Goddess and the only reason worth continuing the human species
VulvA is an undiscovered secret, a necessary prerequisite for a more serene life and world peace. something we can all agree upon. even Gay Men can help celebrate and protect women.
For peace on earth we must deify VulvA Flower and Worship her. It is a process to do this successfully. this is done by protecting and celebrating women and making orally gratifying your wife your #1 priority for intimacy, along with massaging her. yes, sexual intercourse is often beneficial, but the vulva should be the principal recipient of attention and compliments.
obviously, it's inappropriate to compliment a woman about her vulva. instead, choose to observe women when they wear clothing intended to feature the vv, such as yoga pants or bikini.
What is VulvA?
VulvA is a display of happy Clitoris and Labia Majora and Minora, similar to flowers.
a meaningful rediscovery of a woman's Body
men need to have self intimacy masturbation activation daily, and can surely use
when a man masturbates to orgasm at least daily,
he will have post nut clarity.
post nut clarity allows a man to focus more on the VulvA and not trying to get off.
that will allow a man to
this all makes it about
and yes, the "no fapper " energy retention has a point but I think that should only be used for a few days to really work hard on a project, but generally, you want to be in complete control of your 2nd chakra orgasm energy. or else, you will be controlled by your desires or easily seduced by women or even just looking at women's bodies.
Men: think about post-nut clarity. It's about not wanting a woman for getting an orgasm, but rather, wanting her for her VV.
It’s amazing when it gets aroused because it blooms into a larger flower and can consume the spirit of the onlooker and husband or wife offering oral pleasure.
It is the best source of peace on earth because it is transcendental to other aspects of life such as the competitive or dominative primal energies associated with mate selection intercourse and child rearing.
It is something different. It’s not about comparing bodies because all women have similar VulvAs and they are all impressive and fun to look and lick, as long as the woman is healthy and hygienic.
Some hetero men and homo women may prefer a certain skin color and type of Vulva and they can be conscious of this choice during selecting a Spouse.
This is not to discount homo men, who don’t have interest in Vulva, but they can still offer a supporting role in the celebration and protection of women.
Also, it’s not only about men protecting and celebrating, women should be doing that also for themselves.
If the “emancipation of women” is to truly be successful, in will require women to take more responsibility of protecting themselves and keeping themselves pure for their future husband or wife.
Men have to keep themselves pure of body and spirit as well in order to create a loving sustainable happy society, consisting of married couples who seek no premarital intimacy.
Although there is interest in other aspects of sexuality, such as mens pps or womens tts, men’s pps should not be the main focus of the marriage because it’s masculine to direct sexual attention and compliments towards the woman and her VulvA, and it’s feminine to receive compliments and sexual attention. larger sexual features such as mens pps can be a physiological burden and can take away from focusing on the vv experience. larger womens buttock or breasts are equally a problem because a woman needs to have a fit "tight " body because the excess fat is carcinogenic and disgusting. even though it may look attractive, if you saw an xray you would be offended.
Instead of focusing and worrying about things like pps and tts size, humans should focus on Vvs VulvA, because it is similar to a flower.
It is really important to do this because it will ensure peace on earth.
Peace begins with healthy functional marriages. Marriage is designed for children.
The most successful marriages involve two virgins.
Virginity is the most attractive because it involves no prior attachments and it is loving.
Some men have forgotten that a virgin woman is more attractive because she has not
It’s the difference between a man and the first thing he wants to do is give oral sex to the woman vs the man and the first thing he wants is for the woman to provide him oral sex. Two different schools of thought.
I think tts are more for babies to suck on, and VulvA is for adults to suck on.
There is the VulvA, appearing so natural and awaiting an oral sex experience.
You will be more selective about a spouse when you look at her and think about whether you would want to perform oral on her
- You may like other aspects about her,
- But to want to do oral,
- You need to like her skin, hygiene, purity, diet, value system.
There is a featured model on “xvideos.com” named “Cristina slut” and she is the best example of a woman truly showing off her amazing Pussy via “Gaping her Vulva” or pumped pussy swollen VulvA
Here’s to hoping more women feature themselves in this way online, even if they prefer to hide their face or use a disguise for privacy.
the first thing a man should think of when selecting a wife is whether or not he would want to perform oral on her. does he like her skin tone? skin health ? hygiene?
her diet? the way she walks and moves? along with whether her values are aligned. whether she would produce strong healthy children and if she is strong and healthy enough for pregnanacy
many woman have a similar vv, so why not choose one that meets other criterion beyond you finding her vv attractive ?
You need to build up enough testosterone
And work and pride and sense of accomplishments
To want vulva
And it's a DNA activation
You should prioritize and want wife's vulva
More than other life luxuries
such as things like
sports, pets, tech, cars, restaurants vacations etc
Celebrating and Protecting women
Big caution
Any religion or Andrew tate red piller that doesn't celebrate vv
let's take a careful look at youtube searching key figures in the " 'alpha' male red pill " ideology
- " if you use the youtube query " does andrew tate/ fresh& fit or john zherka eat pussy , you will discovery that they do not, thus, they have failed as men to celebrate love and compliment one wife and her vv.
andrew tate/ fresh & fit / John Zherka / other "promiscuous predatory red-piller "alpha" males does not "eat pussy " prefers to get dick sucked.
I would rather suck my wifes Vv so I am please her,
rather than trying to seek pleasure via vaginal intercourse
the reason they do not want a wife or only one wife and see women and a baby producing machine is because they subconsciously resent the fact that they label women an authority figure and boys do much better statistically when they are raised by men. so these men may say they "love "their mother/aunt / grandmother but then they objectify women. this is because at a subconscious level, they feel objectified by women. instead they should not label anyone their "role of authority" above themselves, neither father nor mother.
and although "alpha" men with favorable genetics and financial stability could possibly have children with multiple women,
I don't see why they would.
one woman can have numerous children, and also, I think it helps to have c-sections to minimize pain, and not overwhelm the vagina.
but the fundamental issue here is that one woman and her correspondingly vulva should be more than attractive and sufficient for even the best of men out there.
and men prefer virgins, so they should promote a culture of protecting women,
because even alpha men these days find it hard to locate a virgin.
this is because the alpha men are promiscous with all the women (20% of men with %80 of women) but none of these women are virgins so even the alphas do not benefit.
their idea is treat women like whores until they are ready for marriage and when it's time for marriage, find a virgin.
I posit that many men think like this, at least at a subconscious level.
if a man truly loved and respected a woman, he would not want premarital intimacy with her.
he would marry her, and only then, have sex to connect and procreate.
all this premarital intimacy is unloving, unsustainable, not oriented around family children and future.
even if you don't intend on having children, you should still marry someone with the same values who would imbue those same values into children .
also, to control your life, you need to activate your lower 3 chakras in order to be in the heart chakra.
1st chakra. meet your basic needs. nothing is free and you'll feel better when you do this. if you are a woman, try to stay at your father's home and help with chores and do whatever work you can under his supervision and protection.
2nd chakra. meet your sexual desires. do not expect others to do this for you.
use it or loose it
it's sex with self - can be highly enjoyable and make it easy to wait for the right person.
men use toys such as the personal stroker
from the brand doc johnson "the main squeeze"
toys and women, dildos. women should not be reliant upon a man to enjoy their body.
3rd chakra: self empowering creative artisitic activities such as dance, also, exercise , self-journaling, setting healthy boundaries, saying NO to people and things and places that do not align with your goal of having a joyful marriage.
every day, write a letter to your future spouse, include pictures of day's events, and how you are moving closer to them. wear a wedding band affirming this commitment to yourself, your values and your future spouse.
you know you've made it in life when you want VulvA.
whenever it seems like a woman is showing off her flower, do offer her attention,
be careful because sometimes women do this
it can be useful to act as if you don't even have a pps and also pretend that tts dont exist either- what would you rather orally fixate on, tts or vvs?
the idea is to make vvs the top priority
sometimes we are fortunate and a woman's labia and or clitoris are naturally larger and can be seen through her pants.
rather than focus on men's penis or women's breasts, or other people's sexual or romantic relations, this is a cultural shift, an orientation towards a woman's flower.
we must trust in Vv as a source of peace for humanity.
WHY Avoiding Premarital Intimacy
1. Premarital intimacy is both physical and verbal romantic or sexual interactions. This may be intentional or unconscious interactions from Subject A to B and/or Subject B to A.
2. People only seduce someone for Premarital Intimacy (Hereinafter PI) if they do not respect them. For example, a prostitutional exchange involves people seducing each other with money and their body- something you would not do to someone you respected. Any intimate connection prior to marriage is prostitution, even if both Subjects are well intended.
3. PI is lustful and unloving. Love is about mutual commitment to commonly held values. When building a life together and imbuing your values into future generations is not the foundation of your relationship, it is prostitutional and unsustainable.
4. When avoiding PI you avoid being in the lust and seduction energetic frequency. You can stay in the self-love frequency.
5. Saying No to PI is saying yes to the culture of respecting everyone’s future spouses, your fellow man or your fellow woman and yourself and even your future spouse. Not seducing another man’s wife
6. Promotes Virginity- Most men would agree that a virgin woman is more attractive, and even “Alpha Men” would agree, but in order for all the wives to be virgins, all the men have to be virgin as well.
7. It is a healthy and hygienic practice and eliminates STD’s
8. It is more honest and authentic – less about fake half heart weak roles like bf/gf, partner Significant other or lover- these are all not the real thing, not love in it’s most powerful form.
9. Avoiding intimacy before marriage makes you want to be strong mentally and physically for your spouse, and it takes time to do this
10. it seems that between age 25-33 is the best age range to get married, because you have discovered your values and boundaries.
11. And acting upon your desires when you hit puberty will result in immature people neglecting personal growth and therefore passing on the unresolved conflicts they developed in childhood directly to their children, so the negative cycle continues. It’s starting a family prematurely and traps you into wage slave.
12. Avoiding PI can completely eliminate heartache from breakups, shame humiliation self hatred, hatred of others, development of misogyny or misandry.
13. Avoiding PI= less distractions from building your self and finances for a future family. Other people and their bodies and intimate relations can interfere with and delay your family experience.
14. Because female purity or virginity is the most valuable thing a woman can offer a man biologically- even though her best offer is to commit to and accept a man’s offer of marriage.
15. However, since a woman cannot propose marriage, the most only thing she can and should control is not allowing the man access to her body until she is married.
16. No attachments and unwanted memories of previous intimate interactions. Clear slate for a full life of love with your spouse.
17. Avoiding PI until marriage makes sure you don’t tease yourself with flings here and there- but rather get married and have reliable love based intimacy where a person wants to please you because they love you and your values, not because they only want pleasure.
18. Avoiding PI is statistically shown to result in higher marriage success rates
19. It’s stabilizing for society – stable marriage, families, children’s wellbeing and so on.
20. It creates interfamily trust because if people are marrying people in their same age range around 25-35yrs old and not divorcing, then there no old guys trying to marry younger women and so the old guys are not trying to take their son’s potential wives, and the older women aren’t trying to lower their daughter’s value so they are not competing with their daughters for older men.
21. It creates intergenerational and intersex trust because men are not trying to seduce other men’s daughters or sisters
22. Avoiding PI is an essential core value that if people are confirmed to practice it, help to distinguish the good from the bad guys. That is why people can often trust more orthodox religious people because those people are more likely to avoid PI.
23. Eliminates the confusion of people having multiple partners and not knowing who to trust. Even alpha males should stop sharing mates with other alpha males because it is unhygienic and unloving.
24. When people avoid PI, it gives a reason to want to save our species because the 95% of sane men can now better trust each other and can impose justice upon the problematic 5%. When the 95% is divided, they cannot defeat the 5%.
HOW Avoiding Premarital Intimacy
1. Need to begin thinking of self as worthy of a spouse and true love- and that you are marriage material
2. Then, start preparing for it. The reason most marriages fail is because people aren’t scientific about- they don’t study and prepare and learn from others mistakes and they don’t study themselves or a potential spouse in a logical platonic non-emotional way
3. When you see people you are attracted to, instead of wanting to seduce them, want to
5. Wear a wedding band, indicative of your commitment to not only your future spouse, but yourself and your values and dreams.
6. Chant positive affirmations out loud, as spiritual protection and programming your mind, not letting others program you. For instance, say “ I am only sustaining the Love frequency, I do not give any space to lust fear and greedy seduction”
7. Make sure you have guardians, especially as a woman, people to protect you and advice you and be someone to talk to when you feel angry and lustful and don’t care about anything. It is best to refer to these guardians on a first name basis, because you don’t want to label anyone else a higher authority than you, because you should be your own primary guardian, especially as a man. But do have people you can check in with who you share the same values as you. In a perfect world, many of these guardians are also biological legal relatives, but sharing values is more meaningful than biological or legal relation.
8. Recognize that as a young person, people older or wiser than you can seduce and manipulate you even if you aren’t attracted to them and even if you think you can outsmart them.
9. For example, the reason people try to offer “free” food, transportation or invites to lounge at their house or attend their invitation is because they want to get you in a place where you feel psychologically submissive and obligated to them and it’s harder to take a stance and say no.
10. Daily every day self-intimacy, inclusive of toy use, both for men and women, makes it easy to control your desires and not be seduced and charmed by anyone.
11. Men, recommended use of the docjohnson main squeeze with coconut oil- that is the most reaslitic, and women should use toys that make it so they are not hopelessly reliant upon a man to know and enjoy their own body functions. unless it seems like having sex with oneself, people will want to prematurely rush into marriage. Only by managing these desires can we return to the loving creative clarity of a child unencumbered by desire. This is the easiest way to play a balancing game, and not seek unhealthy sensory gratification such as caffeine sugar or worse. Use it or loose it.
12. Avoiding PI allows for time to discovery oneself and be highly selective about choose a person matched up to your values and lifestyle rather than only choosing someone because of a physical attraction.
13. As a hetero man, one technique of being more selective which makes easier to avoid Premarital Intimacy is thinking of a woman in terms of looking at her and thinking whether you would want to give her oral sex. This is different from wanting an orgasm via intercourse and it’s also not about thinking about your pps and speculating on the size of her inner vvs and trying to dominate her, nor her breasts , which small breasts are recommended because breasts are for babies, and vvs is for men.
14. So really think about her skin tone and health and hygiene and diet and whether you think you would enjoy giving her oral sex, because that is a more serene and defining act than animalist intercourse or anything else. It is a masculine way of most genuine worship of her. As a man, you should not hope for compliments from a woman or trying to be the focal point of sexual attention, because that is the privilege of the feminine woman and her vvs flower rightfully deserves praise and celebration.
15. Healthy gender separation, which has been shown by orthodox religions to maintain a respectful space between the genders, and not pretend like there are no such thing as sexual desires and that people, particularly younger people should keep space between, such as with gender separate schooling, where the teachers are the same gender as the students.
16. It might be said that it is hard to implement all of the aforementioned and below actions but steps can and should be taken to make the world more peaceful.
17. Next, people can start converations about it with questions, instead of saying “it’s wrong to have sex before marriage, ask people things like do you think it’s loving or a sustainable way to approach relationships,
18. ask if people like marriage ask people what they think is the most efficient path to marriage.
19. Send a loving daily email update to your future spouse. Include details like you are saving x amount and did x work for them today , send a pic of the day, also mention plans you have with them – example “I can’t wait to do this hobby with you” or “ this fun vacation”
20. It is important to not hope or wish someone will like you, but rather, know exactly what your future spouse’s key values are and that that IS who they and you are not single and looking or hoping someone will like those values- they already do, or maybe they have at least some and then you can tell them to look at your social media to consider more-
21. In fact, that is the way to avoid Premarital Intimacy- it’s by having a protocol for approaching a potential future spouse
22. First, it should be clear to both of you that you are both ready for marriage- emotionally and financially- that one is looking for a husband, and the other looking for a wife
23. Second, the woman should display non-verbal cues of her interest, such as looking at the man or posing for him.
24. Third, the man should approach her and ask if she is looking for a husband.
25. If she say no, he can say good luck, if she says yes, he can say that he has some interest in her but would like her to look at his social media and gives her a business card an suggest to her that if she likes me, that she should email me.
26. During email, some discussion can lead to sharing of personal details, including sexual and financial aspects of life- a platonic and private assessment but this should be done efficiently, say within 1 week, because when you are talking with someone, it means you are not potentially available for someone else who may be more compatible.
27. Wear a small keychain doll representative of your future spouse so they are with you at all times. Show people this doll, and your wedding ring. Do not hide your love for yourself and your future wife. you will energetically chase away the bad people. This is with the power of words.
28. Write a list of likes and dislikes- absolutes and absolutely nots- example: no cigarettes example; they must like a certain music , they must be a certain height and health
29. Study history and statistics – proof of mistake to be avoided
30. Have your future planned out to an extent- certain monthly and annual goals and activities, this is creating a plan and schedule, thus making it easier to say NO to the wrong person.
this website will be further edited.
for more philosophy and insights in self-empowerment, marriage, avoiding manipulators protecting children and other ideas,
At Shield Heart, Life Partner Spousal Pair Bonding is considered the highest expression of Love.
From Experience Observation and Research, we are crafting
the most efficient process to prepare for and sustain a Strong Marriage. If you have the same goal, join us and share your ideas.
Let's build Great Marriages which will lead to stable families, communities and a Peaceful World!
“ Harness God “
1. Repeat “ I am god, the energy that animates all life, from one incarnation and planet, to the next.
2. Practice self intimacy for self-control to help avoid any verbal or physical unloving premarital intimacy.
3. Use toys such as the doc johnson main squeeze with coconut oil
4. Celebrate and protect women more than hobbies such as cars or pets
5. Find serenity via your wife’s vvs via oral, more important than wanting to dominate during interx. compliment her VVs size and qualities.
6. Visualize people you are upset at smiling and imagine beaming and shining brilliant light at them. Fly over people and places like an angel and imagine them smiling, do this for influential people, who need protection from demonic forces.
Key Term: VVS Flower : a woman's Vagina Vulva and celebrating it, because it's humanities' flower. once a man manages his own orgasms, via masturbation, he can think more clearly and does not crave vaginal intercourse for orgasm, so he can focus more on her Flower, in a sacred and peaceful way- with Oral Sex.
even if I never get to be near wife Vvs,
the daily path alone to her is worthwhile
people think the Vvs looks less attractive if the Clitoris or Labia Minor are Larger but I think it is even more inspiring to Provide Oral Sex to.
also, when a woman's vagina is loose or open, perhaps due to childbirth or age, I think it is even more attractive.
so when you look at a woman, do not get distracted by anything else except if you would want to give her oral sex.
it is distracting to think of a woman in other terms.
so for example, you may be aroused by her breast sacks, but I personally think that breasts are for babies and interfere with the Vvs interactive experience.
I do not like anything that interferes with the Vvs experience.
for instance, I would rather look at a nude woman displaying her Vvs flower for 1 hour rather than watch excess sports etc
I think it's important for men to place their future wife's Vvs at the forefront, more than other hobbies, such as car enthusiasm
married men should help inspire other men by having their wife display her Vvs.
you can determine sexual compatibility without sex.
the way is to masturbate and use toys, especially women use dildos, and pornography as a reference
masturbation is how you determine what you like, and the frequency/duration you want sexual activity.
most sex organs are sexually compatible
talk about sexual ideals without acting them out.
how much sex do you need to have before determining what you want?
people's fetish or kink are anomalies
do you want a woman who would gladly have sex before marriage
what would the first time look like? would there be any substances involved?
sex is a strong and addcitive emotion, so why treat it casually?
do you think that when you have sex that it will change your brain chemistry and make it more difficult to make a clear decision? post nut clarity
what are the benefits of premarital intimacy?
during these marriage and sex debates, who mentions Love? or Vulva?
1. pussy is most important, be suspicious of any person or book that does not express this
2. a virgin woman is the most attractive, but she should use dildos to know herself too.
3. orthodox religions divorce rates are much lower than others.
4. you should be married to yourself and have sex with yourself
what is your best advice for avoiding premarital sex ?
child abuse leads to increased sexual partners - so the more you have, the more unresolved emotional damage you have.
so the opposite is that if you have a healed mind and love yourself, you
don't ever act like a woman's husband such as give her food, sex or money,
if you are not actively trying to find a spouse, then how do you expect to randomly find them?
women, what do you think a masculine man would want? a virgin?
1. DM DreamMate: A person who you would like to be (or continue to be) your Equal Life Partner, who you want to go through the difficulties of life with, and commit your monies and time to fulfilling dreams together.
2. The Potential DM: If you have decided that you are ready for a DM Life Union, to pursue your Dreams together with, a “dating profile” of both yourself, and a ‘ Theoretical profile ‘ of a ‘ potential DM’. That way, you can be crystal clear on what qualities you will likely want in them. Include interests, personality, and physical features you would like, and always think of this profile to keep you on track. Include ‘musts’ and ‘ must nots’
Rather than pursue any form of intimacy together, including ‘romantic dates’ which I think should be reserved for married DM’s, I think it is most efficient to exchange emails, eventually featuring nude pictures or masturbatory videos of one yourself and the potential DM. This is all objective and scientific. Don’t want people to pretend to like you. Want people to want what they want, even if it is not you.
