To increase Authority over your Life,
meet your Basic Needs
and Protect Yourself.
When one isn't Needy
they are free to be Authentic
Your Desires and other People
can Control you,
Unless you practice
Self-Intimacy &
Health Boundaries
You can get temporary emotional
boosts from people’s words/actions
Or sustainable emotional peace
From what you do for yourself.
Let's get excited about who we are...
Pure Consciousness, with an ability to
transcend hate, envy and the body itself.
The secret to getting closer to True Love
is refining your own Truths & Interests.
This is about Saying yes to one future spouse, and having boundaries to others.
Once a person is emotionally and financially
poised to get Married,
they can locate someone
in both an efficient
and respectful manner.
1. Men Should be excited about a wife, and if not, society should be greatly concerned because isn’t that the point of life?
2. So everyone does not trust or like each other at an unconscious level. That is why there are still wars between otherwise good people. Good people are killing good people because they are not in fact good. Even though they are good in most areas, they are bad in the area that they are seducing and manipulating one anothers future wives and daughters. Saying that a virgin woman is not important to them and that they prefer women with experience? That they prefer women with prior memories and attachements?
3. Marriage needs to be done full on- The way you display lifetime commitment is by going on dates and presenting yourself as being married, and using bedroom intimacy to bond and please the one you care about- not seek pleasure from various people. Because that shows that you don’t want the person, you want pleasure.
4. Typically, the woman should legally change her name. A woman should want to be with a man she wants to follow and a man should feel proud to try and provide for his wife.
5. Generally, most men prefer to be masculine and most women prefer to be feminine.
6. When you have completed my and others recommended process to prepare for marriage and evaluate
7. Define Love: You cannot love a person, you can only love a value system and if other people have those values, you can love them.
8. Feminist theories should only be used for women who do not want to have children. But most women naturally want to caretake children. That is why women have these obsessions with caretaking animals.
9. But look at what happens when women are encouraged by their fathers to do whatever they want: women choose men who are not
10. Yay Wife !
11. 5 steps to a wife
12. 1. Prepare yourself as a man. Rather than trying to include a woman into your life which will further delay your getting ready to fully support a wife, get financially ready and career and business ready, then invite her into your life when you have a nest for her.
13. 2. Instead of labeling yourself and single, say that you are commited/married to yourself. Say that you are in “self-love” the vibration of love, and don’t want to be in lust. That means that the only person you would want to invite into that circle of love is your future wife, in a loving non-lustful non-seductive way.
14. 3. Becoming a man of principles is about valuing and knowing and loving yourself and to do that you must have a list of principles. That you would not go against your principles in exchange for sex.
This is what happens in society. Men neglect their values and interests and life goals and follow a woman’s interests because they want sex from her. They want to get off. But they should be getting off by themselves because they will get “post nut mental clarity”
15. So once you know your principles, then the next step is to make a list of them and also a list of minimum physical and mental requirements you want of a spouse and ethic parameters. Think of it like a scientist- what genetics to you want to grow your children in ? healthy strong smart attractive
16. Next, when you are ready for a spouse, start looking around in places you frequent or online match making and look for non-verbal cues from her that she is interested. So you are looking at her and her reaction suggests interest, that invites you to talk to her. It’s about giving her the choice- if you look at her, how does she react?
17. So then say you are marriage oriented and if she is, you’d like to know what she thinks of you, and give her your social media or website and tell her to email or message you if she wants further discussion.
18. Also tell her that she should tell her parents or family or close friends that you are interested in her if she contacts you via message.
19. Dating is unnecessary. You can find out all details including intimate details of sexual matters and financial matters and personal history all via email.
Think about efficiency. Don’t waste your time don’t waste hers. Want her to have a loving spouse good match even if it’s not you. Move in the love vibration, not lust.
The Minister’s Job
For conversational purposes, the word ‘Minister’ will be used as a blanket term for Pastor, Imam, Rabbi, Priest, Abbot etc.
The Profession of a Minister is to be a spiritual advisor to people, just like people hire a doctor or carpenter. An “Administration” runs a business or organization.
Whether a group meets online, in a cost-free public park, or a structure, someone needs to keep accountability of the group that they are all following the requirements of being a member.
What happens if Ministers do not do their jobs is the job of managing people’s problems falls upon themselves and the government.