3. The Non-DM: Instead of vague terms like boyfriend, partner, lover, spouse, A non-DreamMate is someone that you may mistakenly think is a potential DM, when in fact, you do not share enough in common with, and would detract from the process of preparing for and being with your DM. Just like people study for years to become a Doctor, you will need uninterrupted time to prepare.
4. DT DreamTeam: People who are your Spiritual Family are people that you relate to based upon values and willingness to commit to each other for life. They are equals to you, people who would perpetuate your shared values, so they are a worth substitute for you in the event that they
it's unhealthy to associate with people you don't care about. don't associate personally with people you don't care about, even if they have fancy things and fun activities. it is immature to want to ' play ' with something because of what they have. it should be instead because of who they are.
it is also unfair to them, because it is fake and makes them have fakeness in their life and may make them not trust people
people should behave professionally. just because you like how a person acts professionally does not mean you will like the way they conduct themselves in their personal life.
just like if someone is mean to you or makes fun of the efforts you are doing to improve the world- do it for their future incarnation of their soul. do not let people interfere with your work.
5. Chakra Activation: activating a chakra
It is optimal to activate the 1st 2nd and 3rd chakras by yourself, and not depend on or hope for others to do this. If you allow others to activate your chakras, it gives them power over you.
6. 1stchakra: The chakra activated by having your basic needs met. Sometimes is it unclear how much money it would take to do this, because people do have preferences as to what shelter or transportation or foods they prefer, but it is good to be adaptive and know what your minimum amount you might need is. The less you need, the more patient you can be and opportunities you will have. As possible, Do not go in public hungry, or needing something, because it leaves room to be manipulated by someone offering you food transport shelter money etc.
7. 2ndchakra: this chakra is activated via sexual orgasms. Clearly, this can and should be done alone, so as to exercise control over your lusts and also, of your body, to resist other people’s seductions. This chakra needs to be activated daily and is even more important than exercise, in my view.
8. 3rdchakra: The third chakra is about feeling in control of your emotions. You can either hope others will activate your 3rd chakra by complementing you, apologizing or forgiving you, looking at you, or celebrating you, but these are all actions that can be done by the self. With Self-Affirmations, Exercise, Creative activities, being your number one fan, (liking your own content, actions, social media posts about your personal and professional life, Listening to yourself , writing down your ideas, and most importantly, Breathing, you can activate this chakra independent of others. It is about managing your emotions and never letting others influence your emotions, which would allow them to control you since you were acting emotionally, not thinking rationally.
9. 4thchakra: This is the optimal chakra to be in, at least towards the end of the day, when all your other chakras are activated, your work is done, and now you have free time and disposable income to dedicate to playtime and unconditional agape acts of global improvement. When you are in this chakra, it is possible to be vulnerable. Sometimes, it is necessary to revert to the 1st chakra, to ensure your own security is being met. Try not to depend upon others to alert you to dangers, and protect you, but rather, responsibly have ways to safeguard yourself.
10. Most Valuable Actions: Question the most efficient ways to do things. Is waving a sign the most valuable way to get clients? Is getting clients even what you want the most? Is having a fancy car or other possession the best way to gain attention or improve your reputation? Or is being kind and dressing colorfully and dancing ? It is useful to follow societal norms ? what exactly do you need, is it money or time or assistance ?
Question what the best thing you can do professionally or charitably to improve the world. What is needed and where.
What do you most need in your personal life? Can you do it yourself or is it more efficient to earn money and higher someone else to do it?
Sometimes, the mind is influenced by social conditioning or cultural norms to get a certain job, that certain jobs are more valuable and more worthy of compensation. Question this. Question what you should expend your money on.
learn to organize your life and money and the people you allow to participate in it.
11. Prostitute Paradox : A prostitute and their client use body & money to seduce each other. if either respected the other, they would not do this exchange.
Many People seduce people with their body money or words. People seduce people they don’t care about. Realize that if you are trying to seduce someone to be sexual with you, it is because you do not care about them, their dreams, nor their corresponding DM DreamMate. You are also not caring yourself and your DM, because you are wasting time energy and money (your soul) on someone who is your ‘Non-DM’
12. Cigarette Clause : If you are being distracted (irresponsibly allowing yourself to be distracted) by ‘Non-DM’s’ , then try to notice ‘ turn offs’ about them that clarify your judgement. Observe Such things as smoking cigarettes, uncleanliness of mind body and spirit due to premarital intimacy, and other habits and lifestyle pursuits you find offensive.
13. V-stablished : A clothing brand intent upon humorous celebration of the creature: woman. Having jokes such as fat written upon the clothing on each buttock and each breast , or biological being written, or also uplifting affirmations, such as sacred womb, or attractive beast. A point should be made that I think only married women should dress suggestively, and have long hair. That only married women should feature their nude bodies at strip clubs. The clubs should have women behind a one way mirror glass, to separate them from onlookers- so that she cannot see them and can just focus on making flirtatious poses.
This article is about why to avoid premarital intimacy and also how.
The audience for this article is hetero masculine men and hetero feminine women , because most people fall under these two categories although these ideas can surely be applied to alternative lifestyle in the name of a strong and loving marriage between any two persons.
Premarital Intimacy:
physical and verbal interactions that connect people romantically or sexually. Even hand holding or even going on a date or talking about personal matters
Both a Legal and Public commitment, with wedding rings being worn, social media status changed to married, and women taking the man’s last name (not hyphening their names together)
- It is the opposite of bf/gf, secret lovers, partner, because those terms are not a lifetime commitment.
- People say they love each other, but only with a legal and public commitment can you prove your love and it makes you very selective about with whom you would make this commitment with.
Love: a commitment to mutually held core values and interests.
If you love yourself, it means you structure your life around your values and what you want to do. It means creating a schedule and boundaries.
You must love someone’s values, you cannot love their body or aptitudes alone.
1. One common theme among religions and principled men is to avoid premarital intimacy hereinafter “PM”. People trust these men to not seduce others for PM.
2. Reasons people avoid PM include punishment now and in the afterlife, but also for reasons of wanting to avoid attachments and unwanted memories that make you not trust yourself.
3. It could be said that it’s wrong unclean and against religion but let’s use a specific word to describe it. PM is “unloving”
4. The reason people want PM is because they are hedonistic pleasure seekers who treat sex and romance like a drug. The problem with drugs is that it’s trying to get a reward without doing anything. Just the same, Intimacy before Marriage is like wanting the reward without doing the work to be marriage material”.
5. People will claim to love someone yet they are not officially married, and they might not even want to raise a child with the person or go through times of poverty or illness with them
6. Not preparing and studying the mistakes of others will make it look like people don’t know what they are doing, and may not be Marriage Material
7. People say they don’t want marriage because they might think of it as antiquated, misogynistic or unfair legal governmental involvement or imposed societal or familial pressures. These issues are addressed below.
8. Marriage in the past was not prepared for and was necessary for survival and so marriages failed or were not based upon love, but in the abundant future we can learn and approach it with a scientific method and use the logic of how love is defined, to experience sustainable love
9. Most people are hetero and masculine men and feminine women, at least they would like to be, so Marriage is not misogynistic because it supports celebrates and protects women.
10. The legal financial binding is useful in that it make you even more careful as to who you marry.
11. Societal pressures can promote PM so be aware of this and create a healthy space between you and the opposite gender. Also, you shouldn’t get married prior to knowing yourself. It seems like it takes till the ages of 25-30 to fully develop your sense of what you want in life.
12. Familial pressures can be avoided by clarifying the roles that people play in your life. When you label someone a parent uncle or other hierarchical role, you are programming your subconscious mind to follow them. Instead, if you still want these biological relatives in your life, consider labeling them as the stronger loving roles of brother and sister, similar to how is expressed in certain religions. The decision as to whom you marry needs to be your own. However, when you are younger than 30 years old, you may need people to play the role of guardian, especially women, in order to avoid PM.
13. The reason women are more vulnerable is because they naturally use emotion and hormonal influence more than logic. That’s why women can get seduced easily.
Women’s Dark Psychology:
- they think that by having sex with a man they can seduce the man into marrying her, but that’s like a man giving a woman his resources but she is not his commited wife.
want a masculine man, but are unwilling to take his last name and follow him and allow him to be masculine
- They put on makeup and also modify their body and take birth control that changes their body and thoughts- no man would ever do these things.
- Because women want men’s attention and resources and that’s a good thing, if the man is giving resources to his wife.
14. Women will also seek out “ effeminate pretty boys because the women are not thinking that they would prefer to have a provider man and because birth control makes women want feminine men.
15. Women also seek out unloving bad boys because they want a man who is not desparate and who they can control with their body. Women shit test men to make sure the man is strong in general and an example of being strong is not following her because he wants her body, but rather, following his goals and if she doesn’t want to follow him, he will find another woman. That is why men and women need to prepare for marriage and decide
16. Women should realize that the way to keep a man is to follow and do what he does. It’s not by unlovingly seducing him. That is the prostitute paradox- that people seduce each other, only if they don’t care about each other.
18. Another aspect to consider is “post nut clarity” as it’s colloquially stated. If practiced daily, it allows men to have control over their desires, and not pursue PM.
19. Society has forced women to act like masculine men and be logical, but women are more emotionally skilled and capable of doing things like raising youth and homemaking skills that make it so they don’t have to deal with the difficult world, and I think women deserve this protection and provision if they want it.
20. However unless women cling to their fathers and seek guardianship, it is hard for women to maintain their purity and femininity.
21. Men can start focusing more on women’s vulva, and not on their own genitals and how to dominate women with intercourse or focusing on the fatty tissue in their breasts or ass.
22. This will help men focus on a healthier woman, who has a long lifespan potential, healthy skin, and is fit. All this makes her vulva more attractive.
23. Every woman has a similar vulva so you might as well choose a woman who you are spiritually aligned with.
24. When you make giving oral sex to your wife the most important aspect of your intimacy, you will find peace because it transcends the focus on men genitals and makes it about your wife. it goes beyond the biological aspect of intercourse and about the expectations of the man to dominate the woman that are more animalistic and not refined love.
25. Some would argue that we should adapt to modern women and try to be alpha and rich to get women- but that would mean sharing lots of women with other “alpha” men, so it’s still unloving and unhygienic and cowardly, because if these top men were smart, they would set a good example and marry and commit to one woman and other men could have their own respective virgin wives as well. Because that’s what most men truly want if they were being honest- a virgin, but for there to be virgin women for most men, most men need to be virgin themselves, and avoid PM.
As men, we should know it’s necessary to study and know what you want in a marriage and how to sustain it by having your finances and life goals together, and that means being marriage material, ready for marriage.
Then, instead of hoping a woman will like you, inviting a woman into that life only if she has the same values.
The way to determine this is a 3 step process:
1. Notice women around you, and look for one that shares non-verbal interest cues with you. Ask her if marriage is important to her and if she is looking for a husband. There are many things you could also say, but if you are seriously ready, you will feel strong and confident and not waste time. When you know and love yourself, it is the same as being rich. You feel rich and in the frequency of love. If you are generating the frequency of love, you will not want to unlovingly seduce a woman. In fact, you would only seduce someone you did not respect, and who you did not want to commit to.
2. If she says yes she is looking for a husband, tell her that if she wants to know more about you, that you can give her your business card or name to search on social media, that way you do not have to explain who you are to every woman you are interested in.
Ask her to follow up with you if she is interested.
Even if she does not like you, encourage her to find a husband that will work together well with her. Even when you look at women you are attracted to, want the best for them and for them to get a husband.
3. If she messages you with interest, Instead of “dating”, plan to have PLATONIC dialogue via email, where you can discuss personal aspects of life such as how you wish to spend spare time and money, and your unique sexuality and finances as well. Verbal or physical intimacy is not necessary. This is not about convincing someone to like you. It’s about being honest about what your mind and body is and making a logical comparison to determine compatibility. Removing emotion and using a scientific method.
1. Personal Protection:
a) People should avoid going where they feel they may need personal protection, weapons, security etc
b) If necessary, go to this place but have at least one of your group looking around for danger
c) Assume everyone is angry and may have a weapon until you don’t think they do
d) And even when it seems safe, assume people may be pretending to be nice-
e) Abide by laws of the jungle- assume danger, dont act too playful, give people space
f) Always carry $200 or so cash to use in emergencies, perhaps to offer as diplomacy
g) Use 4 ft walking stick as defense , along with pepper spray. Study self defense, use flight when possible and do not expect weapons to work
h) When there is conflict, seek and give space
i) Avoid showing beauty or wealth in public settings.
2. Anti Manipulation:
a) When you can afford to, never accept anything free, esp transportation or going to someone’s house because it is hard to say no when you are in someone’s realm.
b) Especially do not sit or lie down in a place someone has control, because it is hard to think if not standing
c) Consider that everyone including yourself has needs sexual desires and emotional wants.
d) If you meet these three essentials on your own, via working, daily self-intimacy, and exercising, doing creative activities, self-help practices, you will not unconsciously or consciously want others to meet your essentials.
e) Other people will want to take your money, body or time, so decide how you want to have a fair interaction with them, and save your body for your spouse, and live for your spouse. It will make it easier to say no to people, even if it is hard to say no.
Marriages are failing and many people are not even trying to get married. The root problem is people do not know how to prepare for a strong marriage. When you are prepared and love yourself you will make better decisions about spouse selection. WHEN YOURE in love with yourself, you dont just engage with random people. you stay in the vibration of love not lust or seduction
I have created a process to achieve self-love and prepare for marriage. It involves a daily action plan consisting of actions to do every single day- or at least 5 days a week. It includes meeting your own basic needs, sexual desires, and emotional wants, by yourself.
In order to make authentic decisions from the heart, you cannot be unconsciously trying to meet your needs desires and wants, which your body will do unless you manage them.
For example, if you have not had an orgasm with masturbation, your decisions will be influenced by wanting to get an orgasm with someone’s help. Your sexual desires will affect all your decisions and other people can manipulate you because you either want sex from them or your desires are controlling you.
The same goes for if you are not meeting your needs or wants. If you are hungry, your decisions will be affected by that, such as if someone offers you food that is not on your diet or someone offers you “free food” in order to manipulate you in some way, you're more prone to accept it because you have not been responsible with managing your own basic needs. If you are responsible and always consciously take care of your food needs, you can think more clearly.
The same goes with needs for shelter, transport and more.
If you have not met your emotional wants, what happens is you can make poor decisions like mistakenly trusting someone who is complimenting you because you want that emotional boost and being nice to you but they have ulterior motives. When we do things like exercising, creative activities, play, entertain/ be entertained, religious or spiritual solo rituals, self-help and affirmations, we will be meet our emotional wants.
When the Needs, Desires and Wants are met, we can make decisions truest to ourselves, from the heart space. Throughout the day, we need to be conscious if we need to meet our needs desires or wants. For instance, even if we are being authentic and positive in the heart space, we may need to quickly move to our “Needs Mode” if someone is a threat out there or we are hungry.
The more you make decisions from the heart, the decisions accumulate and create a life that feels like yours- filled with self-respect, self-control and self-love. This is what is meant by you can only love someone once you truly love yourself.
This puts you in control of your body, not feel like you need anyone else. That allows you to make decisions about spouse selection from the heart, not because you need desire or want something from them, like just because of physical attraction, which is only a transactional relationship.
This process of self-love is going to make you really feel that you are not alone. I expect that when people begin using this, it will lead to a high 95% marriage success rate!
The world will be a trusting and more peaceful because of this.
I have many more ideas on preparing for and efficiently choosing a spouse on my website.
Sometimes, however, when we do not feel like loving ourselves and meeting our needs, desires and wants, we need some inspiration, something to live for. This is why I have created the following daily task, to remind us of why we should be disciplined, because we have someone to live for! spouse!
The following action is a constant necessary reminder of who that person is.
Send a daily email update to your future spouse to show how you are getting closer to them.
A sample of one of my Emails to my future spouse looks like this:
Hi! This is your Future Husband, John Remis!
I made progress towards you today, Ms. Remis…
Today, I have edited the written form of the written part of the application for my upcoming TEDx talk.
I have met my sexual desires today so that I am not trying to get these out of anyone else, besides me or you!
I proudly wear my purity ring, and tell people I am married to you and committed to our shared values.
I have saved up X amount of money for our security.
Living for You, Loving life, Your favorite person, John Remis!
If you do this every day, it will reorient and completely change your life.
And that is only one of my action steps.
For more, please visit my website.
3. Peace of Mind
1. Peace is how much you feel in control of your life.
2. How in control you are is how much you act like your own final authority.
3. Just like in the past how some men would rather die than call someone their king, who are you labeling a higher authority above you?
Try using biological relatives’ first name to describe them, rather than say father aunt etc because as adults, we can better love each other in an egalitarian ‘spiritual sibling’ relationship- based upon sharing mutual values, not biological similarity on family tree.
What is more important? Biology or Values? I posit that authentic thinking and decisions are not possible unless you are your own authority and meet your needs desires and emotions, so you are not expecting others to manage your life and emotionally uplift you.
Why would you want to be around someone who wants to be your authority? This is a fundamental problem in society. You may think your owe your biological parents, but only they had a moral obligation to you. Don’t let them take away energy that you could use towards your future spouse and family unless they are willing to be egalitarian with you and have a healthy fair exchange with you.
4. Also, are any chemical or dietary behavioral or materialistic addictions affecting how healthy your body is? body is more valuable .
I do 20 min cardio 5 days a week, and 3 of those days, I do weights - find out how to make some regimen a top priority for you.
5. Are you prioritizing your body over possessions?
Willingness to let go of people places or possessions in order to adapt and seek peace.
4. Protecting your Children:
1. Instead of parents, I like to use the terms Guardian- Male or Female Guardian. It is a specific role, that people, until the age of perhaps 25 would benefit from – maybe older esp for women who deserve the extra protection of their family in order to stay pure for their husband
2. It is more difficult to protect your children in this day and age because of coed schooling- but do what you can to encourage gender separate activities and not allow them to talk to the opposite gender – the youth should be preparing for marriage, with education and discipline, not distracting each other with premarital intimacy.
3. Recommendations are that women shave their head, do not wear makeup and reserve wearing sexy clothing until once they are married.
4. Same with men, not showing off their wealth or strength
5. The use of a purity ring can affirm this goal –
6. If your children reject your requests, video record these interactions and take steps to distance yourself from them so that you can use your energy to give to other youth or people who align with your values.
7. As children pass puberty, require them to masturbate so that they “have sex” with themselves first. Encourage toy use and they should be able to manage their desires and not want anyone else to like them and sexually gratify them
8. Label each other (biological father and son you and your children) on a first name basis instead of saying father son ; that way, you are encouraging them to develop self control and self authority , so that they do not “hate” you, but rather, respect you as a person not someone trying to overlord over them.
When they see themselves as their own authority, they will respect themselves and not pursue unhealthy unloving behaviors. and they will be less manipulable because they are not acting out the submissive role of "someone's kid"
The reason children do drugs, premarital sex is a retaliation against the parents that they hate.
They hate their parents because no one likes to label someone else their authority.
9. It’s simple. If they want your guardianship and security, then they will have to trade off by following by your guidelines, like a tenant or employer. in fact, Rasing children should be seen as a job, not you wanting to be friends with them. wishing your children will be friends with you is cowardly
10. Many people make the mistake of saying that they love their children. It is not possible to love someone who is dependent upon you. So only if you train them to be self-reliant, will they be able to choose, as adults, whether they want an egalitarian relationship with you. This connection should be based upon shared values, not feeling forced to continue being committed to each other because you are biologically similar.
11. When a married couple has children, the highlight of the experience of marriage and being parents is not “loving your children and being their friends” the highlight is imbuing your shared values from you and your spouse into your children.
12. why would you send you children out into the world alone and label them children (or kid or informal language like sweetheart honey/ little man / baby boy ? I notice "fathers" want their children to love them more than they want to discipline them. it's like the fathers desperately need childrens love . that means the fathers are not emotionally mature and do not have self love
this will make children act submissive sheep and follow any manipulator.
instead: call them men and women and tell them to listen to themselves.
the problem is if you do not raise them with the right values, you will not want them to listen to themselves.
13. ask yourself- would you trust someone around your daughters (or sons) - be aware that there are many predatory men both homo and hetero
5. Preparing for Marriage:
1. The emotional pleas of don’t have sex until marriage because it is bad and you will go to hell is unconvincing. The people want logic.
Avoiding Premarital intimacy will help you focus all your resources and passion towards your future spouse- someone to live for.
2. Premarital intimacy is unloving, because people only seduce each other if they do not care about each other. Even if no money is involved, it is still prostitution if they are exchanging body for body. If you really loved and respected a person, you would only want to be intimate and close with them once you both agreed to live together for life. you use sex to attach.