For example, if the Minister is not using religious and scientific texts and examples of others mistakes to guide people to lead sustainable family oriented lives, what happens is families fall apart and society pays the cost- paying money to support single parent homes and unhealthy behavior
There are many requirements that could be made for being a part of a group. From Diet to whether can marry someone of a different group, to how to discipline children.
But I think every group should have one thing in common, just like the orthodox religions of the past did. That is avoiding any PMI (Premarital Intimacy).
This will allow the people to have more long term thinking and preparing for the right person. It will influence their whole life decisions, associations and live for their future spouse- an inspiration to be healthy, save money someone to give hope.
When Christians and Muslims have been in conflict or debating about issues, they might want to realize that if they encountered on another in real life like on the street, instead of thinking of them as being in a foreign country or on the internet, they would realize they have commonality in avoiding PMI and realize they trust each other more than they trust a person who is non-religious or who prefers PMI.
Some ministers may make a counterpoint that there will be an eschatological or messianic or supernatural solution but for now, we should aim to make the world as functional as possible- from successful marriages to long lifespans…
And all that comes from hope- hope that there is something worth living for – someone- a spouse.
As data shows, it becomes increasingly unlikely for a successful marriage when people engage in PMI. It also sets up a bad example for future generations…
Then there is the question of how long of a term should a minister be in service?
10 reasons why women are illogical
1. They engage in premarital intimacy in order to convince a man to marry them. A man would prefer to marry a “V-card” woman who does not seek PMI. The trade is supposed to be life commitment from the man in exchange for her Body. All men must have a V-card as well in order for all women to have their V-card.
2. They use hormonal birth control which changes the way they think. unless it’s used to manage menstrual pain, why do that? Men would never
3. Women try to be men. Why wouldn’t you want to be a feminine follower to a masculine man? Why try to make men more feminine? Why prefer to have a job rather than have a husband and potentially raise your own children? Women pretend to want many intimate partners when they in fact do not.
4. They use all kinds of unhealthy makeup high heels, get BBL’s and other hair and body modifications when they should want a man who likes them for the way they naturally look. And when men look at them when they present themselves in an attractive way, women get angry.
5. Most women speak in emotional language and leave arguments and debates because they do not like conflict and then act like they won the debate
6. Since women are afraid of conflict, they are not willing to neutralize an intruder to their house, or give lethal injection to bad criminals in society. They are also too attached to
7. They think that by being intimate with a guy or even dating a guy that they can “got” that guy or could get a guy like him. No. the only thing that means you can get a guy is if he wants to marry you. Women aren’t willing to admit that if a guy does not want to marry or at least life commit to them that the guy does not truly want them.
8. women think that their pair bonding abilities are not affected by multiple partners. They won’t admit that oxytocin is released after bedroom intimacy and that it clouds their judgement
9. Women don’t admit that their hormones for wanting a baby and also the pain of mentration don’t affect their life and they think they will do better in life without male guardians and ultimately a husband leader
10. The people who actually care about guardianship for the woman she ignores. Like the father wanting her to protect herself until marriage. As evidenced, she cannot. Everyone needs to admit it. Women give their bodies to men not committed. Women should not trust themselves
Size doesn’t matter.
1. Something only ‘matters’ when it affects men’s emotions. Theoretically speaking, A man can only feel stoic masculine and at peace when he orients his life around Vulva. And he only needs to impress 1
Woman, his wife. Woman needs to impress 1 man. Husband.
2. The emotions of “Penocentrism” include wanting to dominate a woman. Yes its entertaining in porn that a married couple could make (pov reverse cowgirl please) but in every day life it's nicer to think about women than men. Vulva centric, so to speak. It's feminine to want more attention and oral sex then you give your wife
3. You will feel most at peace when you make a Woman’s Flower the primary focus of life, rather than being penocentric or preferring woman’s chest more than Flower.
4. A woman’s chest size is about lactating and more for babies than adult men. As a man what do you prefer? Chest or Flower? Breasts are meaningless compared to Vulva.
5. Women’s V-canals are disproportionately larger than many men’s privates. So it could be equally said that women are too big in size.
6. But the size of a woman’s internal or external privates doesn’t seem to matter to most men, but this topics of preferences still should be discussed via email between to people vetting each other for marriage.
7. People should know what their requirements are for a spouse’s body, privates and duration and frequency of intimacy
8. When people talk about men’s privates size or womans chest size in comments or ‘size matters’ jokes, it is awkward. Like the that's what she said jokes. Just like speaking about women's breast size or vaginal canal size, it's body shaming and bullying, bullys act out of suffering
9. Blanket Response: state that Women’s Flower is the Meaning of Life and there is nothing more significant or attractive, does everyone agree? We don’t have to agree on everything but as long as we all agree that Sacred Flower is #1.
10. Making your (future) Wife’s Flower #1 means that it’s more important than anything else. It is more important than anything you can buy like cars and clothing. It is more important than any emotion, such as anger, envy embarrassment, feel like life or work is hard or other strong emotions.
11. Selection of a spouse should include looking at her in public and imagining if you would want to give her Oral intimacy.
12. The first question to ask is when looking at her, could you see yourself wanting to give her Oral Intimacy? Is she the right skin color you like? The right fitness level? Have breathing room for her privates or do her legs seem too fat?
13. A commitment to make Woman Flower #1 will allow you to feel like a Masculine man and be at peace.
14. Intercourse is more penocentric. It is focused on the man and his performance. The effect his privates are having on her. His domination of her. The mindless restlessness of being driven by biological imperative to get off, to impregnate.
15. Getting off is not a conscious act. It’s an internal drive, so it’s not the real you, but when you massage your wife and give her oral, that is the real you doing it. It’s the most masculine act.
16. Intercourse and getting oral is exciting for a man, but it’s actually feminine for the focus to be on the man, just like it’s more feminine for the man to want to be the receiver of Oral intimacy and compliments and attention to his body and privates.
17. I am not saying that people should not have fun in the bedroom in all methods.
18. I am saying that in order to feel like a Peaceful and Masculine man, it will be necessary to make Flower the main focus of your intimate conversations and compliments to your Wife and make it more about her.
19. Men, Sometimes act as if you don’t even have any privates. Your wife should be assured that life is about her Flower because women want to be wanted for their Flower, not for being an orifice.
20. As a bonus thought: Any sense of envy about someone’s body or money can be dispelled by realizing that if a loving married rich couple has children using their good genetics and financial security, that’s good for humanity. Envy is really a disapproval of the misuse of one’s body or money.
21. It is important to disapprove of certain activities, such as Premarital intimacy. That way people are not comparing their spouse’s bodies to previous partners and having attachments. Life should be about being sacred and celebrating Woman and her Flower. A woman’s body and Flower should be attractive enough so that a man only needs 1 woman. Refer to my other videos for more.
22. The reason women like the bad-boy archetype is because of his ability to say no to her. She wants a man who is in control of his urges because that is an indicator that he can deal with other life problems. So this means that even in marriage, a man may need to use self-intimacy so that he is not controlled by others
23. Must not worship intimacy pleasure either. That’s feminine. Mainly worship Flower.
24. Realize you’d prefer a Woman with her V-card because that means no other men have been in her.
25. In conclusion, let’s trade off all the other distractions that interfere with the Woman’s Flower experience and consider that lots of appearance and size of Flowers are nice. To feel good about being a masculine man and having a tranquil mind, simply keep flower in your thoughts to get through the hard times and imperfections of life.
26. Once you commit to Flower, your Life is Complete and a renewed hope for humanity is established
27. Some people may reject this idea but it might be because of familiarity bias.
“ Religion’s secret enemy”
You know the trusting feeling you experience when you are around someone who is religious or who seems loving and sacred?
Well that is because they are likely not wanting PMI (Premarital Intimacy)
The real enemy of religion is not other religions or even orientations.
it is those who prefer PMI Premarital Intimacy and do not value a sacred marriage.
These PMI seekers even say they are religious.
But there are also those who avoid PMI who are of a different religion or are not even religious
Some people say it’s judgmental to judge PMI seekers,
But they are like drug addicts and interested in lust, not love.
So if you say PMI is “ok” or “good” or acceptable, you are equally saying that non-PMI is not ok.
they may call you a Prude- but that’s actually a compliment, it means prudent and living sustainably with long term goals for the future.
Many PMI seekers will not admit or identify as PMI seekers but they are deceiving themselves and others.
If safe, ask them if they seek PMI and why- do they not think that they can get a loving spouse?
Ten Steps to celebrating Woman’s Flower:
1. One: Make Oral on your Wife VVS a top priority. Other Acts and PPS & TTS may excite the human animal, but only VVS Oral Worship can bring Peace & Meaning to the Masculine Person. It’s about doing the action rather than wishing the action was performed on you- the Feminine Receiver.