3. Once you decide you prefer to wait until marriage, then, you can implement these following tricks to staying on track towards a great marriage.
4. Start by wearing a Purity Ring designed to indicate your commitment to yourself and your future spouse.
5. Next, when people ask, do not tell them you are “ single” tell them you are preparing for a strong marriage.
6. Send your future spouse a daily email update including saying “ lovingly , your name” make it personal and say how you are taking steps to be happy and healthy for them
7. DO NOT hope that someone will like you. Make it explicit what you want in a person on a list.
tell yourself and others: this is who I am this is who my spouse is.
8. Its better to be alone rather than be with someone. You are never alone if you listen to yourself, journal and do the activities you enjoy.
9. Use a list of qualifiers and disqualifiers of who your spouse is, so that you can easily navigate through your life and say no to everyone who is not your spouse.
This is the loving and socially positive way to approach things because it shows how you are trustworthy and will not seduce other people’s sisters and daughters and women they care about.
10. Instead of wanting to seduce random women, Want the best for other women- for them to have a loving husband at some point-
Consider that even if you end up getting married after having sex before marriage, you will both know that you based your meeting off of sex, not off of who you are - first seeing if you had shared values that make it possible to love and commit to each other. so you know that you became attached with sex and thankfully it worked out and you had common values.
repeat: I am worthy of a great marriage, I am marriage material
do you think you are using the most efficient way to locate a spouse? how long will it take you to "vet" someone?
1. Notice women you are attracted to in public, social media or a ‘relationship/marriage’ website
2. Write down your core values, turn ons and turn offs. have them publicly available so you are overtly telling people this is who I am and I am not going to change to submit to you or sell my soul in order to have sex with you.
3. Be selective and honest as possible. This is someone you should want to live alone with your whole life or push around in a wheelchair if needed- and want no one else.
4. The man should always be the conversation initiator because he ultimately is the one responsible for asking her to marry him. The woman’s responsibility (and her guardian’s responsibility) is to avoid verbally or physically intimate until marriage.
5. Since the man is the only one who can propose marriage, the only leverage the woman has is to not go on a date or be sexual until they are married.
Intimacy is what married couples do to reinforce their marriage, so when people are intimate out of wedlock, it shows that they care more about sexual hedonism more than committing to a person in love.
6. People either pursue true love or they pursue loveless lust for someone’s body or money.
7. Once the man receives body language cues from the woman, The man should approach the woman and ask if she would like to look at his social media or website (business card) and email him if she would like to speak further. say marriage is a core value of mine. is marriage important to you?
8. That leaves the choice of the next step up to the woman, so she does not feel pressured to give him her phone number or go on a date-
9. If you meet on social media or a dating website, it is easier because the man and woman can easily compare one another’s profiles for potential compatibility. and analyze each other in a scientific way, and in a safe way, far from each other
10. If she messages you showing interest, insist upon email exchanges and video chat. I think this is the most efficient way to exchange personal and private information to really see if you could successfully move through life together.
11. People think that you need to be sexual in order to decide whether you like each other but if fact you can discuss this as well, show pictures of each other, and be candid about the frequency you’d like sex etc. . It seems unclean to have sexual contact with more than one person. When people masturbate, have principles of love, marriage and not wanting to seduce others, they do not want any half-hearted premarital acts. like bf gf . are you boys and girls or friends.
It is exciting to be able to be "turned off" by someone you are physically attracted to
- Ie if they are a different religion
- Ie if they have a different diet.
- Ie if they have an different sense of humor
- It shows that you don’t want them for sexual gratification, but for real love.
- And this is truly loving yourself, rather than letting your sexual desires control and dictate your partner choices.
- Instead, it’s you who is deciding this.
- Random sexual partner choices is very different than spouse selection
the person you choose for each is very different.
random= dont care about their health or values- just want to use their body for orgasm
spouse selection= want someone healthy for lifetime, shared values, preferably virgin
- Random partner is only physical attraction
- Spouse is about real love and the person, not only their body and money
1. In my opinion, whether we like it or not, we are all pervasive consciousness.
2. There is nothing we can do to change this.
3. Neither good nor bad deeds can affect who we ultimately are.
4. We are the activating force that occurred before everything.
5. When there was nothing, we are the inexplicable magic that was there.
6. We go from one incarnation to the next, one planet to the next - we are life.
1. If you feel worried about others dying or suffering, just do what you can. Instead of feeling sad about it, do what you can in a charity or social action way, and then you know that you have done what you can .
2. If you have a general fear of death- maybe it is because you are participating in “non-vegan” activities, involving murder and torture of animals.
3. Or maybe even you are vegan but you have pets- I think that is captivity as well- and medically stopping their sex drives- well you wouldn’t want them to have their testes because if they did they might attack
4. Plus, as humans, why divert any attention towards pets – because we need each other as humans. We need more massages, which should come from the same gender person, so it’s platonic
1. Envy is a disapproval of a person misusing their body or money. so if an attractive rich person is properly using their body and money, then they should be celebrated, not envied. .
2. When you think envy, you likely think of other’s bodies and riches and better quality of life.
3. But that is us -humanity- and don’t you want people to do well?
4. And plus, if you really thought about it, you would not want to experience riches or a great marriage until you do the work to create it. You would not want money or your wife now, because then it would mean you did not create it yourself.
5. You would not want to do anything else rather than work towards your goals, rather than have them immediately given to you, because then they would not feel like yours.
6. Because life is about deriving meaning.
1. Another aspect of envy is thinking you need to be more physically attractive than you are.
2. Who would you need to do this for? You should only want to be attractive for your future wife, if you really think about it.
3. It may be nice to be attractive to others, and be healthy and your best put together well dressed self, but only when you focus on you and your future wife will you find peace, transcend the physical.
4. As a hetero man, your main goal in life should be to protect your wife, and celebrate her flower.
5. It’s advantageous to not focus on sexual intercourse except during actual sex or masturbation. Otherwise,
6. Not focusing on others other’s sexual practices and relationships because it is an invasion of their privacy. Treat others like you want to be treated.
7. You should only want to be a virgin and have sex with virgin because then you will not be thinking about other experiences you have had, because that makes it less about you and your wife.
8. The human mind prefers physically larger things, such as sexual features, buildings, cars, but that does not mean there is benefit
9. For men, consider that focus on your pp should be shifted to focus on women’s vv’s and body. It is masculine to direct sexual attention. It is feminine to want sexual attention.
10. That’s why it seems feminine when men wear tight clothing, wear jewelry, get special haircuts (rather than buzz cuts) or want to be the object of affection in the relationship and have a masculine bread winner wife-
11. but it’s up to the individual to decide what type of dynamics they want but they should be aware of these things.
12. This does not mean that sexual compatibility and healthy should not be discussed at a certain point in vetting someone for marriage. This can all be discussed via the internet.
13. Remember, the most important thing is efficiency. How long will it take for you to decide if someone is a potential spouse or not-
14. For men, looking at younger women with fat reserves may be incredibly arousing, but that isn’t good long term, especially since
15. It should be a person’s health and skin that is looked at as the most important sexually attracting feature and you should choose someone based upon this- lifespan- but it also means that you will need to be as healthy as a man as possible because you will only get a true sense of equality if you
16. For women, it may look nice to have fat collected at the breasts and buttocks, but it is detrimental because the fat holds toxins eventually sags and looks bad.
More on sexual thought:
1. Women and men need to reorient their life around the Vvs, the clit and outer labia, in the interest of a peaceful world.
1.1 make a new culture of it of treating women's body and womb as sacred and protecting women to keep them as virgins until marriage.
2. Men discontinue thinking about your future wife in terms of your pp inserting into her vvs space.
3. as a hetero man, your goal in life ought to be worshiping your wife's Body and Punani.
4. focusing on women's tts or man's pp can detract from this subtle experience.
5. It is feminine when men want attention towards their body/pps. It is feminine for men to want attention from women saying they are handsome. Wanting sexual attention is feminine. Think about it while you are in public.
7. Because unlike intercourse, which is more about the man having power over the woman, you massaging and licking her That is more of a loving energy than a power dominance energy.
8. thinking about your pp and your wife's inner vv, or perhaps other mens pps or your wifes intimate history or toy objects she likes inserted into her inner vvs or butty .instead, think of her vvs.
9. when women think of wanting bigger tts or men a bigger pp, it is interfering with making vv Flower the central theme of Humanity. However, perhaps a slightly bigger flower would be nice, right, different appearance and variety?
10. It would almost be better if tt or pp did not exist. We wouldn’t want anything to minimize the vvs
11. when you focus on giving oral to your future wife's vv, it will help you think and be more selective about who you choose.
12. Focus on her vv and be near her vv for peace and relief from everyday life, for the spirit.
13. If anyone makes remarks about intimate features, say, we can all agree that vvs is the most impt., right? Force it on the conversation. They can’t counterpoint.
14. No matter how much you think you know, It’s vvs vs the world
15. Sexual intercourse puts more emphasis on the pp.
16. Men should
17. When you masturbate every day, you are able to think differently about women-not so aggressively like you want them for sex, but in a different way that you want to worship them and get entertainment from looking at and being around them- as long as you are not directly interacting with them- but just observing them.
1. It does not bring peace to think of sex in terms of penetrative sex because it is about power. Yes, when you want to think about it, that’s ok, but as a general mindset, it’s good to think about a woman in terms of looking at her body, scanning it, looking at her Pussy.
2. It is masculine for a man to look at and compliment at woman. This will provide peace to a man’s spirit.
3. It is feminine for a man to want a woman to look at and compliment him.
4. Looking at women is the best source of inspiration, and it is also a human activity.
5. Pps and tts are fun sexual features, but the vvs deserves the most attention.
6. When someone makes a pps or tts reference, it can feel inappropriate since people have different size pps and tts.
7. Therefore, when someone says something about pps or tts, make sure to make a vvs reference, even something like “Woman” or “Woman flower”
8. It is better for everyone to focus on the flower. It’s our human flower. A clitoris, and inner and outer labia.
9. Although sex may be more sensational than giving a woman oral sex, it is more meaningful to give oral sex. Also, pps and internal vvs may not always work but outer vvs will.
10. Just like how men used to joke and comment on women's tt size, now, as perhaps a vendetta, women are using target humor on men's privates. either subject matter, this does not serve anyone, because it fills up the air when commentary on intimate features should be concentrated upon Woman's flower.
12. when women think of wanting bigger tts or men a bigger pp, it is interfering with making vv Flower the central theme of Humanity. perhaps a slightly bigger flower would be nice...
14. It would almost be better if tt or pp did not exist. they may be fun sexual features, and Spouses should mutually entertain one another, but at least in public, minimize them, and choose to not draw focus away from the vv.
16. when you focus on giving oral to your future wife's vv, it will help you be more selective about who you choose.
18. Men when you are married, you can heal spiritually by being near your wife. and act like her baby. Good energy.
20. This will put things into perspective.
22. such as, wouldn't you prefer a virgin woman so her vv is all yours?
this is about not thinking about your pp and hype about larger pps and putting them in a vagina and the hype of seducing women- this is all excitement and sexual tension, but in life, it is important to seek peace. you will find it next to your wife's vv.
24. how did I arrive at this derivation? by doing hard work, reducing distractions and excess stimulations and hobbies and thinking about the multi sensory awakening ability of the vv- wanting peace out of life.
25. Massage her
26. Of course intercourse her,
27. But try to occupy the majority of your thoughts with vvs
a renewed appreciation for the pussy flower will allow men to be more in the heart space when near the pussy,
because it is a different energy than the power energy of sex of power pumping the woman.
it is a peaceful energy.
so maybe women have larger internal vaginas, or loose or deep, but even so, we can celebrate that too.
because penetrative sex is not as important as oral sex on the woman, if a peaceful life is what you are looking for.
because thinking about your penis and your wife's inner vagina, or perhaps other mens penises or your wifes sexual history or sex objects she likes inserted into her vagina or asshole .
instead, think of her pussy. Notice how pleasant it feels to think about vvs instead of thinking about other male/female sexual features.
Men, you need to look at a woman and decide whether or not you would suck her pussy. If the answer is no,
when someone makes a penis or breast comment, it typically has a body shaming undertone, so it is wise to say " Pussy Flower " to reclaim the space. Pussy deserves the attention and space and nothing should interfere with that. that is our human experience.
Virginity: I am not saying you should expect a woman your age to have had no prior intimacy, because that is unrealistic.
I am saying that you should promote a culture that emphasizes no premarital intimacy should be created. this means more protection for women and at least some gender separation
Ask any man- he will say he would prefer a virgin woman
TWO KINDS OF MEN: those who want premarital intimacy and those who do not.
two types of men: those who live by principles and do not give their sexual passion or money to a woman they are not married to and do not want to have sex with a woman unless they are in a loving marriage
and those that would have sex with a woman if she asked him to have sex
these men who want open relationships or more than one wife are simps. Why would you want to share a woman with other men? In fact, men who do this and say they are players are really polyamorous and unhygienic and weak- for wanting to share a woman with other men. Also, what kind of a weak man is not satisfied by one amazing woman. Why would you need two? One is not attractive enough?
and as long as those men with no self control exist,
they will be controlled by women
and the world will not be all it can be
if women are in controlling positions
because women were meant to and deserve to be feminine
just because they can be masculine,
doesn't mean that they should.
men are the ones who should be masculine
the principled man uses orgasm as a healthy sustainable outlet for getting enjoyment out of life, as an alternative to using drugs alchohol or other unhealthy behaviors such as promiscuity or overspending.
In my experience as a man, daily orgasm is necessary for managing sexual desires, and " use it or lose it" keep the sex organs strong like a muscle, and with a spouse, I will have daily sex, perhaps one day a week break, and maybe sleeping in separate beds at times experiment with that, to increase magnetism, but definitely daily sex...
To me, orgasm is the same function as how people drink alcohol etc daily, so it's a healthy coping mechanism, something to look forward to daily.
to be honest, the feminine and emotional and playful makes wrong decisions, in my view, at least, illogical ones. men can be feminine too.
what will help you to make logical decisions is meeting your needs desires and wants so you can be in your
It's not every man out for himself
It's every man out for his value system
So he will join forces with other men if their values align
Except if they have no values except the pursuit of pleasure and riches and power, then its every man for themselves
I do not envy or hate men who seem to have and attractive spouse and great marriage.
I disagree with men who engage in premarital intimacy because it is half hearted and unloving.
So , for example, I do not like seeing unmarried sexual partners in public acting like they are married. It is a lie.
How do you show that you are married? By being in public together, dating and holding hands etc – reserve these activities until you are married, because it looks like you are married.
the problem with sharing your life with someone is that if you break up, you can hate yourself because now all the things you did together and foods you eat will remind you of that person and you will not want to do those things any more so you don't trust or like yourself as much anymore.
As much as you say you like each other, you are not married. If you love each other, them man would have asked to marry the woman and the woman would have said yes.
Men may be offended because I am so into marriage and they are not- or they feel I am interfering with their ability to have as much sex as possible
The irony is when you are married, you have way more opportunities to have sex!
So, men may be offended by me, but at least with my principled ways, they can trust me to protect their women and not try to have sex with their women.
When we love ourselves enough, we stop chasing people who don't.
If not married and dating or sex means don't want to marry
Because sex more impt then marriage ceremony
Women date men in the hopes to convince men to marry them.
Men date women to have sex. If they loved the women, they would have married them already.
How many days do you need to assess one person's compatibility with you
The reason for marriage is not because of a religious or social reason. It is because you will be much more selective about who you marry
It's not ok to let women take the lead-
Because if men had it their way, many would want sex asap
And so it becomes a question of how soon the woman will let you do things like date, kiss , sex, live together
And that's letting the women have control
Which is not acceptable.
You should be in control and you make woman an offer, that if she wants to be your wife, she must have the same values as you, and then you propose marriage, then you are married, and then you get to have full access to her body,
Not hope for sex or get teased
Stay focused , only being near your future wife's Punani will bring you peace
If you are not married yet, aiming for her pussy will bring you a similar sense of peace and tranquility.
And it's insignificant what her inner vagina is like or how big of an object she likes inserted, because the clitoris and labia transcend the inner vagina.
here is why it is a mistake for men to want noticeably younger women.
for one, everyone involved and all their families will all be thinking about it.
it will always be an underlying thought in his mind
men choosing younger women and women choosing older rich men creates a total lack of trust in society.
this is because the men will unconsciously not raise their male children properly because they are trying to take the women that are aged the same as their sons.
then, who are their sons supposed to marry? women twice as old as them ?
and it makes the women not raise their daughters right, because they are envious of the daughters ability to attract men and get men's resources
this happens in society and sometimes at an unconscious level.
this is why it is imperative for a loving healthy society for unmarried women to be under the protection and authority of their fathers (if they are loving and good fathers, why wouldn't women want this)
the men would not allow their daughters to go to a school where older men can predate upon them.
the men would not allow their daughters to go out trying to dress in revealing clothing to attract a mate.
because they make poor choices- they don't seek a loyal provider husband, they seek whomever they think is physically attractive to impregnate them.
then, they are trapped
and that is one way men trap a woman to force her to be with them- by impregnating them, because a single women with children is not attractive to other men, because the man will have to deal with the child's father, and he does not have legal rights and disciplinary rights over the children.
these women are less attractive than virgin women who are protected and provided from their fathers.
women should be educated and skilled and income earners who can provide for themselves. they are certainly capable.
however, in a perfect world, I think women deserve the luxury of being provided for, protected and not have to worry about things, but that men will take care of women.
men will argue that the younger women wanted them, but that is not a good reason to do things. that is relying upon a woman's emotional judgement, where she may be coming from a place of low self esteem or poverty or just the hormones and emotions that women face.
It is greedy to caretake for mentally and physically ill when you could help them leave their body and get into a new body
at least that is what I want for myself. if I was mentally or physically ill and could not communicate, I would want people to treat me humanely
just like when you
the only reason people would not be willing to do this is because they are afraid of death
most people believe in heaven
but do most people prefer heaven?
I think people would prefer reincarnation because heaven is boring
Notice how when you are upset, you can think clearly and more rationally? That is why it can be useful to think of your “haters” or bad people you are trying to deal with in your life – and be motivated by them to do good and work harder and smarter than them.
Cold shower Stress in a short period (just one minute) such as pinching yourself, or a cold shower, overloads your emotional brain so you can flip the switch to using your rational brain in decision making.
If you don't talk to yourself then you are being programed by others opinions of you.
- Say things like “ I can do this” and “ I am not going to feel badly that people don’t agree with me.
- one reason people want expensive things is so that they can feel like they own something and it allows them to act rude to people or feel like they are better than others- both of which are negative emotions, which why would you want that?
process of selecting a spouse.
1. when you are fully ready for marriage,
say that you are looking for a spouse that matches your qualifications.
this is important because it is about someone liking you, and having mutual values.
it is not about you trying to make someone like you or hope that someone likes you.
next, socialize and go to activites you like in different places and notice who glances at you and also who seems to have similar interests.
when you see someone who has interest,
I think it is best for the woman to show body language and glances at the man and for the man to be the one to approach and talk to her.
but decide on a method that works for you.
the first thing you say to them should be your name and a key aspect of you, such as a religion, or lifestyle or profession - say what is important to you.
if you both establish in that brief conversation that you have at least 1 core similar value, then the man should offer his social media name for her to look up or his website. he should say look him up online. that is all he should say.
on his social media, under relationship status, it should say: available aka saying he is searching for a compatible spouse. don't mistake available for meaning available for any kind of intimacy.
now, it is up to her to follow up.
so far, you could consider each other platonic friends- just like how people have friends in high school and say hi to one another.
you are only friends, just like you have thousands of other friends- two people that know each other and trust each other professionally-
you are not dating, talking to them, flirting , engaged, courting or anything like that. you are still single, aka committed to your future spouse.
you can tell multiple women to look you up at the same time. you are not doing anything intimate, such as flirting and verbal intimacy that occurs on a date.
you can determine everything you need to know about each other via the internet.
even before the internet, you could talk on the phone, or write each other letters, and converse about your values and interests and life goals. if you have enough common there, you could then talk about more personal subjects like current finances, health, and sexual compatibility. these are all issues you can discuss in a scientific way- not trying to seduce each other, but to be honest. maybe you could hire a chaperone to oversee the conversations or use a "dating website" and agree to both start a profile on a dating website- to
all in a safe space- far away
how many days do you think it will take to assess a potential spouse' compatibility with you? are you trying to improve the efficiency of your process?
do you " date " or " consider marrying anyone who you do not think is a potential spouse for you?
Are you searching for love ?
Are you fully in love with yourself?
First of all, does he talk about emphasis on pussy
Men, if you have sex with yourself, you do not need woman to orgasm.