2. Two: Masculine Person: Celebrate & Observe VVS & Woman do not focus intimate energy on random people or pets or idolizing new stuff like cars, food drink etc.
3. Three: Prepare for your future wife by saving money and avoiding premarital intimacy, such as dating, which is unloving and not sacred and is cheating on her and creating an untrusting society where men seduce each other’s sisters and daughters.
4. Four: Married women display flower in private setting if their spouse approves
5. Five: Women, protect yourselves by seeking the protection of men you trust, and use some gender separation
6. Six: Spell GoddessV with Capital G & V and treat her as your final authority and meaning of life by not labeling others as your authority such as saying someone is your father or aunt. If others worship GoddessV, label them a “Spiritual Sibling”, an equal, with the same core values, who you are committed to for life, just like you are committed to your spouse.
7. Seven: When selecting a spouse, imagine if you would like giving her Oral. Veganism and Exercise are required.
8. Eight: Men do not approach a woman until ready for marriage. Don’t show off body/wealth to other people’s current or future wives. Daily self intimacy is critical to managing one’s own desires and enjoying life. If ready for marriage, carefully choose a woman who hints interest to you. Ensure she has similar core values, and only have “scientific” objective emails with her about your personal life to determine compatibility.
9. Nine: Women do not hint to men that you are interested unless you are ready for marriage. Explore your bodies intimately with toys. Do not wait for your future husband.
10. Ten: Do not envy or personally associate with people who do not worship GoddessV, even if they have a nice body or money. They are misusing their body or money and so your envy is really a disapproval of their actions.
11. Bonus Step: Don’t feel insulted if people mock you. They simply don't worship GoddessV and tell them GoddessV and the Sacred Marriage gives your life meaning. Hetero women and gay men can protect and care for women to treat GoddessV as sacred. Be wary of people who say they worship GoddessV but they may be lying.
VulvaV is similar to a hero
the moment you accept it as the most important, and a savior you're life is SAVED in 1 sec, now you have meaning.
1. Vulva > Vagina > other sexual features> other "false gods/idols " such as cars, pets, fame etc
2. What is point of living if not for Vulva Human Flower?
25 Daily Actions List
1. Repeat List Aloud Daily, to mentally program yourself similar to how watching news everyday programs the mind
2. Distrust people’s words compliments and free offers. Even if they SAY they are a ShieldHeart practitioner, look at their actions, not what they say. So do a continued active analysis of people around you.
3. Avoid sitting down and being hungry or needing housing or transportation etc in public because it will make you more submissive and accept “free” things which makes it easy for people to manipulate you because it makes you feel obligated.
4. Engage in self-intimacy daily “having x w/self” use toys such as doc johnson signature stroker w coco oil. This allows for one’s controlling desires, not being seduced and avoiding premarital intimacy.
5. Envy is a disapproval of misuse of body or money. Act like you are all that is , and be glad when people use their money and favorable genetics for sustainable family living
6. Derive emotional power (3rdchakra activation) from creative activities, exercise, self-affirming words and actions such as listening to yourself via journaling, positive self-talk throughout the day, and being your #1 fan by liking and commenting on your own social media posts. Do not ever rely upon others to lift you up. Know yourself, like yourself and make space for what you want. Write down one thing today that you can do to make progress on what you want.
7. When you or others are upset, seek and give space. Upset emotions are caused NOT by rude people, by not breathing deeply, and thinking that you “have to” feel badly for some reason.
8. As Humans, we ought to worship our Human Flower aka VulvaV.com aka GoddessVVV.com. do not worship power, trying to show off and get the newest cars technology, except for practical reasons. Make the primary focus about VVV, the meaning of life.
9. As affordable, Choose Vegan Fair Trade products, which are Free of bad karma, diseases and cruelty
10. Drink lots of quality water. A good reference is Evian or Whole foods Still Italian water. Some tap waters are pretty good, some need multi filtration such as Kangen water. Even with filtration, some are still toxic. pur water filters, Dasani Aquafina etc seem to have fluriode and other toxic metals in them. If possible, use only glass or copper, NOT stainless or aluminum hydro flasks
11. Exercise a healthy skepticism of big pharma, dentistry’s incorporation of fluoride, over prescribing. Listen to yourself, use a dental pick on your gums/teeth weekly, I suggest Jason coconut strengthening paste, and let it sit on your teeth after brushing for 60 sec
12. To experience the “magic of God” do LW LightWork – visualize bright white light lasers and brightening peoples auras , and imagine people smiling, including people you are upset at and world leaders who are targets of interdimensional forces – visit my youtube channel for a tutorial
13. Avoid hedonism- unity consciousness- acting like you care about the world- requires you to alleviate suffering from the world , before enjoying the better parts of life, such as marriage and family. If we all take a “hedonism” break for about 5 years, we can work together and bring about a peaceful world. If you have already started a family, maybe you could adopt if you want more children.
14. VulvaV is new technology- it’s the Clitoris, Labia Minora and Majora and it belongs to a woman who is strong and has healthy skin and is shaven and hygenic
15. A baseline of cardio 3x a week for 1 hour sessions
16. Pushup (secret to back health) and other weight etc exercises throughout the week as you have energy. (have 2 rest days, perhaps wed and Sunday
17. Create a healthy space between the genders. Look at how men and women are happier in more orthodox cultures, because they realize there is an xual tension and create a healthy space between that.
18. Send a daily loving email to your future spouse thus affirming and reminding yourself of why you live, and save money etc (attach a fun pic too) ( have a puppet keychain representative of them and talk to the puppet- ask what would your future spouse want you to do when making decisions. Don’t be so concerned about other’s opinions.
19. Wear a wedding band (rubber if necessary ) representative of your commitment to yourself, your values and your future spouse
20. Avoid premarital intimacy because it is unloving. Aim to be in the frequency of love, not lust. Transition to the frequency of protection if needed
21. Support each other in preparing for a future spouse and do not seduce your fellow man’s daughters, sisters or potential future spouse, and the same for women and how they treat men.
22. LGBTQ marry lovingly and when you see them, encourage them to prepare for a great marriage. Even Homo men can support the worship of GoddessVVV by protecting women.
23. Breasts are for babies. Men focus on Vulva- look at it, celebrate it compliment it. Ideally, strippers are married women who want to “display “ their vulva like a flower. Make this a mainstream part of the culture.
24. As needed, due to life altering problems with mental or physical health and age, consider letting go of the body- boosting- and getting a new body. Perhaps on a new planet. State in your will that you do not want to be kept alive for more than perhaps a few month if you are not conscious and can communicate cognizantly and there is no chance of recovery… also, if I was born like that with autism etc I would not want to be kept around like a pet. I would want to be treated humanely just like we treat pets humanely- and put down- boosted to my next life.
25. If people really believed in reincarnation, and realized heaven is boring, where do you think people keep coming from?
NoxB4 Marriage .com
1. No X before Marriage is a common expectation for Religious and especially orthodox people. X is used to “Consummate” a Marriage.
2. Presenting the WHY avoid PM and How to avoid X before Marriage.
3. Noxb4 Marriage should include “no premarital intimacy” (PMI) because it is physical and verbal actions that are the following:
4. PMI= A tease, unloving, unclean, leads to broken families, a betrayal of your future spouse,
5. good guys cannot work together against bad guys because no one can really trust each other because they are seeking PMI with their
1. If you are accountable to many religions, they explain that PMI is a sin.
2. But the reality is you cannot trust that just because a person says they are committed to a certain religion that they avoid PMI.
3. to clouded judgement, implies chose pleasure X6 but do not choose the person for life commitment, half-hearted”
4. Feminism and many people who claim religion but omit the NoXb4 marriage part
5. Be aware of the deceptive words people use to avoid explicitly admitting they are engaging in PMI. Words like “seeing each other, dating, together, talking, significant other, bf/gf, situationship, relationship (ambiguous) fiancé any words but spouse, husband wife.
6. PMI includes going on public dates. Public dates are designed to show the world you are together aka married. Dating only occurred between married couples, historically.
7. PMI creates distrust in society. Men are seducing other men’s daughters and sisters and each other’s future wives
8. Men act like they would not prefer their wife to be virgin but that’s a lie.
9. Men applaud each other for “getting” or seducing a woman but that is like saying that men want polyamory and are not concerned about ensuring that most men can benefit from a virgin wife
10. Men are ignoring their concerns of protecting their daughters from predatory men
11. Even “alpha males” can’t get a pure Vcard woman because people can only get Vcard wives if all the men are Vcard as well. It may seem like alpha men are “getting women” but they are neglecting their wife and not being a husband either.
12. Feminist women act like they want to work and be masculine and have X indiscriminately like men, and consider this “freedom” but they are not happy and did not vote for this originally, but capitalists wanted this so that they could get taxes from the women who worked as well.