So then, it's about her, massaging her, paying attention to her
Eliminating everything you can so you can pay attention to women
And be as healthy as possible
Bf gf engaged
All maybes
Maybe we like each other
Maybe someone else
I made progress towards you today.
Today, I have edited the written form of the written part of the application for my upcoming TEDx talk.
I have met my needs, sexual desires and emotional wants today so that I am not trying to get these out of anyone else, besides me or you !
I proudly wear my purity ring, and tell people I am married to you and our shared values.
Living for You, Loving life, John Remis.
People should get married because it forces them to examine themselves and decide exactly who they are
Andrew tate’s argument is that women might not respect you in a marriage
He says a man wants to feel respected.
this imply that the woman has to submit to the man,
but there is no submission if both parties have the same values. They are committed and submitted to their values aka their religion and spirituality.
the question is do you want your husband to be a leader of the relationship?
do you want him to be a leader of the home
we'll see what happens =
letting other person control the relationship
in christian circles, women are encouraged to follow their husbands
however, it is only logical for a woman to follow a man if she trusts his leadership ability.
if having sex it means boyfriend does not want to marry you at this time
people going into marriage not having studied it.
when purchasing a new car,
historically, parents were supposed to prepare their children for marriage,
but they are not doing that anymore.
the best possible way to prepare a woman for marriage is to keep her at home and a virgin
the best possible way to prepare a man...
as a man, do not ever give your power away
do not let a woman decide if she wants the relationship
How much would you pay to
Convince child that premarital intimacy is wrong sinful unloving
If you are not married but having sex aka attaching yourself
Say you believe in marriage
You are lying
You do not prefer marriage
Daughters aka guardian clients things your mother aka female guardian should have told you
- men get women pregnant to enslave the woman because with a child no other man will want them
- birth control changes your hormones and makes you think differently
- if a man wants to have sex before marriage it means he does not care about you
- being a virgin is the most attractive you can be to a Strong masculine man
- if you are dating someone you are not available to another man for marriage
- dating = sex before marriage, it means you care more about sex than marriage
If you don't know yourself you can't select a wife
How does a woman fit in to your life
Women like to be told what to do, by a man who has a vision and knows what he wants.
Women do not like it when a man seems desperate for her sexually and he is willing to let her lead in order to
This is how women constantly “shit test” men, even when they are married. And this kind of shit test is a good idea.
And they follow the authority of any men who convince them or trick them into doing things
My wife already exists, I am only preparing for her
Just repeat to yourself I love my (future) wife with all my heart
Never have to "get"someone
Wouldn't want to get them
They either like me and my values and logic or not
I would never want to be intimate and give my sexual energy to someone who is not my wife
the reason guys are afraid to talk to ladies is because it is unloving to " talk " aka "flirt " aka "seduce" them.
anything that is not love is unloving
let’s see sex a dopamine, like a drug, designed to make two people bonded and addicted and attached to one another, like a real drug.
People want the reward before the work
Ie sex before marriage
Money before work
Drug instead of getting natural high off of exercise or personal or professional achievements
And now I describe to you 5 ways to avoid premarital intimacy
Besides repeating these precautionary ideas to yourself
It’s a tease-
Think of as would suck pussy.
Women: if man doesn’t mention marriage, should turn you of.
- Self intimacy
- Healthy boundaries
- Emailing daily loving journal to future wife
- Telling people about this
- Wearing ring
- Wearing badge on heart
- Wearing shield heart wrist band
- When people make fun of you or tell you it doesn’t make any sense, tell them that they may not prefer or like marriage
Even if I am attracted to a woman, if she does not like me I am ok with that. I still would want to help her find a husband.
dd notes from email and youtube review video when complete
process of selecting a spouse.
1. when you are fully ready for marriage, say that you are looking for a spouse that matches your qualifications. this is important because it is about someone liking you, and having mutual values.it is not about you trying to make someone like you or hope that someone likes you.
next, socialize and go to activites you like in different places and notice who glances at you and also who seems to have similar interests. when you see someone who has interest, I think it is best for the woman to show body language and glances at the man and for the man to be the one to approach and talk to her. but decide on a method that works for you. the first thing you say to them should be your name and a key aspect of you, such as a religion, or lifestyle or profession - say what is important to you.
if you both establish in that brief conversation that you have at least 1 core similar value, then the man should offer his social media name for her to look up or his website. he should say look him up online. that is all he should say. on his social media, under relationship status, it should say: available aka saying he is searching for a compatible spouse. don't mistake available for meaning available for any kind of intimacy.
now, it is up to her to follow up.
so far, you could consider each other platonic friends- just like how people have friends in high school and say hi to one another.
you are only friends, just like you have thousands of other friends- two people that know each other and trust each other professionally-
you are not dating, talking to them, flirting , engaged, courting or anything like that. you are still single, aka committed to your future spouse.
you can tell multiple women to look you up at the same time. you are not doing anything intimate, such as flirting and verbal intimacy that occurs on a date.
you can determine everything you need to know about each other via the internet.
even before the internet, you could talk on the phone, or write each other letters, and converse about your values and interests and life goals. if you have enough common there, you could then talk about more personal subjects like current finances, health, and sexual compatibility. these are all issues you can discuss in a scientific way- not trying to seduce each other, but to be honest. maybe you could hire a chaperone to oversee the conversations or use a "dating website" and agree to both start a profile on a dating website- to
all in a safe space- far away
On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 4:36 PM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
how many days do you think it will take to assess a potential spouse' compatibility with you? are you trying to improve the efficiency of your process?
do you " date " or " consider marrying anyone who you do not think is a potential spouse for you?
On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 4:03 PM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
one reason people want expensive things is so that they can feel like they own something and it allows them to act rude to people or feel like they are better than others- both of which are negative emotions, which why would you want that?
On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 3:48 PM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
when someone makes a penis or breast comment, it typically has a body shaming undertone, so it is wise to say " Pussy Flower " to reclaim the space. Pussy deserves the attention and space and nothing should interfere with that. that is our human experience.
On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 12:50 PM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
When we love ourselves enough, we stop chasing people who don't.
On Thu, Jun 15, 2023, 7:32 PM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
If you don't talk to yourself then you are being programed by others opinions of you.
On Thu, Jun 15, 2023, 1:01 PM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, Jun 10, 2023, 9:53 AM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
If not married and dating or sex means don't want to marry
Because sex more impt then marriage ceremony
On Tue, Jun 6, 2023, 5:49 PM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
1. Women and men need to reorient their life around the Vvs, the clit and outer labia, in the interest of a peaceful world.
2. Men discontinue thinking about your future wife in terms of your pp inserting into her vvs space.
3. as a hetero man, your goal in life ought to be worshiping your wife's Body and Punani.
4. focusing on women's tts or man's pp can detract from this subtle experience.
5. It is feminine when men want attention towards their body/pps. It is feminine for men to want attention from women saying they are handsome. Wanting sexual attention is feminine. Think about it while you are in public.
7. Because unlike intercourse, which is more about the man having power over the woman, you massaging and licking her That is more of a loving energy than a power dominance energy.
8. thinking about your penis and your wife's inner vagina, or perhaps other mens penises or your wifes intimate history or toy objects she likes inserted into her inner vvs or butty .instead, think of her vvs.
9. when women think of wanting bigger tts or men a bigger pp, it is interfering with making vv Flower the central theme of Humanity. However, perhaps a slightly bigger flower would be nice, right?
10. It would almost be better if tt or pp did not exist. We wouldn’t want anyting to minimize the vvs
11. when you focus on giving oral to your future wife's vv, it will help you think and be more selective about who you choose.
12. Focus on her vv and be near her vv for peace and relief from everyday life, for the spirit.
13. If anyone makes remarks about intimate features, say, we can all agree that vvs is the most impt., right? Force it on the conversation. They can’t counterpoint.
14. No matter how much you think you know, It’s vvs vs the world
On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 6:16 AM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
the problem with sharing your life with someone is that if you break up, you can hate yourself because now all the things you did together and foods you eat will remind you of that person and you will not want to do those things any more so you don't trust or like yourself as much anymore.
On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 4:21 AM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
I have to make things easy and fun for people to do or they will not want to do them
List of video topics with links
Dental ideas Police ideasMarriage ideas
On Sun, Jun 4, 2023, 11:45 AM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
In my experience as a man, daily orgasm is necessary for managing sexual desires, and " use it or lose it" keep the sex organs strong like a muscle, and with a spouse, I will have daily sex, perhaps one day a week break, and maybe sleeping in separate beds at times experiment with that, to increase magnetism, but definitely daily sex...
To me, orgasm is the same function as how people drink alcohol etc daily, so it's a healthy coping mechanism, something to look forward to daily.
Also, I look forward to massaging my wife and giving her oral sex , so I'm not selfish in orgasming alone.
On Sun, Jun 4, 2023, 3:11 AM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
It's not every man out for himself
It's every man out for his value system
So he will join forces with other men if their values align
Except if they have no values except the pursuit of pleasure and riches and power, then its every man for themselves
On Sun, Jun 4, 2023, 12:02 AM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
so maybe women have larger internal vaginas, or loose or deep, but even so, we can celebrate that too.
because penetrative sex is not as important as oral sex on the woman, if a peaceful life is what you are looking for.
because thinking about your penis and your wife's inner vagina, or perhaps other mens penises or your wifes sexual history or sex objects she likes inserted into her vagina or asshole .
instead, think of her pussy.
On Sat, Jun 3, 2023 at 11:26 PM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
a renewed appreciation for the pussy flower will allow men to be more in the heart space when near the pussy,
because it is a different energy than the power energy of sex of power pumping the woman.
it is a peaceful energy.
On Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 8:17 AM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
Massage her Of course intercourse her, But try to occupy the majority of your thoughts with vvs
On Thu, Jun 1, 2023, 4:05 AM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
as a hetero man, your goal in life ought to be worshiping your wife's Body and Punani.
focusing on women's tts or man's pp can detract from this subtle experience.
It is feminine when men want attention towards their pp. It is feminine for men to want attention from women saying they are handsome, and even things like body building, although it's useful to be strong, but the showing off part of showing muscles, could be considered feminine. before thinking this is
Men can practice masculine energy by directing attention and praise towards vv. This will provide peace to your spirit.
intercourse puts emphasis on the thrusting action of a man's pp.
Alternatively, Oral performed on your wife places focus where it properly belongs.
When men think in terms of pp, it is more about wanting a dominative energy over a woman and wanting women to submit to your force.
Instead, thoughts about interacting with women, specifically your wife, should be about her wanting you to protect her and submissively worship her when it is safe to.
Just like how men used to joke and comment on women's tt size, now, as perhaps a vendetta, women are using target humor on men's privates. either subject matter, this does not serve anyone, because it fills up the air when commentary on intimate features should be concentrated upon Woman's flower.
when women think of wanting bigger tts or men a bigger pp, it is interfering with making vv Flower the central theme of Humanity. perhaps a slightly bigger flower would be nice...
It would almost be better if tt or pp did not exist. they may be fun sexual features, and Spouses should mutually entertain one another, but at least in public, minimize them, and choose to not draw focus away from the vv.
when you focus on giving oral to your future wife's vv, it will help you be more selective about who you choose.
Men when you are married, you can heal spiritually by being near your wife. when she menstruates, you can use that as a topical salve, and act like her baby.
This will put things into perspective.
such as, wouldn't you prefer a virgin woman so her vv is all yours?
I am not saying you should expect a woman your age to have had no prior intimacy, because that is unrealistic.
I am saying that you should promote a culture that emphasizes no premarital intimacy should be created. this means more protection for women and at least some gender separation
two types of men: those who live by principles and do not give their sexual passion or money to a woman they are not married to and do not want to have sex with a woman unless they are in a loving marriage and those that would have sex with a woman if she asked him to have sex
are you confident in your approach to marriage? do you think it's the most efficient? (if yes) do you think there is any way I could convince you that you are not being efficient ?
are you interested in talking about it?
FRESH from fresh and fit podcast says that he wants a virgin bride from a foreign country. but for now, his actions show he is seducing promiscuous women for prematrial sex. he claims to dissaprove of the way he says that it's women's fault for society being promiscuous it is never women's fault. men are stronger and women are promiscuous only because men allow it. also, because men cannot control their desires and get seduced by promiscuous women who are with other men- and men think they are strong because they can attract multiple sex partners, but these women sex partners are also with other men this is a contradictory act, because he is with superficial women , but that is because he is being superficial as well.
here is why it is a mistake for men to want noticeably younger women.
for one, everyone involved and all their families will all be thinking about it.
it will always be an underlying thought in his mind
men choosing younger women and women choosing older rich men creates a total lack of trust in society.
this is because the men will unconsciously not raise their male children properly because they are trying to take the women that are aged the same as their sons.
then, who are their sons supposed to marry? women twice as old as them ?
and it makes the women not raise their daughters right, because they are envious of the daughters ability to attract men and get men's resources
this happens in society and sometimes at an unconscious level.
this is why it is imperative for a loving healthy society for unmarried women to be under the protection and authority of their fathers (if they are loving and good fathers, why wouldn't women want this)
the men would not allow their daughters to go to a school where older men can predate upon them.
the men would not allow their daughters to go out trying to dress in revealing clothing to attract a mate.
because they make poor choices- they don't seek a loyal provider husband, they seek whomever they think is physically attractive to impregnate them.
then, they are trapped
and that is one way men trap a woman to force her to be with them- by impregnating them, because a single women with children is not attractive to other men, because the man will have to deal with the child's father, and he does not have legal rights and disciplinary rights over the children.
these women are less attractive than virgin women who are protected and provided from their fathers.
women should be educated and skilled and income earners who can provide for themselves. they are certainly capable.
however, in a perfect world, I think women deserve the luxury of being provided for, protected and not have to worry about things, but that men will take care of women.
men will argue that the younger women wanted them, but that is not a good reason to do things. that is relying upon a woman's emotional judgement, where she may be coming from a place of low self esteem or poverty or just the hormones and emotions that women face.
so you are dating someone, do you think that is the most effective way to get married?
don't you think you could convey information online
there are two types of men: those who will have sex with a women
and as long as those men with no self control exist, they will be controlled by women and the world will not be all it can be if women are in controlling positions because women were meant to and deserve to be feminine just because they can be masculine, doesn't mean that they should. men are the ones who should be masculine
to be honest, the feminine and emotional and playful makes wrong decisions, in my view, at least, illogical ones. men can be feminine too. what will help you to make logical decisions is
for example: they choose a man even if they do not approve of his form of income. they spend money on vacations and luxury products they invest finances and emotions into pets, rather than humans and children they would prefer to raise a mentally ill codependant hopeless child rather than help the child go to a new life women perfer to ' avoid harm ' which means not giving evil people the death penalty, for example or not properly punishing people
It is greedy to caretake for mentally and physically ill when you could help them leave their body and get into a new body
at least that is what I want for myself. if I was mentally or physically ill and could not communicate, I would want people to treat me humanely
just like when you
the only reason people would not be willing to do this is because they are afraid of death
most people believe in heaven
but do most people prefer heaven?
I think people would prefer reincarnation because heaven is boring
Stress in a short period (just one minute) such as pinching yourself, or a cold shower, overloads your emotional brain so you can flip the switch to using your rational brain in decision making.
On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 6:13 PM John Anolani Remis <johnaremis@gmail.com> wrote:
John Anolani Remis6:12 PM (1 minute ago)
to me
Try to label your father mother uncle aunt grandparents all on a first name basis right now
Part of this is about women being angry for being controlled by rude fathers and husbands, but if they had loving fathers and husbands, wouldn’t they want to have the masculine protection so that they could enjoy being in their feminine?
I do not give advice directly towards women because I respect my fellow man and do not want to involve myself in his relationship.
Non believers date for fun, for the moment, for a good time, for sex, to not be lonely, to impress people, etc
So what does believe mean?
Some women don’t like it because they do not want to take a man’s name and to be submissive to a man. They want their own income so they can buy what they want and make their own choices.
But do you need a threat of a hell in order to not have sex until marriage?
The fifty percent marriage failure rate
creates broken families, heartbreak,
financial distress and regret.
Skepticism about marriage leads
people to promiscuity,
unplanned pregnancies,
STD’s and feeling objectified.
Marriages fail due to lack of preparedness.
After years of studying relationships,
society, religion and self-improvement,
I’ve developed a process to prepare for a
Strong Marriage - which I myself am following!
I have many strategies.
For example, Meeting one’s own
basic needs, sexual desires and
emotional wants every day,
instead of relying and submitting
to others.
this makes authentic
decision making easier.
That forms self-control
self-knowledge and self-love,
foundational to avoiding the
wrong person and preparing for
and selecting the right one.
My process applied will create
Successful Marriages,
thus renewing our trust in humanity!
We created women, to be distracted from who we are. And women created men so they can get attention and feel good and distracted in that way.
The Efficient path to marriage
1. Self-knowledge self-love, self-control
2. Do not approach anyone until ready for marriage
3. No premarital intimacy, because verbal and physical intimacy is marriage. It’s how you attach to someone, and is more intimate than a marriage ceremony.
4. If you approach people or are partially intimate, is will confuse you and the other- it’s a half hearted tease, not fully committed.
5. Avoid the wrong person by not getting manipulated , I will elaborate on that.
6. Avoid the wrong person by managing your desires. If you don’t practice daily self intimacy, your desires will control you.
7. To avoid the wrong person you have to respect people as well. When people engage in premarital intimacy, it is because they are not interested enough in the person to marry them. It is a paradox, because basically people try to seduce people to have sex with them because they do not care about someone.
8. Avoid them by quickly analysing
9. Avoid them by wearing something that identifies you
10. Avoid them by saying you are married
11. Also, there are cultural aspects to consider.
12. Mixed gender schools promote premarital intimacy, so avoid this if possible
13. For people to have the best experience they should both be virgins, so that you can experiment together, and not have any memories or comparissons and attachements to other sexual experiences.
14. There would not be people attached to you who either feel badly or try to get you back.
15. DO NOT say you are available or looking for someone. Say you are married to these values and lifestyle. DO NOT hope that someone will like you. Make it explicit what you want in a person on a list.
16. Its better to be alone rather than be with someone. You are never alone if you listen to yourself, journal and do the activities you enjoy.
19. Selecting the right person.
20. Only want someone who wants you.
22. Think about how you feel when you are around someone. Do you like the way you act around them?
Do you think that they get you?
23. Would you gladly push them around in a wheelchair if they were injured?
24. If you were both old and unhealthy, would you still want to be with them?
25. Imagine yourself alone on an island with them. Would live harmoniously?
26. Observe her, After she shows physical signals that she is interested in you then ask her if her current life goal is to get married. If she says yes, say that if she wants to know more about you, here is the name of your social media or website so she can look into you.
27. Look at health and if veins have cholesterol
28. Many people are not physically healthy. Although may look attractive , it could be unhealthy fat on chest or legs, or it could be cholesterol in veins or a weak heart, although they may be young enough so that they seem healthy, but they are not.
29. If marriage goal, do not talk to a woman flirting unless you are full ready for marriage. Realize that if your values are similar, that will not only get through life problems and prove that your love is real,
30. But it will also make the person tolerate your faults, personality differences and flawed history.
31. Be a man of your own principles. Only give your energy to a woman who likes your principles.
32. Try to see women in terms of their vagina. If a woman has the same values as her, marry her and worship her body for the rest of your life.
33. Try not to get distracted by other things like sex
34. Also, there is the aspect of child rearing.
35. How to see clearly as if you do not have sexual desires.
36. Besides sexual attraction, how do you determine who you would be attracted to?
37. Once you have self-knowledge and self-love, you can select someone.
39. Instead of wanting to have sex as soon as possible, decide to only have sex once you
Wear wedding band
If you have sex before marriage, it is saying that that you want to get attached to someone that does not
If you have sex, it is too late to get married because you are already attached.
People also use terms like flings, lovers, dating, hooking up, but this is all distractions
When people have sex before marriage, they
Say you invented a woman’s body and you are glad you did. It can do so many things, but most importantly, if you are close to your wife, you are close to source energy and will experience peace
That is why you do not want to get physically close to other women. Because you have to suppress your sexual attraction to them in order to hug or kiss them, as people do in public
Women are a magnet for all of men’s surplus energy
First, the idea of marriage is a lie.
That’s why people think it’s stupid or say that they don’t need to get married to prove their love
When people have
The goal of life is peace and joy.
If you attach to someone but they do not
Also, if you are with someone who is not a good match, you can’t be joyful because you are close
And if you are not with someone who is consistent with your list, then you are not available for a good match, and
You may not agree with all of this process, but at least start thinking about what could be the most efficient way, because
You need to make sure that you don’t experience heartbreak or be vulnerable to the wrong person again. The way to prevent this is
How to know if you are ready for marriage
Are you ready for marriage
Are you marriage material ?
Donate blood makes you body create fresh blood, so that must increase lifespan.
As a man, you need to focus on something
Maybe can’t afford the time to think or study about things.