13. Even though it is “freedom” for women to have the choice to work, most of them would likely want to have their father and guardians provide for them and help then help them find a good provider husband.
14. Women and men (feminine & masculine energy) would benefit from recognizing that men’s strengths are in logic and thinking sustainability into the future and women’s strengths are in being supporting and caring for people, such as empathizing and caring for children and older people. Men are object and time oriented and women are people and emotion oriented. Men have conversations to exchange information and women have conversations to express feelings and connect.
15. Perhaps it could be said that the Masculine and feminine energies can be embodied by either gender but most brains have natural directions they go to.
16. These energies guided by testosterone and estrogen can change with age and things like hormonal birth control. Think about it- a man would not want hormonal birth control because it would affect his testosterone, but we need to realize that birth control affects women’s natural biology and thus her mate selection.
17. What women do really depends upon whether they want children. If they do want children, then a career that they can put on pause should be planned. Also, a healthy lifespan of childbirthing should be considered . men’s sperm quality also deteriorates with age
18. The dark side of men is obvious- it’s that men may try to trick a woman into PMI because they do not have a religion and or principles &values that they want a woman to also have before she commits to him.
19. The dark side of women is more complex. It is about not guarding their own bodies from predatory men and thinking that giving their body to a man will trap him and convince him to get married. Not trusting their fathers and guardians to want the best for them
20. A common lie women and some men use is that they get into PMI relationship and then hope and ask the man when they are going to get married but it’s the other way around.
21. My definition of love is: love of the self or another is possible when you commit to actions to manifest shared values and principles. It’s the mutual pursuit of shared values. So in other words, you can’t technically love a person, but you can love and commit to certain values and interests.
22. It is worth considering what is ideal. Many people in “red-pill” internet discussions talk about the problems and that we just have to tolerate people being perverted and that you have to seek PMI because it’s what everyone else is doing, or that
23. What I mean by that is the principled man wants a wife that has the same principles as him and will follow trust him to be the leader, which religions encourage.
24. Whether or not you follow and agree with a particular religion or think it was divinely inspired or not, there must be a reason that it warned that Eve was tricked by the devil (more vulnerable to deception) and also that men are supposed to be the head of the woman.
25. Fathers would prefer to have men ask them before starting potential marriage talks with their daughters.
26. Women Lie to themselves and others and say they don’t want marriage when they are the ones who start asking the man when he is going to marry them once they get into a “relationship”. Relationship = PMI.
27. The woman is supposed to trade her body for the man’s life commitment.
28. So in conclusion, the reason WHY to avoid PMI is because it’s unloving, unclean, confusing, creates an untrusting society that does not enjoy being human, that everyone has baggage and memories and previous attachements and comparing sexual partners, but there is one other thing, that most people don’t talk about, and that it’s an inefficient way to find the right one.
1. Let’s get into the HOW of avoiding PMI. For me it’s a question of efficiency.
2. What is the most efficient process for avoiding the wrong people and finding the right one?
3. Self-Intimacy is the quintessential solution for avoiding PMI. When people learn to be intimate with self, and include toys, they learn the details of what they like and duration and frequency of desired intimacy with future spouse
4. Women should interact with their body not wait for husband. Men should use doc johnson personal stroker sleeve, main squeeze, with or without the housing, and toggle it over privates in variety of ways, try using olive oil and some water and try using it without the housing and squeezing the end to create a vacuum, try inserting in either side
5. Imagine, what would your future spouse want you to do in different situations, that way, even if you have low self-esteem, you can live for them.
6. wear a wedding band signifying your commitment to your future spouse and to the concept and value of marriage
7. not ever using birth control- because it’s a tease – an incomplete experience, and promotes PMI
8. I’d recommend women do not take birth control either unless they need it to stop pain during period. The problem is that it blocks your hormones, so that will inevitably affect your choices and behavior.
9. Make sure you are not thinking about what the govt can do for you such as force a ex husband to pay child support or give you “free” welfare and childcare so that you can have kids with whomever you want before really vetting the man for good husband and provider qualities.
10. Money is needed for children so god parents should be arranged if the parents are killed.
11. But even if you don’t plan to have children, you will still want to have shared values to imbue into future generations…
12. When looking at a woman, think of whether you would want to give her oral X. Many women you may want to have X with you would not want to give Oral X to.