You may be strong in other areas of life but not studied about intimate relationships enough
But have not studied about marriage , except for the people in your life.
If you have a noticeable age gap, you will constantly think about it and people will notice it and one of you will die before the other.
1. You and your intimate partner (s) may be strong in other areas , but I would say you are weak in the area of strong life partnership – and I’m sure you would agree if you were being honest. Because these relationships are not strong, because you can’t have many strong sexual relationships, because if they were strong, then all of them would want to be with you and would compete for you, and, you would prefer one of them. Furthermore, you have to separate emotions from sex- which is only possible if you shut off your consciousness and only let your appetites control you for the rest of you life- which means no creative thinking and only your needs, desires and emotions and hedonism controls how you run your entire life.
2. Attachment, Lust and Ownership are destructive emotions unless they are experienced within the context of a Secure Marriage.
4. The reason monogamy is important is because
5. If you wife does not have your last name, it means she does not trust you to be her man and provide and love you, and would rather keep her fathers name. It shows that you think you might get divorced. It shows you want your kids to have hyphenated names.
6. It’s always the man’s fault, because women make more emotional decisions than men, and men have more testosterone and are more capable
7. Challenge people – to a debate that you disagree and if they are firm in their position than they should be willing to be convinced and confident and willing to debate
And if they don’t respond- say they ignored my request
8. Children of divorced parents are at least twice as likely as their counterparts to experience problems.
9. If you are not married and in love, it means that your relationship
10. Because a relationship should be led by agreements and commitments and the pursuit of mutually held goals and interests – all things that you talk about and plan before marriage-
11. Are you marriage material? Are you trying to improve your chances of marriage? Do you want to have a great marriage? Do you think your approach to marriage is the most efficient? Do you love yourself? Do you have a qualifier list of musts and must nots for selecting a potential spouse?
12. If a man says he wants multiple women, it means he thinks one woman is not enough. If he thinks one woman is not enough, it means he thinks one woman is not attractive enough.
13. If you pursue premarital intimacy, seeking multiple sexual partners, it will lead to you not wanting to get married because you were around many woman where it did not work out.
14. Instead of avoiding your problems with escapism hedonism and drug usage, you should solve your problems with research and action.
15. So, from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, monogamy is natural because fathering is natural in the human species and fathering only evolves with sufficient sexual exclusivity to allow for paternity certainty for men and sufficient resource provision certainty for women.
16. If you are not taking what you think is the most efficient path to marriage, then that means that you are not interested in marriage
17. It’s not my job to change another person and it upset them
18. The best part about women who work out is their clitoris gets larger
19. Marriage is for children. This meaning has been lost and it's why groups in society who have forgotten this are living in poverty. Anyone that writes to someone else complaining about their spouse needs to grow up and negotiate properly with their partner... For the sake of their kids.
20. If you are a father that just can’t stand living with “her” then you basically can’t stand your children that you are failing to protect.
Marriage is for children, why are you trying to separate the two
22. So you think marriage requires “dating” , which is a process of trial and error
23. If you’re childs parent is bad , you may have to stay together because
24. Divorce and happiness is a rich mans game
25. Real love is warmer safer and feels more secure- it’s not boastful and exciting and wild passionate feelings.
26. You will definitely have addictions to people if you do not meet your needs desries and emotions. You will want them to do these things for you, and not think about how it is taking from them or if it’s a win win- or you act like it’s a win win by being submissive or getting attached to them. You may think you are the victim, but you are also victimizing them by expecting them to meet your basics, and taking their energy.
1. African American- 75% 2 parents
2. Welfare act - %25 2 parents
3. Society is against marriage
4. Saying you should explore your sexuality and gender
5. You need to build a human being
6. This is important right now because people are divided
7. Because need to nurture the next generation.
8. Marriage and parenting is a big challenge and long term goal
9. Why now and why this speech
10. You set
11. If you are not in the energy of love, you will be looking for it in other people
12. People have sex to feel good because they feel badly, but this is only the body’s feeling not you. So what that is is letting your feelings control you life
13. I do not feel urges to have sex with women, because I have sex with myself. Masturbation is necessary for both men and women, if they want to control their sexual urges and not be controlled by women…
14. Simple, even if someone you are attracted to asks you to have sex, it is easy to say no, because you are in the vibration of love, and defense. You do not want to attach to them. And you know it is unloving to pursue non-committal premarital sex that is about a personas body, and not a person’s soul.
15. The religious argument for marriage is no premarital intimacy because it’s a sin and you will go to hell. The scientific argument for marriage is no premarital intimacy because it is unloving and interferes with the marriage process and a healthy society.
16. why want more than one woman- that’s taking a woman from other men.
17. Why would a man need one woman to be attracted to them ? isn’t one woman enough? Multiple is too much
18. Not about you trying to achieve orgasm from her sexually.
19. Woman’s fat may look attractive but it will kill them.
20. That dominative sex of wanting to use a bigger penis size to have power over a woman.
21. If you want power from someone else, you are not getting power internally, such as from exercise and creative activities. So that means that person has authority over you because you want power from them.
22. So you are not responsible for your decisions
23. For instance, you will sacrifice your goals because you want to dominate someone.
24. It’s not the energy of love .
25. The purpose to have a child is to raise them with the values that you share with your spouse.
26. A child cannot meet their own needs so the relationship you have with them is not a love based relationship because you can only love someone if you do not need desire or want something from them.
27. Love is only based upon having mutually shared values.
28. Only with free will can we be in love and truth. When you don’t need something from someone you have free will – to choose to be with them or not
29. Love and truth is only possible when there is choice
30. It is not healthy from men to put emphasis on women’s tts or mens pps because to love a woman you need to put emphasis on her vvs. Love her vvs don’t want to dominate her. The vvs is a flower and for personal peace, as a man, you should focus on it.
31. If you don’t have sex with yourself you will be addicted to finding sex and it will control your life.
32. As we know, wanting to have sex with a woman is not an accurate measure of whether you love her.
33. Would you agree that premarital intimacy attaches you to someone-
34. The misnomer is that marriage is a ceremony with
but intimacy is more intimate than a marriage ceremony
35. The marriage ceremony is public- saying that you are not available to anyone else
36. The formality leads to
37. Chirsitanity is watered down
38. If you want to be with a virgin you need to promote the culture that makes it a reality
39. Marriage is important because it makes you more selective and choosy about who you will marry, since it is a public and recorded event. That is why it’s an important event.
40. If you do not know how to have sex with yourself, then you are not ready for love
41. Promiscuous people say “there is nothing wrong with what I am doing” – but there is because if there is only short term benefit and no long term benefit, than it is bad. There has to be both.
42. They say “it doesn’t affect you” but their behavior does, because it makes society more untrusting, tense, competitive and unloving, and could result in STD’s unplanned pregnancies and violence, which tax payers might pay for.
43. Men can you assure yourselves you are not a simp
44. Make sure you like smell of a woman
45. Why weren’t women told how bad being a single mother is? That if a man gets you pregnant, and you aren’t lovingly married and he doesn’t have finances, that you are trapped for life and will hope he can offer some money
46. Ever look at a woman from the back and think her ears and hair are sexy!
47. Ever want to tell a woman she has a fat fucking ass!
48. So you want multiple wives? If they were strong and passionate they would be envious of each other. Also, only one at a time could have intercourse with the husband. And why would you want more than one wife? Isn’t one Pussy enjoyable enough?
49. Pussy is a nice flower. Wouldn’t you agree women?
50. The proper way to approach a woman is when you are financially and mentally prepared for marriage, you tell her how your life is going to be and so she can decide if she wants to be a part of it. You have to be clear on what lifestyle you want, kinds of spending, children that you want, and values you want to promote.
51. This is different than hoping or wishing or wanting a woman to like you and trying to talk about things and hope she will like you
52. So you are dating? Do you love each other? How will you know?
53. Only bf and gf because do not fully want to be yourself and all your true flaws and also desires expressed,
Sub Focus, TC, Culture Shock - You Make It Better
2. Only with free will can we be in love and truth. When you don’t need something from someone you have free will – to choose to be with them or not
3. Love and truth is only possible when there is choice
4. It is not healthy from men to put emphasis on women’s tts or mens pps because to love a woman you need to put emphasis on her vvs. Love her vvs don’t want to dominate her. The vvs is a flower and for personal peace, as a man, you should focus on it.
5. If you don’t have sex with yourself you will be addicted to finding sex and it will control your life.
6. As we know, wanting to have sex with a woman is not an accurate measure of whether you love her.
7. Would you agree that premarital intimacy attaches you to someone-
8. The misnomer is that marriage is a ceremony with
but intimacy is more intimate than a marriage ceremony
9. The marriage ceremony is public- saying that you are not available to anyone else
10. The formality leads to
11. Chirsitanity is watered down
12. If you want to be with a virgin you need to promote the culture that makes it a reality
13. Marriage is important because it makes you more selective and choosy about who you will marry, since it is a public and recorded event. That is why it’s an important event.
14. If you do not know how to have sex with yourself, then you are not ready for love
15. Promiscuous people say “there is nothing wrong with what I am doing” – but there is because if there is only short term benefit and no long term benefit, than it is bad. There has to be both.
16. They say “it doesn’t affect you” but their behavior does, because it makes society more untrusting, tense, competitive and unloving, and could result in STD’s unplanned pregnancies and violence, which tax payers might pay for.
17. Men can you assure yourselves you are not a simp
18. Make sure you like smell of a woman
19. Why weren’t women told how bad being a single mother is? That if a man gets you pregnant, and you aren’t lovingly married and he doesn’t have finances, that you are trapped for life and will hope he can offer some money
20. Ever look at a woman from the back and think her ears and hair are sexy!
21. Ever want to tell a woman she has a fat fucking ass!
22. So you want multiple wives? If they were strong and passionate they would be envious of each other. Also, only one at a time could have intercourse with the husband. And why would you want more than one wife? Isn’t one Pussy enjoyable enough?
23. Pussy is a nice flower. Wouldn’t you agree women?
24. The proper way to approach a woman is when you are financially and mentally prepared for marriage, you tell her how your life is going to be and so she can decide if she wants to be a part of it. You have to be clear on what lifestyle you want, kinds of spending, children that you want, and values you want to promote.
25. This is different than hoping or wishing or wanting a woman to like you and trying to talk about things and hope she will like you
26. So you are dating? Do you love each other? How will you know?
27. Only bf and gf because do not fully want to be yourself and all your true flaws and also desires expressed,
29. Marriage is designed for children. Life is designed to create more life. Life is designed for life.
31. Some people don't want to get married because they are worried that it will force them to really get to know each other and they will find out they don't like each other, and they would rather not think about each other and aquire sexual gratification out of each other . Two prostitutes.
33. A man cannot seek love and an orgasm at the same time.
35. Wanting to have a big pp in order to stimulate a woman during intercouse is wanting power over her because she wants your body, vs wanting your life values and interests. So whatever the sizes of your pp and her inner vv, try to place emphasis instead on her clitoris and labia. That will bring peace to you both.
37. You do not need sexual power over a woman to make her like you
39. The reason marriage is more loving and authentic than dating is because the process of preparing for marriage and selecting someone makes you more careful and selective and informed in deciding who to marry
40. Judge a man by whether you would trust him to protect and not seduce your potential daughter
as a hetero man, your goal in life ought to be worshiping your wife's Body and Punani.
focusing on women's tts or man's pp can detract from this subtle experience.
It is feminine when men want attention towards their pp. It is feminine for men to want attention from women saying they are handsome, and even things like body building, although it's useful to be strong, but the showing off part of showing muscles, could be considered feminine. before thinking this is
Men can practice masculine energy by directing attention and praise towards vv. This will provide peace to your spirit.
intercourse puts emphasis on the thrusting action of a man's pp.
Alternatively, Oral performed on your wife places focus where it properly belongs.
When men think in terms of pp, it is more about wanting a dominative energy over a woman and wanting women to submit to your force.
Instead, thoughts about interacting with women, specifically your wife, should be about her wanting you to protect her and submissively worship her when it is safe to.
Just like how men used to joke and comment on women's tt size, now, as perhaps a vendetta, women are using target humor on men's privates. either subject matter, this does not serve anyone, because it fills up the air when commentary on intimate features should be concentrated upon Woman's flower.
when women think of wanting bigger tts or men a bigger pp, it is interfering with making vv Flower the central theme of Humanity. perhaps a slightly bigger flower would be nice...
It would almost be better if tt or pp did not exist. they may be fun sexual features, and Spouses should mutually entertain one another, but at least in public, minimize them, and choose to not draw focus away from the vv.
when you focus on giving oral to your future wife's vv, it will help you be more selective about who you choose.
Men when you are married, you can heal spiritually by being near your wife. when she menstruates, you can use that as a topical salve, and act like her baby.
This will put things into perspective.
this is about not thinking about your pp and hype about larger pps and putting them in a vagina and the hype of seducing women- this is all excitement and sexual tension, but in life, it is important to seek peace. you will find it next to your wife's vv.
such as, wouldn't you prefer a virgin woman so her vv is all yours?
I am not saying you should expect a woman your age to have had no prior intimacy, because that is unrealistic.
I am saying that you should promote a culture that emphasizes no premarital intimacy should be created. this means more protection for women and at least some gender separation
two types of men: those who live by principles and do not give their sexual passion or money to a woman they are not married to and do not want to have sex with a woman unless they are in a loving marriage
and those that would have sex with a woman if she asked him to have sex
are you confident in your approach to marriage? do you think it's the most efficient? (if yes)
do you think there is any way I could convince you that you are not being efficient ?
are you interested in talking about it?
FRESH from fresh and fit podcast says that he wants a virgin bride from a foreign country.
but for now, his actions show he is seducing promiscuous women for prematrial sex.
he claims to dissaprove of the way
he says that it's women's fault for society being promiscuous
it is never women's fault. men are stronger and women are promiscuous only because men allow it.
also, because men cannot control their desires and get seduced by promiscuous women who are with other men- and men think they are strong because they can attract multiple sex partners, but these women sex partners are also with other men
this is a contradictory act, because he is with superficial women , but that is because he is being superficial as well.
here is why it is a mistake for men to want noticeably younger women.
for one, everyone involved and all their families will all be thinking about it.
it will always be an underlying thought in his mind
men choosing younger women and women choosing older rich men creates a total lack of trust in society.
this is because the men will unconsciously not raise their male children properly because they are trying to take the women that are aged the same as their sons.
then, who are their sons supposed to marry? women twice as old as them ?
and it makes the women not raise their daughters right, because they are envious of the daughters ability to attract men and get men's resources
this happens in society and sometimes at an unconscious level.
this is why it is imperative for a loving healthy society for unmarried women to be under the protection and authority of their fathers (if they are loving and good fathers, why wouldn't women want this)
the men would not allow their daughters to go to a school where older men can predate upon them.
the men would not allow their daughters to go out trying to dress in revealing clothing to attract a mate.
because they make poor choices- they don't seek a loyal provider husband, they seek whomever they think is physically attractive to impregnate them.
then, they are trapped
and that is one way men trap a woman to force her to be with them- by impregnating them, because a single women with children is not attractive to other men, because the man will have to deal with the child's father, and he does not have legal rights and disciplinary rights over the children.
these women are less attractive than virgin women who are protected and provided from their fathers.
women should be educated and skilled and income earners who can provide for themselves. they are certainly capable.
however, in a perfect world, I think women deserve the luxury of being provided for, protected and not have to worry about things, but that men will take care of women.
men will argue that the younger women wanted them, but that is not a good reason to do things. that is relying upon a woman's emotional judgement, where she may be coming from a place of low self esteem or poverty or just the hormones and emotions that women face.
so you are dating someone, do you think that is the most effective way to get married?
don't you think you could convey information online
there are two types of men:
those who will have sex with a women
and as long as those men with no self control exist,
they will be controlled by women
and the world will not be all it can be
if women are in controlling positions
because women were meant to and deserve to be feminine
just because they can be masculine,
doesn't mean that they should.
men are the ones who should be masculine
to be honest, the feminine and emotional and playful makes wrong decisions, in my view, at least, illogical ones. men can be feminine too. what will help you to make logical decisions is
for example: they choose a man even if they do not approve of his form of income.
they spend money on vacations and luxury products
they invest finances and emotions into pets, rather than humans and children
they would prefer to raise a mentally ill codependant hopeless child rather than help the child go to a new life
women perfer to ' avoid harm '
which means not giving evil people the death penalty, for example
or not properly punishing people
It is greedy to caretake for mentally and physically ill when you could help them leave their body and get into a new body
at least that is what I want for myself. if I was mentally or physically ill and could not communicate, I would want people to treat me humanely
just like when you
the only reason people would not be willing to do this is because they are afraid of death
most people believe in heaven
but do most people prefer heaven?
I think people would prefer reincarnation because heaven is boring
Stress in a short period (just one minute) such as pinching yourself, or a cold shower, overloads your emotional brain so you can flip the switch to using your rational brain in decision making.
Shield Heart (.app)
1111-get in position to evade and avoid
- observe/document
- like non-emotional logical scientist
1111Keep 150$in 20s at all times, have in wallet have in belt clip incase loose wallet
- 1111Explain to children people want their bodies
2222“ Sex Prior to Marriage”
The promiscuous polyamourous = unworthy of envy
- Avoid being a participant
- This is delaying marriage,
- Not being ready for marriage
- Not preparing for marriage
- Not saving your virginity, energy, money for marriage
- Neglecting future spouse
- People living for desires, not principles
- Unhygienic
- Less intimacy than when married
- Courage is in preparing for true love
- Cowardliness is in giving lust the reigns of your life.
- Living for spouse encourages self love
- good health and wealth habits
- living for short term non-comittal lust
- encourages no care for health
- and spending money and energy
- on people you don’t love
- esp. men give all extra spare
- money/ time/ sexual energy
- to any woman they do not
- share values with or respect
- it is the prostitute paradox
3333EMOTIONS Body envy
- Skin & Health are the primary sexual attraction features
- Invest your energy and money only in genetics you like
- - whether it is having children or not
- Supporting others children
3333EMOTIONS wealth envy
- Feel good for people who earned their wealth
Address an inappropriate or disruptive statement
- Say : Let us cooperate
- Say lets be nice
- Bullies are suffering
- Ask why did you say that ?
- Ask for their full name
- You may be nice
- but your comment is not
2222Penis or breast enhancement
- If many men like many vv’s
- Many women like many pp’s
- Uncircumcised
- If many women like many nipples
- having any bodily features touching
- such as larger pp, breasts or fat on body
- is an unpleasant physiological burden
- having more obvious sexual features
- takes away from ability to enjoy everyday life
- more difficult to exercise
- when thinking about pp or breasts
- redirect thoughts to vv for peace of mind
11111NEEDS: security:
- if you feel security is needed
- why are you there?
- don’t be distracted
- by interesting or attractive people
- scan back and forth for dangers
- have weapons or at least a staff and bear mace at hand
1111I feel like eating unhealthy food
- Look at old people and their clogged arteries and other health issues
- Notice how it makes you feel
- Have pre-prepared healthy food for times you know you will want a snack
- Drink apple cider vinegar shots – this curbs appetite and sugar cravings – it’s cleaning the digestive system.
1111 exercise with others
In 1 month of doing it 3-4x a week you will get addicted to the behavior!
3333 I do not feel like going to work
We sometimes offer services or products we do not consume ourselves
- Work is for having money
- When you have money, you can avoid people and jobs you do not want.
1. Some people are a sexual distraction to me
- This is really an internal issue
2222 People try to seduce me
- You need to seduce yourself – by taking care of your own needs masturbating your sexual desires and exercising and being creative and self-affirming to uplift yourself- so you do not want anyone to activate your lower chakras – so no one can seduce you!
- Are you wearing a wedding band to indicate your commitment to your values and interests and future spouse?
- 1111
- Consider your environment; manipulators try to get you in their car or house or in a setting where they have power.
- ask you to sit down or offer you free food or something- to make you feel obligated to them
- - alchohol and a $50 meal in exchange for sex ? how gentlemanly of them?
- This brings up the ‘ Prostitute Paradox ‘ wherein people seduce people with their body and or money because they do not care about each other.
- If they respected each other, they would treat each other sacredly, and not want premarital intimacy.
2223 Some People waste my time
- If you feel like this, it is because you don’t have goals and an associated schedule
- It means you do not share the same values but you pretend to like each other
- They may be telling you to do something with them, not asking you
- Without your approval ‘offering ‘ you a gift such as a dinner and expecting you to give them your conversation or other favors
- Say no – and tell them they have their truth and you have yours.
- Some people
3333 Some people are such a**holes
- This informal phrase describes people that are angry and expel their emotions upon others
- Do not wait for a person to tell you they are angry.
- Read people or they will cause problems for you.
- When people behave like this, seek space and give them space
- Only deal with calm people, when possible.
- A persons emotions are their own responsibility
- If you let someone else be responsible for your emotions- like if they act rudely it will make you feel badly, they will always control you.