13. This is because many women may have fat that arouses you but it makes oral X seem like it would be unclean because the fat is there. Also, the fat may look attractive but it will lead to toxin accumulation and cancer and death.
14. When a man follows his religion and/or principles, he does not follow a woman, Rather, he invites a woman along to follow him if she wants. That is a man of principles, another way to prevent any PMI
15. The problem is that women do irrational things like put on makeup and do their hair and wear uncomfortable heels and get bbls and get pets and go on vacations and expect men to pay to pay for all the expenses of the family, but these women have already given their body to deadbeat men who have not offered them life commitment. They are not living for their future husband nor their family. Yes, the same could be said for some men, but the difference is men are willing to admit it but women try to adapt to every situation and pretend everything is fine
16. That is why women seem to prefer “bad boys” at times, because the bad boys may be unkind, but they do not seem desperate for a woman to follow them.
17. This is artificially and unsustainably propped up by the fact that the bad boy may be attractive and so he may be able to attract another woman but she is not following him like she would follow a husband for life,
19. And he is neglecting his future wife. no man can get a woman with her Vcard if men also agree to not be promiscuous players. Even a “alpha man” can’t get a woman with vcard unless he also promotes a society that avoids PMI.
20. And this is not about being envious of men or women with favorable genetics. We should want attractive people to procreate and make humanity the best it can be
21. In fact, there is no such thing as envy. There is only a disapproval of the way someone misuses their body or money.
22. When you make the celebration and protection of a woman and her flower and body a top priority, it means that you are not as concerned about showing off as a man and being more interested in cars pets etc and do not submit to negative emotions but focus on women and know that as long as women exist things will be ok even if you are in prison or have a hard life.
23. If we want a pure Vcard wife we have to work together to create a win win situation where most men can achieve this goal.
24. This is achievable if fathers protect and provide for their daughters creating a space to maintain their purity and femininity,
25. Then, a man can approach the father and or male guardians of the woman and express interest in marrying her.
27. Fellow men in the world can then feel respected by each other
28. And women feel protected and cared for by men.
1. 1stway to avoid PM is to find ways to be more selective, just like if someone was a smoker, that would make you not select them.
2. The escort paradox, wherein if you care about someone, you will not try to seduce them by trading X for money or X for X
3. If you are seducing someone it means that you not only do not care about them, but you also do not care about yourself and your future spouse who has the same values as you
4. A desire to provide oral sex means you like the person’s skin health and seem to be hygenic
5. It also means that the man is not making the emphasis on wanting to be sexually pursued, which is feminine, to want to get a blowjob more than wanting to give your wife a blowjob
6. You will want to have sex with many more women than wanting to give a woman oral sex because penetrative sex is about the man wanting to get off.
7. But oral sex on the woman is all about celebrating the woman and pleasing her because the man wants to help her get off
8. Then, ask if you had a lot of money would you still want them
9. Ask if you would want to be with them alone even if you could not have sex
10. Ask if you would want to push them around in a wheelchair if they got injured or were older
11. Ask yourself or others if you want to have PM and why
12. Ask yourself how someone will look in 50 years – what level of good health are they at?
13. Sending daily emails to your future spouse and discussing saving money and building career and confidently preparing for them – one step closer every day. For the man, this is career. For the woman, it is studying how to be a wife and mother and making her body very healthy for pregnancy, or if not planning to be pregnant, learning how to be an assistant to husband \
14. Wearing a purity ring is also an indication of how to stay true to someone
15. Remember to be conscious of people around you and their desires. Especially women should know that most men all they want is to get sex as quick as possible and no commitment
16. Remember that whatever people say their religion or spirituality or that they are disciplined and healthy,
17. What is critical is whether they are avoiding PM or not
18. Remember that PM is not only sex but also sitting and or eating with opposite sex,
19. PM is kissing, verbal flirting, non-professional conversations
20. Just because a woman says she wants sex does not mean it’s ok or a good idea. Not married.
21. Women who want to be masculine feminists what do you think that means you will be attracted to? A feminine man who wants to follow you and for you not to take his last name
22. Don’t women want viable male guardians?
23. It is low class for a father to send his daughter away with money to live alone on her own
24. would you want to be around or give your body to a man you didn’t respect
25. I agree about “non-legal” marriage- public life commitment, wear rings, wife gets legal name change
26. Use the word “sustainable” when debating what is good or bad
27. Avoidance of premarital intimacy is a defining factor, although people say they are religious, usually only the orthodox peoples are religious.