- This has to do with the 3rd chakra, a sense of power
- You can get power from activating your 3rd chakra or hoping that people will do it for you.
2222 It would be nice if more people found me attractive
- Why would you hope someone liked your body? Only want people who sincerely like your body to be potential marriage candidates (exist in the vibration of truth)
- Only want mutual attraction
- If you do not like your genetics, do not reproduce, but rather, invest time or money in couples whose genetics you favor who intend on procreating
- People use their bodies to seduce each other – or make people want them- but that is all about competition and sexual tension and is an unloving energy.
3333 more people should agree with my religion or spirituality
- want people to want what they want, their truthes
- the best is to be friendly and only offer your preferences
- it is sometimes appropriate to establish boundaries such as telling people that you are married to yourself/ your future spouse
- or other religious restrictions you wish to establish such as a preference to not touch etc
- in this way, you are not forcing people to agree with you, just respect your boundaries
- you will feel good if you like yourself and make time for your own rituals and do not do things you do not want with people – such as eating dinner with people who are not of the same religion.
3334 This person is bullying/ harassing myself or my child
- Observe and document them like a scientist would- resolve to keep emotion out of it so you can think clearly.
- Seek and give space, rather than expecting them to give your space
- Treat them like a storm, not a person, so it is your responsibility to avoid the storm, rather than you depending upon the storm not to hit you
- Even if you are otherwise kind, Consider rectifying any non-fair trade or non vegan activity you may be doing, as it may be keeping you in a dark energy and attracting that to you and yours
- Consider labeling your child as their first name, instead of son or daughter, and have them label you as your first name instead of mother or father because these are terms of hierarchy and submission and dominance – and will make your child behave submissively at school and get dominated by people stronger smarter and older than they are
- Do homeschooling when possible or gender separate schooling because there is less competition and aggression when there is not an underlying sexual tension between the students trying to be better than one another.
3335 There is a threatening person near me
- Always have on you at least 5 $20 bills so you can get a taxi or give to an angry poor person or drug addict as a peace offering
- Avoid these situations by not sitting down outside or at least not having yout back turned away from where people could come and attack you
- Having at least one person on the lookout as security and not even relying upon them to keep you safe
- A law of the jungle- respect the fact that in many public settings, there are dangerous people who could easily kill you and your family with a knife or gunfire.
- Even in private settings, unless there is no way to break a door or window in, that may be unsafe as well. Consider protective grills on windows and metal doors
3336 I will protect my children
- Consider that sending them to a school with older students of the opposite gender and teachers of the opposite gender puts them in a vulnerable position
- They may be vulnerable to predatory gay people as well.
- Explain to your kids that there are predatory sexual people both hetero and homo and they will target younger people because younger people are more physically attractive.
3337 I am uncomfortable with the fact that some people seem to ‘get all the girls- or guys’
- This is about envy, and envy, technically speaking a disapproving of the way someone misuses their body or money.
- They are misusing their body and neglecting their spouse and that is not worthy of envy- it’s a disapproval. Encourage them to use foresight and dedicate their lives to their dreams and ‘dream mate’
- This statement needs to be unpacked semantically.
- Women should not be referred to as girls, because when you use a diminutive word like girl to describe yourself it makes you psychologically play a submissive role
- The term ‘ get all the people ‘ is a reference to sexually seducing people with your body and/ or money.
- You can have sex w your spouse daily, but with non-committal sex, it is not as frequent and it is a tease, not to mention the obvious unhygienic factors.
- It is an exchange of energy and karma and programming – why would you want someone elses bad stuff ?
- Basically, It has nothing to do with love or a sustainable healthy relationship with yourself, your future spouse, and the community.
3338 I put so much love into my child and now they are a teen and do not want to listen to me
- It is best to take videos of them as they grow up- not just holidays and vacations but the bad times, and show them when they are older to show how much you did for them
- However, don’t make it seem like they owe you anything because you brought them into this world and have a moral obligation to do the best you can to raise them, until, say the age of 25 when their prefrontal cortex is developed.
- Assess the exact nature of your relationship, the terms mother and father are not as exact as the term guardian
- Are you their guardian? Do you want them to be your guardian?
3339 I know my religion says to be but it is difficult to wait until marriage
- Anyone else except a ‘ Value Interest Spousal Partner for Life’
- A successful marriage is a result of a mature mind, not everyone will make it happen
- It’s a dangerous game of emotion because many people are attracted to many people and sexual acts are addicting and cause people to be attached to each other- it is more critical than the marriage ceremony, which at most exchanges a kiss
- Its all about environment and people – stay at your
- And don’t use color of speech say exactly what it is ‘ it’s difficult to wait until marriage for having sex with someone
- But in fact, it is unclean and unloving and an unwanted memory to have premarital intimacy because it creates memories of you perhaps eating your personal favorite foods and going to places all of which you may want to stop doing because the relationship is over- and it’s heartbreak!
- Define by if you would want to suck her pussy and give your soul to her – because you will give all your extra time and money to her and unless she uses it to instill the same values that you have into the children and into the world and back to you, as a secretary and support to your life- then you, as a man, have wasted your life.
- And women, define the man by if he wants to create a life with you and no one else
3340 I want to create a legacy
- This will involve letting go of sensory pleasures and start to get excited about investing in the future
- It’s the choice of a person who has knowledge and power and uses it to lift up the future generations, rather than just buy fancy toys drugs or younger woman’s bodies. Instead he/she lifts up posterity- with teachings, protection and resources.
3341 ‘ alpha male’ shows such as ‘ the fresh and fit podcast ‘ irritate me because they objectify women
- They are hypocrites because they claim to find virgin women the most attractive, but they do not promote a culture that protects women and keeps them virgins.
- If the women are virgins, so will the men be. It is equally important that men remain virgin until marriage for a world that treats peoples bodies as sacred.
- If someone thinks they are a ‘ high value alpha male ‘ or an appealing woman, they should combine their resources and favorable genetics in marriage and have raise kids with those good genetics in a financially stable environment.
3342 People seem to care just as much about pets as they do about people:
- Part of this is due to life being easier and people not needing other people to coexist
- But it is an unfair habit to the youth and each other who deserve our attention
- It is understandable if a person has tried unsuccessfully to connect with people and perhaps does not want a marriage so has opted for a pet but I think it should not be a first choice
I want to buy luxury goods.
- Make sure you are doing it for yourself- and your enjoyment & passion for the product or service you are purchasing
- It should be for the personal experience refinement not to show that you are better than others or make others want to be your friend or be envious of you
- Make sure you can afford it without having to make sacrifices to your health or other moral obligations like children or debts or neglect of goals you aim for
- Determine the actual costs – how much to maintain the product and use it, if it is a service such as a massage or nice restaurant or vacation, what is the frequency you wish to consume it, will you be ok with only once a year etc or will that be a tease
- Would you be happy renting the product or sharing it or to you want to feel a complete ownership and responsibility of it
- Ensure you are being fair with the rest of the world- contributing some of your wealth to charity as well
- Also the benefit of promoting the economy and creating jobs but make sure what you are consuming is a fair trade product or service, even though it is expensive which makes it seem like it is fair trade
- Not showing it off near poor or angry or biased people who might be envious and want to steal or hurt or kill you
1. There is a threatrening person near me
2. I’m tired :
3. I wish I was not poor :
4. I feel lonely :
5. want to have s :
- Masturbate
- Sex = more intimate than marriage- it is how you express who you value the most
- With random people who you do not care about?
- So you want
- Realize that once you activate 2nd chakra, you don’t want sex, you can see clearly and be in control of yourself
6. I want to get married but it seems difficult to find the right one
- Although it is annoying when being told that one must love themselves before being able to love someone else but that is because now, people are very unique and have specific sets of values preferences and
7. Penis enhancement adds interfere with internet porn consumption.
- I agree. Even though it is visually entertaining to see larger sexual features,
- any focus that delineates from the woman and her nipples and pussy is not
- Even though it seems like women have a disproportionately larger sized vagina compared with mens penis - men should still complement their wives, rather than acting out the feminine archetype and hoping for complements and sexual attention from their wives.
Use like an app, an open browser tab on your phone
address your basic needs, sexual desires and emotional wants
The less others can control you !
In Buddhism, the needs desires and wants are considered as the ‘ Lower Three Chakras ‘
As possible, Activate your chakras daily and sequentially, beginning with the first chakra.
For instance, do not try to activate the 3rdchakra
Meet your appetites for food, shelter, sexual activation, and self empowerment via exercise, creative works and rituals and affirming self talk and journaling
In Kantian Philosophy, one aims to act upon Moral Duty and time test commitments instead of temporal desires and lusts.
love and serve people better…
by being autonomous. ( EMOTIONS
Many people find sexually attractive but would not ever want to raise children with.
If someone is rude to you but you find them attractive, you may feel like you want to
It is important to give women space and make more accomodations for them because often they are vulnerable. So men, don’t expect them to be nice to you.
Some Women like security so much they don’t care as much about the world – they don’t care as much how they get their income- if it’s govt assistance, or if their husband makes money in a job the woman disapproves of.
Think about it ; if a homo couple gets married, who takes the last name
is taking the last name a defining feature of a marriage ?
how about getting married, legally tying each others
prenuptial agreement not only for divorce but for if people change or if they get handicapped
also, a will and trust for their children included in the prenuptual agreement
often, if a person is rude, harmful or critical of you, you may think you deserve to feel angry or badly,
but if you are in public, no emotion is helpful- and it is never useful to be angry. Stay focused, defend yourself or others, but use logic, not emotion for this
live to impress future spouse
-wear wedding band
-feels like married
-never feel like need to impress (seduce anyone )
consider that you could be promoting your own brands or projects, rather than someone elses-
in sales, need to attach emotion to it because once people have emotional connection to it, they will feel better about figuring out the logic
3333 Enjoy work:
- Act as if earning high wage
- Eventually you will
- Get away if conflict
- Communicate formally via text email for record / avoid emotional conflicts
1111 predatory people want their bodies
- Or time and money
2222 lying to self/other
People want x
2222 red flag words: date / hang out / flirt / hit on / spend time
- Half hearted ; not
1111 label kid parent guardian GC
And make sure kid wants a MG/FG
2222 it’s more powerful to manage desires than let desires control you
3333 why parent child love hate
- When adults , can serve each other better under the roles of equals
- Cannot love until mutually commited to same values and cannot do that until formed values- as an audlt
2222 feels great to not want someone even if x attracted to them
- Clarity if think: would I raise child with them?
- Would I gladly caretake them if ill?
- Cigarette clause
- Wouldn’t be attracted to someone who smokes
- The same applies to other things like whether they
- Want people to have their own viespal
- (value interest equal spousal partner for life )
- 1111 if kids value self –
- taught to be self authrority,
- like royalty,
- less prone to manipulation
- Value themselves
- Use language of self authority
- Why would want to go out alone
- Or with people of diff religion
- Homeschool
- Or at least gender separate schools
- Pay attention to self
- Self talk & self journaling
- self- complements
- Or are you waiting for someone else
- to do it for you ?
- better to be alone than give any energy to non-VIESPAL
3333 hard questions for world peace for every being
would abort a malformed fetus or not
2222 feel like know/love self
- need to feel like know what you like
- and know what you are doing
- and calendar scheduling it
- saying no, setting
- the energy of love=
- doing your favorite activities
- (together with others or by yourself)
Reduce school shootings
Its likely a consequence of
Competitive xual tension
3333 want world peace
- Create, prior to Before pursuit of romance and family
- Look at what you think the world most needs
- The #1 thing, not the #2 thing
- Focus and do that #1 thing
1111 self dentistry
- Use metal pick on teeth weekly
- It will be easier and gentle for DIY
- ONLY Jason Seafresh paste
- Extra soft brush
- Keep paste in mouth for 45 sec to strengthen teeth
- 45 sec w coco oil afterwards
Standing > sitting > lying down
- You’ll think better standing
- Be able to get away from manipulators
3333: I have no time
- Say “ I have plenty of time”
- Have a schedule
- so that you can say not available
- say no
3333: homeless :
- If security/police asking them to move
- There needs to be a legitimate shelter for them
- Two shelters , one for men, one for women & prepubertal men (boys)
- Place for handicapped to stay all day
3333: assisted euthanasia
- Reincarnate to brand new life
- If people believed in reincarnation they would agree
- If I was mentally physically handicapped to a degree
- I would want to turn in my body
- Get a new one
- Handicapped who can’t decide if they want assisted suicide
- Criminally insane – stop supporting their life
- Trapped in body – get them out
3333 world peace prior to the luxuries of romance and family time
3333 if you have a schedule others will not dominate you
33 homeless
- Shelter for men
- Shelter for women
- Handicapped can stay there all day
- Able bodies go out and bring their own cardboard
- Shower before entering
33 assisted euthanasia
- Under trying circumstances,
- I would prefer death
- Which is a brand new life
- Reincarnation will change the world
- Every 100 years
- We are consciousness
- Where do we come from
- If I am mentally/ physically limited
- And cannot even decide for myself
- If I want help leaving,
- Get me out of this body !
- Heaven boring, purposeless
- Reincarnate
22 marriage
Can have one person be a cheerleader
Or both be equals ; respect each other
33 when possible, I only want to be in the vibration of love and creation
33 : money
- Avoid spending creep
- Don’t make more spend more
- Don’t unconsciously think society
- Will fund your life and emergencies
- When you really want something,
- Notice how you save it
- Accounting – count your money
- Count your spending , simple math
- This will make it easy to save
- Put at least some money/gold/silver in a
- Safety deposit box
33; Three primary personalities
1. Bad people to be avoided, they need self work or prison or humane euthenasia
2. People good with business, numbers structure
3. people good with communications creativity
men naturally value things more than people, so the trick is to be interested in things like food/restaurants group exercise for health, principles, style, and houses to invite people to- all these things promote socialization. Cars, for example, do not.
Women naturally value relationships more than things, so the trick is to only lead and follow people you respect, and avoid relationships with people you do not care about, or relating to dogs more than humans and children, for example. Put humanity first.
3333 most impt message from the bible is to avoid premarital intimacy.
the bible warns hell for those who pursue lusts.
in reality, there are consequences for lusts in this lifetime.
that should be the reason to avoid lust, not because of
because it is unloving, lustful and antisocial competitive behavior.
it also hints at veganism.
jesus knocked over the ' money changers' tables in the ' den of thieves '
this was because the churches/ mosques / temples
were and still do make much profits from killing animals
for food and ' labeling ' them as kosher or halal
jesus, if he was a real person, or just an achetype of a kind of person,
did not eat meat , that is why he
jesus was nazarene essene ebonite -
all relating to non- violence / veganism
vegetarianism is only non-violent
if dairy cows, egg laying hens and honey bees etc
do not suffer
and are painlessly killed when appropriate
eggs and milk are much more costly than plant protein
it is however, sensible to kill off any human predators
also, I would rather lab rats be used if testing of a product is necessary, rather than it be tested on humans.
1111 getlambs.com for anti wifi emf silver lined clothing and hats
3333: adults should consider buying tools
Instead of toys
And don’t buy the wrong tools or services or ones you can’t yet afford
2222: You will feel truly at peace
When you are identify and attached to
Your values, rather than people places or things
3333: instead of thinking it is normal to die,
And get your arteries clogged/ heart attack
Don’t say it won’t kill me if I eat it now
Because IT WILL eventually clog arteries
It is gradual suicide,
fueled by torturous meat/dairy industry
Think instead: that you can live indefinitely
2222: if you are old and have a bf/gf
It seems strange.
This is because it is half- hearted and why would you waste your life with someone
You are not sure you are commited/married to
People say they will settle down in their 30s
This is the same poor logic
3333: if a person is rude , or if made a mistake
You may feel like you are supposed to feel badly.
Feeling badly makes you illogical
It is your responsibility to act logically.
So breathe and stay in a clear focused state of mind
2222: think of how good it will feel to live for one’s future spouse
It feels like you are married
It feels like you don’t have to
impress (seduce ) anyone
Will bring closer to loving zmzpouze
If i find out someone I am attracted to but they are not attractive to me,
Dont want to be around someone who doeznt like me
Need to want to have sex w self
Go home excited dont eat straight to jerking
3333: money:
If want something, ie new phone, you save for it, right ?
So want a goal of an amount of money
- 6 months of emergency savings
- If hurt, or victim of theft
- If want children, must save a lot to protect provide to them if you die early
- If you have money you can
3333: once you have children,
You are often locked in to your current
Culture, socio economic status
Because you need to focus all time on
Raising and providing for the kids
1. Act as if there is Danger, do not sit/eat in public where someone could attack/break window/door in, esp. at night. carry whistle, learn to fight/flight, don't put self where need to defend self/ others.
2. Always carry at least $100 cash in 20's for emergencies or peace offering. Pepper Spray Gel!
3. It is a compliment to say you are afraid of someone if needed.Don't Rationalizewith bad ppl
4. Meet your own needs, sexual desires, & emotional wants, daily, or others can control you by 'offering' you ' free things/ intimacy/invitations'/ food/ getting you emotional/ getting you in their car/house. People= Motivated by Needs/Desires/Wants
5. Others cannot make you angry, you do. lack of full breathing makes you angry. seek space and give space when conflict arises/dont wait to be told to
6. Want People to want what they want not pretend to like you. Envy=Dissaproval of Misuse of Body/$
7. Better than Dominance and Submission, choose Equitable Fair Trade Exchanges. feel you earn what you consume- Products/Services of the World.
1. Sexual anxiety ( don’t need it, just think of wifes pussy, or think of how your husband will care for your pussy
2. Sexual desire :
3. Worry about future challenges (similar to excitement
4. Excitement: only appropriate if in safe place where can lower guard
5. Playful humorous mood: should only play with people want to create memories with, such as
6. Feeling fake/pretend : Sometimes necessary to lie because cant afford to be honest, such as telling your
7. Pride:
8. Nostalgic
9. Freedom
10. Love of spouse
11. Love of girl friend / boy friend -
12. Love of brother or sister
13. Love of family
14. Cheerfulness/ being nice: when you be nice to show that you are a friendly
15. Annoyance : this occurs when you are around people in personal or professional settings. They are people that you do not like, but feel you need to be around.
16. Lazy:
17. Ignorance- this attitude goes along with thinking life is good enough and
18. Settling: this when you have accepted limitations in life such as you
19. Attached:
20. Fear of death: not stud
21. guilt/pity: you can remove these emotions by taking action. Do what you can so that you can say to yourself and others that you did what you can
22. Disgust: this is a useful emotion; you need to say certain people are disgusting- they are unhealthy , unclean , promiscuous, lazy- aim for purity
23. Pleasure: sexual pleasure is a healthy and sustainable pleasure if one does it to oneself, especially considering the sex toys the 21 century has to offer. If one seeks it outside of oneself there are two kinds of pleasure: either – two people who are married and care about each other and
24. Interest: this is another emotion to be careful with. You may find many people interesting, funny, smart and fancy and rich- but are they people who you share the same core values with? Would you rather be on a simple table with people you respected or at a fancy restaurant wearing fancy clothing with entertaining rich people but who you disagreed with their core values.
25. Adoration: this is worshipping certain people , perhaps due to artistic or other talents, perhaps due to having quality genetics or socio economic status. That fanfare can be fun but your main focus should be your spouse.
26. Romance :
27. Guilt: knowing that there are some people suffering in the world, one must decide
28. Regret: this is another powerful one, but if you think about it, we are all pure consciousness, and nothing we can do can change that so might as well
29. Sexual attraction: this one might seem absolute- like you cannot control what you are attracted to.
But the reality is
30. Mate attraction: this
31. Job Envy:
32. Salary Envy :
33. Body Envy
34. Unfulfilled expectations:
35. Sense of financial manipulation:
36. Sense of time manipulation:
37. Sense of sexual manipulation: feeling objectified or used
38. Self-hatred: this is a result of labeling someone your higher authority. For example, if you label a sexual partner as the center of your world, they control you
Self- resentment manifests itself as doing activities which are unloving, anger filled and hurt your body, mind or reputation.
39. Admiration : when you admire a person, this is often on a professional level. What did they achieve in their field and what can you learn from them?
40. Horror : the horrors of war and diseases, std’s cancer, a slow solitary death and poverty should are becoming remenants of the past.
41. Stressed out : this pressure
42. Feeling harassed: seek and give space
43. Afraid: means there is danger- realize that you will move smarter , much of this is being able to predict the situation and
44. Satisfaction of accomplishment: this emotion involves completing projects and goals and self improvement. You will feel more like yourself when you do this
1. VIESPAL : Value Interests Equal Spousal Partner All Life – this is a more specific definition than the words spouse or husband and wife. It is an intense connection and commitment of two people
2. VIESFAM : Values Interest Equal Spiritual Family
1. Sexual anxiety ( don’t need it, just think of wifes pussy, or think of how your husband will care for your pussy
2. Sexual desire :
3. Worry about future challenges (similar to excitement
4. Excitement: only appropriate if in safe place where can lower guard
5. Playful humorous mood: should only play with people want to create memories with, such as
6. Feeling fake/pretend : Sometimes necessary to lie because cant afford to be honest, such as telling your
7. Pride: in order to feel a sense of pride that is not contingent upon external approval, do things that you truly want to do and really study and put everything into your work.
8. Nostalgic : this emotion is usually not useful. It hopes for previous times. If you like the past or a person that has past, live out the personality qualities they had. Stay in the present.
9. Freedom : in order to enjoy freedom, it is necessary to work for it and protect it
10. Love of spouse :
11. Love of girl friend / boy friend -
12. Love of brother or sister
13. Love of family
14. Cheerfulness/ being nice: when you be nice to show that you are a friendly
15. Annoyance : this occurs when you are around people in personal or professional settings. They are people that you do not like, but feel you need to be around.
16. Lazy:
17. Ignorance- this attitude goes along with thinking life is good enough and
18. Settling: this when you have accepted limitations in life such as you
19. Attached:
20. Fear of death: not stud
21. guilt/pity: you can remove these emotions by taking action. Do what you can so that you can say to yourself and others that you did what you can
22. Disgust: this is a useful emotion; you need to say certain people are disgusting- they are unhealthy , unclean , promiscuous, lazy- aim for purity
23. Pleasure: sexual pleasure is a healthy and sustainable pleasure if one does it to oneself, especially considering the sex toys the 21 century has to offer. If one seeks it outside of oneself there are two kinds of pleasure: either – two people who are married and care about each other and
24. Interest: this is another emotion to be careful with. You may find many people interesting, funny, smart and fancy and rich- but are they people who you share the same core values with? Would you rather be on a simple table with people you respected or at a fancy restaurant wearing fancy clothing with entertaining rich people but who you disagreed with their core values.
25. Adoration: this is worshipping certain people , perhaps due to artistic or other talents, perhaps due to having quality genetics or socio economic status. That fanfare can be fun but your main focus should be your spouse.
26. The emotion of Romance : Romance and Dating is meant for married people alone. the mistake people make is sharing their life with someone before marrying them. Sharing their favorite places, foods, music and hobbies with them- but then, when they break up, you have unwanted memories of doing these things together with that person and you may not want to do those things anymore because they remind you of that person. This is half-hearted maybe we love each other weakness.
27. Guilt: knowing that there are some people suffering in the world, one must decide
28. Regret: this is another powerful one, but if you think about it, we are all pure consciousness, and nothing we can do can change that so might as well
29. Sexual attraction: this one might seem absolute- like you cannot control what you are attracted to.
But the reality is
30. Mate attraction: this is about being self-actualized- being clear on what you like and what you don’t like and the goals you want to accomplish and hobbies to do with your spouse.
31. Job Envy: if you like a kind of profession but think that it is too inaccessible because you need connections or education level- but you can always study on your own or volunteer; you might think that some jobs are better than others, but I think that in the future, all people will share different jobs because we will all be smart enough to do any job, so it is only fair to share the challenging jobs between each other- also, …be honest about what the market wants and whether you can offer it. And although you may think someone’s easy job is better, will it make you feel purposeful and strong ?
32. Salary Envy : most high paying jobs are difficult and to an extent involve selling your soul and compromising on your values and no privacy and are higher pay for a reason- because they are not as enjoyable as other jobs. Many jobs such as tradeswork is more satisfying and honest work than sales etc even though it may pay less…
33. Body Envy
34. Wealth envy: an easy example to use is imagine yourself in a car you might like. Now, notice how being in that car would feel and would isolate you and make you think you are superior to others, also, people work hard for their money so feel good that they can enjoy what they have- and truthfully, health is the most important precursor to happiness and it is relatively low cost to go to a gym daily
35. Unfulfilled expectations:
36. Sense of financial manipulation:
37. Sense of time manipulation:
38. Sense of sexual manipulation: feeling objectified or used
39. Self-hatred: this is a result of labeling someone your higher authority. For example, if you label a sexual partner as the center of your world, they control you
Self- resentment manifests itself as doing activities which are unloving, anger filled and hurt your body, mind or reputation.
40. Admiration : when you admire a person, this is often on a professional level. What did they achieve in their field and what can you learn from them?
41. Horror : the horrors of war and diseases, std’s cancer, a slow solitary death and poverty should are becoming remenants of the past.
42. Stressed out : this pressure can be worked out by deep breathing, working out, scheduling on a calendar so that you have a better control over your time,
43. Feeling harassed: seek and give space
44. Afraid: means there is danger- realize that you will move smarter , much of this is being able to predict the situation and
45. Satisfaction of accomplishment: this emotion involves completing projects and goals and self improvement. You will feel more like yourself when you do this
such as exercising,
also, the passion for craftsmanship and providing quality services is also important
47. Hatred of parents : as an adult, you should rule your personal life, and not rule over others personal lives. Hierarchies should only be formed for business and institutional purposes.
48. Hatred of government: it is not fair to expect people in govt to promulgate change. The govt is a large slow machine wherein corruption is inevitable. Term limits will help, and electing the best options, but more importantly, people all influence each other, and ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for our country
49. Fear of children being hurt: children have energy and it should be channeled in exercise, rather than sports where injury is common such as contact sports or skateboarding
50. Fear of children being sexually harmed: it is important to
51. Hate going to the Dentist: It is appropriate to be resistant to going to the dentist because one can more carefully pick one’s teeth by oneself. Also, fluoride should be avoided as it damages the pineal gland. I specifically recommend Jason seafresh paste, with an extra soft brush, and keeping that strengthening paste in your mouth for 45 seconds post brushing. Dentists are certainly helpful for dental surgery but regular maintenance can be done weekly by the individual.
52. Lack of desire to exercise: join a gym and do 15 min of cardio at a pace that feels right, I recommend stationary bike, and lift the weights that you are in the mood for. Other sports and running etc may be fun but the gym is the safest place to exercise, and also enjoy seeing other athletic people
53. Confusion about mitigating conflict: listen to both sides, seek and give space when people are angry, communicate via email or text so there is a written record and there is no verbal attacks.
54. Wanting control of life- even if it’s unhealthy- be it food, drugs, unloving sexual activity or other unsustainable pursuits. Sexual activation is the one sustainable adult pleasure- and should be done regularly by the self until marriage. If you seek pleasure, you will be controlled by other people. If you seek to pleasure only your spouse, you are controlled by your values. Even if someone is physically attractive, you will not want intimacy with them, because you only want to pleasure the one you love- your spouse-
55. Feel Society owes me- people may rightly feel entitled to certain govt help or other entitlements, but this mindset can be take more than give, and it is not possible to enjoy something unless one worked for it.
56. I wish that person wanted to have sex with me: …furthermore, you need to focus preparing for and being with your future spouse, and not focus on other people’s bodies or relationships.
57. I feel envious of the person who seems to attract multiple sex partners: this is not worthy of envy- they are creating a competitive atmosphere and neglecting their VIESPAL.
58. Desire strong relationships: protection with Shield Heart is all about managing one’s needs desires and wants. When you do this independently, only then can you have close relationships. I would describe these relationships
59. Worrying about money: when you want to save money for something, such as a new phone, it becomes easy to save for it. When you
Words are powerful…
1. VIESPAL : Value Interests Equal Spousal Partner All Life – this is a more specific definition than the words spouse or husband and wife. It is an intense connection and commitment of two people
2. VIESFAM : Values Interest Equal Spiritual Family : Instead of basing your most important relationships upon biological relations, It seems useful to instead choose people who have the same set of values as you. The mutual commitment to those values will help you go through the hard times, and prove your love for one another.
3. Religious: you know how when someone says they are Christian or religious you feel more trusting of them around you and your children ? well, this can sometimes be the case but there are degrees of how religious someone is. The very religious may treat people as sacred and not want to marry someone outside their religion. This is basing your life upon your values, not upon fleeting sexual desires. It is never certain if someone says they are religious- but does that mean they would not seduce you or someone you care about if they had the opportunity to seduce them?
4. Spiritual: when people say they are spiritual, it may or may not mean that they value marriage etc.
1. ((((((((((10.25.2022 Resistance to Educating youth about sexual matters. I agree that porn/sexual matters should not be in libraries or talked about in schools- it should be the kids and their parents who educate themselves- the information is available online. It should not be a subject in schools. also, financial education should be taught in schools. furthermore, on the subject of masturbation, I think it is an important daily mechanism for controlling desire and preventing premaritial intimacy so I think it is in line with many religious doctrines. some religions have watered down their policies on premarital intimacy, such as by letting non- married sexual partners be members of a church. that is why I admire certain precepts administered in orthodox muslim jewish etc communities. they discouage any premarital intimacy and consequently, create a culture more full of respect, less sexual tension or pressure to be sexual , and a gender separate society that recognizes that sexual desire is real and needs to be responsibly managed,- just like historical Hawaiian cultures did.
2. people should use hierarchies only in business, not in personal life.
for example : a child can be treated like a client: and the parent can be a ' professional guardian/ teach their children to
many parents to not play the role of guardian or teacher very well, in part because they want their children to be their friends and like them, but a child does not have adequate judgement skills, so they are not suitable to be treated like friends.
when they become adults, then they have their own values and interests developed and only then should they be seen as
only when independent can people truly love.
essentially, labling people mother father grandfather uncle etc makes people act subservient, especially to those people.
if you label someone like this, you are more likely to only do what they want you to do in life.
it is like someone labeling someone their king or queen.
3. to me, it's a question of whether someone wants to do what they can to avoid premarital intimacy- or if they are NOT trying to avoid premarital intimacy. My goal is to be surrounded by people with strong authentic heart-based relationships. not to have sold their soul to lust and hedonism.
I agree; but with email/ video chat, I dont see why all information cannot be exchanged.
I think it can be assessed via scientific exchange of videos of each person masturbating and honest discussion about sexual preferences , if other aspects match already.
Perhaps some people prefer to have multiple sex partners. I think the world would be more loving if there wasnt this ongoing sexual tension and competition and confusion as to who is connected with who.
All these boyfriend and girlfriend dating relations are adults acting like boys girls and friends. Its half hearted and unloving.
4. if you do not work diligently to creatre a life for yourself, you are neglecting your wife
if you give your energy out randomly,
6. do not identify you with the car you drive. I identify you with your level of health
7. if you do not exercise and go vegan, it means you do not mind dying
8. GREED: sometimes one must become more greedy in order to support a wife and family
12. DISLIKE WORK?: also, the passion for craftsmanship and providing quality services is also important
13. Fear of existence: Existential fear who are we, afraid of ourselves we created it – both good and bad possibilities
Mens performance anxiety: You need to not care how big or loose your wifes vagina is. Instead of being interested in your pp, worship your wifes vv clitoris and her whole body inside and out. Conplement her. Be her man. Dynamics at a gym are a revealing example of this phenomenon of men directing attention.
It is masculine to look at the sexy women in tight clothing at the gym.
It is feminine to show off your body.
As a man, I think it is feminine to show off your muscles, although it may seem fun , any attention that men try to get means less attention directed towards women.
This even goes with men wanting riches and to show off their wealth.
It is fun, but it takes away from the focus on womens bodies
Furthermore, both men and women get distracted by larger sexual features and riches and luxury experiences. Realize that skin and health are always the primary sexual features,
And overall, focus more attention on women and her vv, just like people like to look at flowers.
14. Primarily men should provide affection and sexual attention and complements. Peace will be had when men focus more on their womans body and pussy rather than their body and pp. Or others bodies and relationships-
this is an essential question. Men should massage men. Men should teach boys in schools. When you blend the genders , to a degree, especially with younger people, or things like massage or psychotherapy personal medical stuff its constant sexual tension, because with at least men, they constantly think of sex, a distraction from a proper therapy sessions or education. Same with women. Women should teach and raise younger women. When I used to give platonic massage therapy to women, it was a tease because all I could think about was sex. Sexual energy should be a private focus- whether masturbation or sex with spouse. Anything else is an antisocial unhealthy unloving lustful tease- a mixed gender massage, classroom, even boyfriend girlfriend is a tease- because its all maybies. You can discover everything you need to know about someone most efficiently by analyzing their social media or dating profiles, and video chat , romantic dates are about seduction, and only married people should create these kind of non-platonic memories of dating, sex, vacations etc. Life is about memories. Reserve those memories for your spouse.
Uncertainty surrounding mate selection: two kinds of men :
1. men who flirt with women to seduce them , ie offering to pay for date
2. men who ask if a woman has the same religion/ spirituality/ values as he does
the first man just wants sex
the second man wants to give his life and money to a woman because she has the same core values and interests as he does
consider that luxuries and enjoyments such as expensive clothing cars and residences and vacations and restaurants and socializing can distract from your goals and your spouse.
there are disadvantages to having a body with larger penis or breasts
they draw attention to you and are physical and mental physiological burden
simple: either pleasure someone because care about same values and respect them
Or seek pleasure because you want their body but dont care about their values
Love vs lust
No premartial intimacy vs non commital loveless seduction
15. DISAGREEMENT ON DEALTH PENALTY I think we need the death penalty in hawaii for people who attack people in prison, rape or in many homocide cases, ice dealers, or people who are terroristic theats . there is a small group of people who initiate violence and make society an unsafe place. what do you think ? It can be unsafe to promote this message because you may get attacked by bad people. Be aware
16. Concerns about pornography and introducing sexuality to the youth: porn/sexual matters should not be in libraries or talked about in schools- it should be the kids and their parents who educate themselves- the information is available online. It should not be a subject in schools. also, financial education should be taught in schools. furthermore, on the subject of masturbation, I think it is an important daily mechanism for controlling desire and preventing premaritial intimacy so I think it is in line with many religious doctrines. some religions have watered down their policies on premarital intimacy, such as by letting non- married sexual partners be members of a church. that is why I admire certain precepts administered in orthodox muslim jewish etc communities. they discouage any premarital intimacy and consequently, create a culture more full of respect, less sexual tension or pressure to be sexual , and a gender separate society that recognizes that sexual desire is real and needs to be responsibly managed,- just like historical Hawaiian cultures did.
Why would i need to label someone a parent or guardian now that I am an adult and do not need someone to play the role of a parent or guardian ?
I label them my ' ex guardian ' or legal biological parent
In some instances, they are not even worthy of the title ex parent or guardian
Because they did not fulfill those roles.
I recommend that they label them spiritual brother or sister.
That means they respect each others core values.
Biological relation is not as important as core values.
Except when parents are raising a child they should try, up until the age of say 25, even if the child has incongruous values as compared to theirs.
They have a moral and legal obligation to try
However, for two adults to label one another a father mother son nephew etc
Is similar to labeling someone a king or subject. Dominance and submission.
It is one of the foundation root issues of problems in society.
Adults labeling someone their authority. Power of words. Irresponsible. Dangerous.
Same az someone saying god iz their father and justifyung their actions by saying god made me do it.
Aka ' the lord made me do it' they thank the lord for their job rather than their employee
Stupidity and ignorance
Your counter argument
Would likely be that I have not studied the field of psychology so my claims are untested and not credible.
There may be indicators of this in the field of study but psychology is corrupted.
They have sold their soul to big pharma.
Many mental health issues are resolvable via regular exercise/diet but you cannot make money off giving that advice
Psychology plus pharma equals big business.
I think most people do not need pharma/ritalin /anti depressants etc
I think the reason parents force kids to take ritalin is because they blindly trust in psychologists.
It may also be because they resent and objectify their kids- thinking their kids are their property for life,
Rather than trying to teach their kids to be independent.
Are you interested in discussing and determining the quickest path to marriage?
Im not trying to detract from your mature approach to having a house etc
But i can learn from your mistakes on marriage. First mistake is you were not legally married,
Legal marriage proves you trust and value someone
That is why only sex post marriage
Or you will get distracted and addicted to that person
Part of the process is not giving time to people who are not a viable potential spouse
What is the most efficient way to find someone-
I think by glancing through facebook profiles
No relationship
But I can easily learn from others mistakes.
Do you think I have to have failed relationships to know that?
Thats like saying I need to get into a car accident to know how to avoid a car accident.
Good advice on the self improvement
But what is the most effective way to find someone once you are financially and emotionally ready and know yourself?
Why waste time getting to know someone for months
When you can assess someone and ask personal questions on a 1 hr video call after vetting their social media
18. If all men qant is pussy
That means women have more ppwer
Not good.
Technically, men want orgasms
Masturbation and pocket pussy solves this
19. Poor people want money so they can stop working and make other people work for them like slaves,
Rich people want money so they can invest in businesses and provide jobs and good work ethics and company philosophy
20. you and he seem to naturally like to be on stage
You must practice and like your craft because stage fright is eliminated when someone is serious about focusing on their art and presenting it and values their art rather than focusing as much on the audience.
Yes its good to have audience cues but when you practice and are into it, you are enjoying and enrertaining yourself first and foremost because the art expression feels creative and you want that creative sensation of bein tapped into the energetic field moreso than the approval of the external audience.
21. Who cares if they dont laugh at your joke? Laugh at if yourself.
Who cares if they dont applaud
You should like your own performance.
entirely correct thinking
Ms. Claire. The only way to control ejaculation is via masturbation
A man should not have intercourse with a specific woman unless he wants to give her oral sex.
Many people find each other sexy but would they marry/ give each other soul/ want to raise children/ go through difficult timez/ build a life?
I believe in no intimacy until marriage. It is fake and half hearted unloving lustful
People can discuss things including sexual compatibility during video calls,
Not seductive manipulative dating" which is hormonally fueled.
Dating/any romance for married couples alone.
Masturbatory orgasm is activating the 2nd chakra.
If you dont activate it regularily daily yourself,
Your inner lust and desire will heavily influence the way you act
Other people will be able to seduce you easily
And others can manipulate you
Because you want their bodies
Post orgasm clarity is fundamental, it is more important than activating the 3rd chakra energy.
1st chakra= meet your basic needs, not hope others will, nothing is free
2nd chakra= masturbation activation
3rd chakra= meeting your emotional wants,
Either by unsustainably seeking submission, complements and approval from others,
Or uplifting yourself,
With exercise, creative works, and self empowering mantras and goal-derived actions
And for $50, get this, its as satisfying as a real vagina. Use extra virgin olive oil
Why use unhealthy foods like sugar caffine alchohol marijuana tv viewing etc to derive pleasure?
Then, give all the power over to others to meet your 2nd chakra needs?
Or need a prostitute or non- commited unloving sexual partner?
That affects the level people can trust each other
Many men have no self control because they seek orgasm from women they do not care about.
Men seduce women for sex because they do not respect those women.
You do not seduce someone you respect and would like to marry.
Especially couples porn , between loving couples, what is morally indecent about watching that?
23. Judgement not
They are on thier karmic path
Karmix path
Enlightenment is not be affected by anything
Because you are reminding yourself that you are all that is.
As a man
Not healthy to pursue pleasure as much as women
You have goals and you find a woman who will go with those goals
Pleasuresseek is highest life objective
Vs principles
To have child need to be ready to sacrifice whole life.
Love is a commitment to mutually shared values and interests. It is misleading to say you love a person unless you share their core values and interests
just be careful who you give your soul to.
I consider myself an expert on this subject.
I think only married people should date in person.
It is most effective to meet someone, or match online and then quickly assess if they match core values by glancing at their social media, style, etc
Dating=seduction= manipulation unless married
Science, take out emotion-
Most men want women so men can activate their 2nd chakra with that woman.
But to see clearly, menz daily self intimacy is necessary.
A principled man, such as a religious man will not give his energy money passion to a woman unless he likes her value system.
Same for a principled woman.
Non commitment vs commitment
Lust vs love
Public marriage and honest vs secretive sexual acts and deception
Think of how easily it is to disqualify someone if they smoke. Now apply more qualifiers.
Dating kissing marriage ceremomy is half hearted. Can assess compatibility fast online plus video chat, share personal info
If compatible, can decide to do public ceremony, but
If only motives are sex money, it is not love.
f there was only good that would be bad
Heaven is bad
Jesus is bad
Driving luxury cars is bad
Sex out of marriage is bad
Larger sexual features are bad
Although jesus vegan, still not beneficial to society
The possibility of darkness is good
So some bad is good, even if it is only thoughts or words, because it is a reminder that there is bad so we must aim for good.
you use stand up desk, take 10 min breaks every hr for eyes use blue blocker glasses and eye friendly screen settings
And use notebooks to brainstorm to minimize screen time?
If we dont reveal and teach about our challenges and unwanted experiences, other people will suffer and have the same experiences
Flirting is seduction.
Dating is seduction
Thats why I think only married people should do these kinds of things.
You dont need to flirt to discover who someone is
More plain talk
And you should learn to rapidly assess what someones values are
Often its about the context and location in which you meet that reveals similar core values and interests
i define love as a commitment to people with mutually held values, not based upon biology. I think it is more clear when seeking extremes- do people want non-commital intimacy or no premarital intimacy and marriage. I think concepts like long term relationship and bf gf etc are vague
What do you think
If a woman does not value the protection of male guardians and protective brothers and a territorial husband, watch out.
Pursuit of lust
Once start having x get addicted to sexual pursuits.
Tease if not ddaily consistent sex , its a tease
Who doesnt like x
Just need a warm body t9 get off and enjoy
most impt message from the bible is to avoid premarital intimacy.
the bible warns hell for those who pursue lusts.
in reality, there are consequences for lusts in this lifetime.
that should be the reason to avoid lust, not because of
because it is unloving, lustful and antisocial competitive behavior.
it also hints at veganism.
jesus knocked over the ' money changers' tables in the ' den of thieves '
this was because the churches/ mosques / temples
were and still do make much profits from killing animals
for food and ' labeling ' them as kosher or halal
jesus, if he was a real person, or just an achetype of a kind of person,
did not eat meat
jesus was nazarene essene ebonite -
all relating to non- violence / veganism
vegetarianism is only non-violent
if dairy cows, egg laying hens and honey bees etc
do not suffer
and are painlessly killed when appropriate
eggs and milk are much more costly than plant protein
quickly assess a person, via listening, sight, smell
quickly decide if you are actually attracted to them.
remember that people seduce people they are not attracted to.
so if all you want to do is have sex with them
it is likely that you do not care about them
and your desires and or they are controlling you
Proper breathing is the cause of upset, not others. Also learning to predict others
Its more often more useful to listen to gather info rather trying to give others info.
Dont hope others will listen to and vibe with you
Just get the info you need, dont be emotional, and act upon that info
Dont hope others will learn from you
Learn from them
Need to want to have sex w self
Go home excited dont eat straight to jerking
Will bring closer to loving zmzpouze
If i find out someone i like not attracted to me,
Dont want to be around someone who doeznt like me
You can only love when you enjoy being alone
Love yourself when you are alone
Then you can not be possessive of the other
If feel safe, Look directly at p3oples eyes:
So as not to judge body etc
Itz consciousness
You need to havw sex w self
Fantasize about peoole you know
Do not tell anyone its a secret
If dont feel like working out juzt go to gym so mucj to do so mamy people creatinf a vibe together
wish I was rich
not fair others are rich
if rich people just gave people money they would run out of money
Purpose for being around someone for entertainemtn not good
Be around people because you like them not because they are fun
Make decision
Make your purpose to learn
Learning makes me valuable
Qhen have value i am free
May th7nk of inside ouside of puzzy, qhat dimension penis or object would be needed to stimulate and how many men zex w her
Not relevant if think in context of puszy oral zex
If you control your needs desires and wants ,
Others cannot control you !
And you can love and serve people better being automonous from them.
In Buddism, the needs desires and wants are the lower 3 chakras, and they should be activated sequentially and daily for self control, problem mitigation & optimal living
If you have met your appetites for food, shelter, sexual activation
1. Diet arguments: People say a meat centered diet has benefits, however I have read of people eating this diet doing well, but I think the adrenaline in the recent killed meat is not healthy. Furthermore, if you look, there are many healthy vegans, why not switch to veganism if you could be just as healthy.
Arent you worried about cholesterol build up from animal fat and dairy?
Unless you can painlessly kill the animal which is improbable, arent you worried about karma, because it couldnt be good karma to torture and kill animals when there are plant alternatives, right?
How about try vegan for 1 month as a experiment. Remember no soy or tofu, it promotes estrogen production.
Well at least you do not support factory farming. Do you?
Do you believe 911 was an inside job?
If so, please note that corruption occurs within all areas of govt and medicine.
Some nutritionists get paid by big meat and dairy to slant their opinions in favor of big meat and dairy.
Whatever you do, make sure you are not buying factory dairy or meat because that is subsidized.
Unless you like stealing taxpayer money from others or if you are poor or weak and can justifiably recieve charity.
Even mcdonalds is subzidized meat so be careful what you buy
I am a vegan who thinks the world would be better without animals, especially any predatory animals should be killed by any means. I mean think about it, vegans care about cats and dogs but cats and dogs are carnivores ! I think maybe bees and service dogs are ok, but I am not a big fan of pets, as I prefer to devote all my energy and compassion towards my fellow human being. I mean look at all the people who feed animals instead of poor people-
2. May th7nk of inside ouside of puzzy, qhat dimension penis or object would be needed to stimulate and how many men zex w her Not relevant if think in context of puszy oral zex
If you control your needs desires and wants ,
Others cannot control you !
And you can love and serve people better being automonous from them.
In Buddism, the needs desires and wants are the lower 3 chakras, and they should be activated sequentially and daily for self control, problem mitigation & optimal living
If you have met your appetites for food, shelter, sexual activation
3. You are powerful when you can say no to someome and no to your desires b3cauze you manage your 2nd chakra and your passion for your values protect you from wanting people sexy but who have different values
4. Man think on vv not pp
5. It’s not appropriate for you to give all your time to many people. Your primary time should be dedicated to your individual
goals and your spouse.
when there is conflict, seek and give space
Dont wait for them to be nice to you or give you space or let you know they are angry.
Read their body language and get away from that energy.
When you get upset, it is often because of a lack of proper complete breathing.
The other person cannot make you upset, just a lack of breathing right.
Being angry may seem appropriate and that they deserve your anger but being emotional gets you away from clear logical thinking.
That is why salespeople try to get a person emotional in a good mood, so they can manipulate them, because if you are emotional, you cant think rationally.
6. Only religious men who prioritize their values will refuse premarital sex
7. If want to have sex twice a day with spouse need to mazturbate twice a day to keep libido strong
And control desire so dont waste time with non spouse
Its a delay
Need to do show every day
8. One thing i find iz that to mature from being a child, it is necessary to get into buying the best tools and equipment and services for your work
Instead of toys and luxury goods
Although, having a professional fashion is good too, doesnt have to be costly, just fit right
9. People manipulate by getting a person into an emotional state then telling them (commanding them) how to act on those emotions.
Listen to your logic, dont get emotional in public.
Even getting angry when you or your money is being threatened takes away from your focus.
Breathe. Other people do not make you angry. Your lack of proper breathing makes you angry.
People manipulate others by getting physically close to them into their chakra energy field, standing and the other person sitting, playing dominant roles, such as father uncle or boss, instead of the egalitarian roles of spiritual brother(not father or uncle) or working with people , not for them,
Manipulators try to get you in their car, in their house, to their or their friends event , invite you to coffee dinner drinks, all to get you in a place where it is more difficult to say no, and they can get you in a good mood- while eating or playful small talk, and then quickly manipulate you once you lowered your guard.
They can also make you feel psychologically endebted to you
10. base all relationships upon values and competence.
Decide what the minimum level of values or competence you expect a person to meet.
Aim to work with people you have a lot of shared values with ( i label them spiritual siblings- NOT FRIENDS OR FAMILY THOSE WORDS ARE VAGUE)
but those spirit siblings should have a level of skills and competence. For instance, they may be of the same religion as you but can they do the job you need done ?
People have thousands of professional friends but likely only 100 or less people they would label spirit siblings.
So, when working with non spirit siblings, which will be most of the people you work with,
Use hints or tell them of your religious preferences, such as diet, clothing, approach to intimate relationships-
Often it is obvious that they have a different religion and culture.
Be aware that even if someone says they are of a religion, they may still persue premarital intimacy so you cannot trust them around you your children or others.
Make it clear that you want to be proffesional (use words like sir or ms, dont socialize or eat with them (maybe lunch) – use your personal time for you and your spirit fam)
If there are issues that arise about the boundary of personal and professional, tell them that you respect their right to their own religion and life, and dont want to change them, and you value their professional abilities.
Realize that all people have motives- do they want a fair exchange with you? They want your time or money? Body? What is motivating them? Dont trust their words trust actions , consider others experiences with them and references
All people have a religion and approach to how to fulfill their needs, sexual desires, and emotional wants. All these can be met by oneself.
Working, self-intimacy, exercise, creative work, self-empowerment. All can be met by oneself
However, some choose to get others to meet these needs, sexual desires and wants.
11. Regular religions are just watered down versions of orthodox religions
Orthodox religions disapprove of premarital intimacy but
12. A common Mistake is only seeing a person you are attracted to in the context of their public job and social media
Instead, see them in the context of living at home with you, alone
13. Is god the universe? Well then can i use the term universe ?
14. Spending money takes time
It can be a Waste of time and money
Fathers give daughters up to predatory males in middle high colledge
Pic of breast ass enhancements
" women are crazy for enhancements
- pay attention to their pussy not so much your penis others penis other attributes
This whole emphasis on black big cock seems strang
When i look at a black (or any man- i smile at them- try to connect w them, not think about their sexuality or relationships
Doesnt matter only one partner
Whether zize or shape of male female sex organs can still greatly satisfy one another
Luxury product
If buy make sure will use often , will not seem overdone or go out of style
Maybe more neutral colors so can use often and people wont notice
jesus is a concept created by the flavian empire est.70ad designed to make people differ the responsibility of saving the world to a third party, rather than improving the world themselves. It makes people controllable sheep. Heaven is boring. Reincarnation is what we do. Purpose to improve things is who we are. Text me for further dialogue 8088494059
The most foundational and disturbing question here is what created the universe. What was before everything.
I recommend not even considering that question.
Instead, I just say that I am everything, pure consciousness, that I created space and time to have something interesting and purposeful to do.
Created bad and challenge so I could aim for good and a more enjoyable existence.
Repeat that as a mantra daily as an existential refresher in reference to everything good and bad. ' I am that. '
Also do practical things like lool out for danger, dont be spiritual in an unsafe public setting- many places are potentially dangerous- people cars etc
And imprison and kill certain people , so that they can go into a better incarnation
So you mean the wild feminine (aka strong feminine?) Flows with the unified field of consciousness and that (in thoery) the field or 'universe' will always guide them in the right direction ?
I like thiz approach and use it in playful moments but think that if it is used all the time, it is devoid of taking personal responsibility
So I think men and women should be masculine in public and professional life and more playful and feminine in personal life, or at least in the context of a safe home
Women may prefer to be feminine but it is not suitable in public esp if you want to be an independent woman. Relationship coaches encourage women to be more feminine but I think it is bad advice unless you are orthodox and have men always protecting you
Relationships dont need to be based upon masculine and feminine polarity that is too abstract.
Relationships only work if they are based upon specific shared values and interests.
With people you label your spouse or spiritual sibling, you should have many values and interests in common
These terms invoke thoughts of submission and domiance, which I think is suitable in sexual roleplay. However, in real life, for mature independent adults to label each other father daughter mother daughter etc are also heiarchical terms which make people angry because you can only be happy if you are responsible and act as your own final authority, on both a conscious and subconscious level.
You can have a stronger relationship with your biological family father son nephew etc if you label each other as ' spiritual siblings.'
Biological relationships are more like the business of codepenence
Value based relationships are more authentic-
An opportunity for true love because you love each other for your choices and values, not because of biology, which is not a choice, it is only a fact
Most people wont understand this because they are emotional and finanacially needing others- which works somewhat-
But you can only love someone if you do not need them for finances or emotion.
be aware that likely 50 percent or more of men are opportunists and objectify women- unless they have a conscious religion they practice
The issue with orthodox religions is that even though they treat women as sacred, they also treat them like property and you cannot truly tell if someone loves you unless they have are financially and emotionally strong and poised and could leave you if they wanted
Plus who would want to be married to an incompetent woman wearing a burka with no bank account. To live as an independent couple on your own you have to be two strong people
But there needs to be an understanding and laws to protect women and many men and women are immature and do not properly manage their sexuality anyway so it is complicated.
As the world currently stands, I would not like to bring any children into it.
There is a fascade that things are fine but they are not. There is improvements to make.
!!! Instead of trying to show how rich you are with your material wealth, keep that secret- for your zpiritual family -
Show how rich you in are public by your competence, good personality, respect and creativity
Need to have clean enviornment
Leads to confusion and bad guys and spirits can enter in
Many kinds of relationships
One sex
may want sex w many people
But would not want to raise children with them
That is why young peopl3 18 and younger should not be put tog3ther
Quickest path to world peace for humans (not veganism- thats peace for animals )
Perfect world no lawyers
Just cheap copreal punishments
And imprioson try to rehab some who are criminally insane
But need to kill some
And if second third offenders, need to kill them
Good idea to tie religion to govt but only if it is a logical viable religion
Ie vegan religion- meat not allowed illegal
!!!!!!Why do people eventually decide to settle down and get married?
Is it because thry are agraid of getting older alone
Because they think they will be more mature in the future?
It makes more sense to want to crrate a live together
Not feel forcedxbecause you dont want to be alone or because you want to have kids
!!!!!!Zchoolz and societybdont promote the healthy use of sexualoty and relations
They make men supress it
Schools are femenization emasculation camps
This has nothing to do with lgbtq- they have a right to be as they may
This is about social pr9tocol for the bulk of people who are hetero
Boys need to be taught by men
!!!!!!!!!!!!Having child can be a business arrangement
And tolerating an older or difficult rude man may be necessary if a woman really wants children
Or women buy a dog to get a sense of that
But women and men, as an alternative to jumping right into parenthood or providing energy to non human pets,
Should try volunteering at a childcare so as to perpetuate human affairs
!!!!!!!!!!!Modify to
Making other people feel good about death because it is not death its a new life
Look at old people
They may be kind but we should look at what they do to make sure we dont get old either
Women tend to stick together and caretake for each other more
Because their life is based on emotions
!!!!!Go vegan because it will make so workers dont have to deal with disgusting meat/leather industry processing
!!!!! please repeat “ a more loving relationship is possible”
!!!!!!!!!Need to be sexually satisfied
Sex is an appeitite just like if hungry, can be msnipulated or distracted if someone offers you free food
!!!!! without oral sex and snuggling and true love of wanting to pleasure someone and a guarantee of consistent sex and creating memories together in a planned life together,
Sex just once with someone you do not love is not a conscious human experience
!!!!! Veganism is about living as long as possible
If you are eating meat and dairy that clogs your arteries, and not trying to live as long as possible, you are suicidal and i am interrsted in your health/ mental wellbeing
!!!!!! Body & Soul
Once a person decides they want to own their life as a final authoriry- just like kings and queens,
They treat their body as sacred valuable. And they protect their children.
use Shield Heart to address every day challenges and protect you and others, click on the buttons below
Protect body & mind
1. Dealing with bad people
2. someone that wants your body sexually
3. someone who wants your time/energy for free
4. Purifying the body even if not virgin
5. If have low self esteem
6. Indigestion
7. I want clean teeth
8. I want to get married
9. I want smooth skin
10. I want to live as long as possible
11. How do I select a spouse to give my body and mind to
I think a more precise phrase than 'equal to men' is
' the same as men '.
Men and women are not the same, they are different. Most men feel better being masculine/logic/build/create/organize/manage/actions and most women feel better being feminine emotional/socially supportive/talking
It has already been established that women should have the right to vote, work, have a bank account etc and I think that is a good idea and they can better serve their family and husband by having these skills.
It is necessary to be masculine if you are a woman and want a job and to be in public. Thus many women are masculine.
The real question is how do we create a society where most women can relax into their feminine and not feel like they have to be masculine.
And, where women are not objectified but have some choice as to who they marry and are not abusez by their husbands. I think this would work if society treated women as sacred and wanted to preserve their virginity and men to preserve their virginity, it would be a more peaceful society.
So it is combining this aspect of orthodox gender separation plus other freedoms- finding a balance between freedom choice and restriction -
Some cultures such as orthodox muslim or jewdaism, an essential feature is gender separation. Some people may do gender separation just to blindly follow rituals. they may claim a book or supernatural entity told them to do so. Or, they may consciously realize that gender separation is useful in reducing premarital intimacy. Gender separation is, in my theory, a conscious recognition that heterosexual post pubertal people have sexual desires and will want to act on them if it there is an opportunity. Detractors of this religious philosophy will say that society should let children and people experiment and do whatever they want, do what they like, and do what feels natural, but I think it is best to restrict and discipline children to avoid bad habits, drugs and premarital unloving intimacy, which creates a competitive unloving society that objectifies people.
It is as much about virgin women as virgin men because in order for their to be virgin women, the men have to be virgin also.
Really the question is what is a perfect society.
How do we create a society where there would be virgins until marriage- its not just a physical label- its also a mental virgin- not having the unwanted memories of a previous intimate partner - memories of doing activites together which you no longer want to do because it reminds you of the previous intimate partner.
' on manosphere alpha male high value man red pill mens discussion youtube channels such as the fresh and fit podcast, they say thay virgin women are ideal, but they contradict their ideal culture of virgin women by objectifying women and engaging in premarital intimacy.
So if all the men followed their advice to seek premarital intimacy there would be no virgin women. They say that virgin women do not natually want virgin men, so men should persue sex with many women, but then there would be no virgin women, right?
If they are rich strong 'alpha men' then maybe they could appeal to a young virgin woman after having sex with numerous women. This means that these 'alpha males' would take the virginity of other women so that other men could not have a virgin. And then they would take a younger virgin woman as a wife, which does not seem age appropriate
Contact me if youd like to delve more into this topic
1. Go to the source.
to see if a product or service is fair trade and sustainable. For example, most non vegan products are cruel to animals and disgusting for people to make, which is unfair to the people also, when you examine the source. They may seem like good products until you examine the source.
2. In conflict consider both sides.
Listen to both sides and examine evidence so you can make your own opinionated conclusion , not blindly follow anothers opinion
3. Determine if people value virginity and no premarital intimacy.
Even people who say they are religious may not act sacred. Do they encourage gender seperation for younger people during school etc so they can avoid premarital intimacy ?
Do they avoid non essential interactions with the opposite gender?
Are they conscious of sexual energy and control it with masturbation?
4. Make yourself the highest responsible authority within your life philosophy
If you label someone a diety or father or parent uncle etc, you are telling your mind to follow that person. To do what that person wants you do with your life
5. try labeling your parents on a first name basis , as if they were playing a role of friend or spiritual sibling
6. act like you are getting paid to do what you want. for example, if someone paid you 10k to loose weight, would you? why do you need money to convince you to do things that are good for you and in line with your goals.
7. practice identifying with what you create, not with what you own. I am a creator
8. it is best to buy your own luxuries and trophies to celebrate your accomplishments. such as a vacation or nice jewelry
9. learn to eliminate as many people as possible from your list of potential spouses. think. consider all the senses when analysing someone, not just sight. there is also sound taste smell and touch.
10. watch out for manipulative salesy people.
they offer you services to buy that you can readily do for yourself.
for example: stimulating your gums with a metal dental pick. something you can readily do yourself, bi-weekly. it is safer than letting a dental tech do it.
for example: helping you to choose a car - you can do much preselection/decision making online
for example: thinking you need a consultant to introduce you to someone. Introduce yourself to that person.
for example: thinking you need someone to manage you. you can manage yourself by making a daily weekly and long term schedule/plan. verbally tell yourself what to do.
11. the world is full of paradoxes:
the most powerful people seem to be the people with the most wealth and comfort
but they may not be contributing the most to society
the most productive people are those who
12. If people seem skeptical of this or critical,
It is probably because they do not have interest in self-empowerment, self-help, marriage and spiritual development
13. when there are no mg/fg available to offer emotional support,
young people look for emotional support.
often, predatory males offer that emotional support but with ulterior motives
for instance, they say ' how are you doing , are you ok ' but they are only doing this to seduce you.
we must go from saying
' that person took advantage of me '
“I let people take advantage of me, I seduced them with my body/ or I was irresponsible by giving them my money”
that make you powerful because you are describing yourself as the responsible person.
if you describe predatory people as the responsible ones- like ' he did that to me ' then you will continue to get taken advantage of.
Core Principles :
1. Commitment to preparing for marriage
2. no premarital intimacy
3. practice veganism
4. meet your own needs, desires and wants while preparing for marriage
5. do not label anyone as an authority figure higher than yourself. for example, do not label someone as a father, uncle, boss, instead, label them on a first name basis or last name, and act like you are doing business with them, not for them. for example, your male guardian (aka father) is someone who you hire to be your guardian , and in exchange, you pay them by abiding by their cultural rules.
6. Label people Brother and Sister only when they are " spiritual siblings " with you, which means that they have the same values as you and therefore, even if you died, you would be glad you invested in them because you know they would perpetuate your values into the future, thus making the world one you would want to reincarnate into.
7. make women a main focus of your life and celebrate them and pay attention to them, including other women treat yourselves as important and sacred.
8. do not have pets because that detracts from the focus on women and humanity and raising children , also, no pets are conscious and so they cannot choose to be vegan.
9. be professional and do not force people to follow Shield Heart principles, and only talk about it when it seems appropriate but do not alienate professional relationships, and instead, say that you respect a person's right to their own practices.
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