28. Therefore, whether Christian orthodox, or Muslim or Jewish orthodox, they have more in common that you’d think because they are all devoted to avoiding premarital intimacy and protecting woman and treating them as sacred.
29. That’s why you get a comforting feeling when you are around strongly religious people because they seem trustworthy
30. Lesser of 2 evils: self-intimacy (whether or not adult entertainment consumption is involved) in order to avoid premarital intimacy
1. think about how a prostitute and her client do not care about each other, only the transactions. That is how many people are today. They are more interested in transacting their bodies for sexual gratification rather than discovering who they are in order to prepare for marriage. Any intimate activity prior to marriage is prostitutional even if both parties are well intentioned.
2. It makes it look like people don’t know what they are doing if they have failed “relationships”. Maybe it is because they are pursuing “relationships”, not marriage. Don’t be deceived by all these concepts such as casual sex, bf/gf, seeing each other, in a “relationship/situationship” they are all invented words to hide the shame in sex outside of marriage.
3. Also, be careful with the idea of dating. Dating, historically, was what married couples did to publicly display they were married.
4. for people who try to argue against these points, ask them if they even want to get married or consider themselves marriage material. They may say you are being judgemental and that people have the right to be free to do what they want but the counterpoint to that is that are they saying people have the right to be irresponsible unhealthy drug addicts etc? because PI is just as anti social as it results in people not trusting each other, broken families, unwanted pregnancies, spread of physical and mental diseases such as chlamydia and heartbreak and vengefulness
5. it is impossible to remain in the energy of self-love while trying to seduce someone.
6. PI is wanting the reward of sexual gratification without doing the work it takes to be marriage material. Intimacy is designed to be a reward for doing the work it takes to maintain a strong marriage and if applicable, raise children.
7. Even if you don’t plan to have children, you will still want to have the same values that you work together to instill into society.
If you are a provider husband , ideally, you will want your wife to raise your children and she instill your values into your children.
8. PI creates untrust in society because men can’t trust each other to be around their daughters, sisters nor future wives
9. PI is often a shameful act and only about hedonistic pleasure and not about long term goals and sustainable living for the future. In fact, it has nothing to do with the future. As a man you won’t be able to stand up straight and proud and joyful because you are holding this mental burden of doing something shameful and taking from a woman what doesn’t rightfully belong to you.
10. It makes different generations compete with and resent each other, such as where younger women and older men seduce each other and it’s very primitive- an exchange of youth for money- and the older women and mothers begin to resent their daughters and then encourage the daughters to be promiscuous, though not disciplining them and being indifferent.
11. This is all a result of the intermingling of the genders, which is a recent phenomenon and is frowned upon by stricter orthodox religions. This isn’t to suggest that all orthodox traditions are practical and beneficial to society, but the critical aspect of a healthy spacing between the genders, especially the youth, is a great step in discouraging PI.
12. A Simp is a man who chooses a woman based only upon his desires and emotions about her, rather than if her values are the same as him. He gives her money and security without her reciprocating
13. A Simpette gives their body to a man who does not give her marriage
14. Woman and her Flower to be celebrated and treated as sacred
15. Prostitute paradox- when people seduce each other with their body or money it means they do not love each other (BR)
16. If people choose intimacy before marriage, it means that hedonic intimacy is more important than marriage to them.
17. Historically, people only went on “dates” once they were married to indicate they are married
18. It is unloving to oneself, one’s future spouse, the family members of the person you are pursuing, being with your fellow human’s spouse
19. Unwanted memories and attachements to other peoples bodies and their lives and lifestyles. Semi-commitments and half-hearted actions- all leads to being in a lust vibration, not a love vibration
20. The secret cause of global conflict…
21. If the good guys could get along, it would be easy to manage the bad guys.
22. But the good guys cannot trust each other because they are engaging in premarital intimacy.
23. They are acting like women should be allowed to do whatever they want
24. From change hormones with birth control, to encourage abortion if you have an unwanted pregnancy out of wedlock.
25. Women are expected to do the roles of men, such as protect themselves and select a loyal provider husband, but women have shown they cannot do that and what will happen if women act like men- will they want men to be the woman or the more feminine in the relationship?
26. Legal marriage encourages women to take most of the men’s assets and child custody when things go wrong, so it’s an incentive for women to lie and act like they like the man and pretend to want to do what he wants and follow him and his religion until they are married
27. And the child welfare state also encourages women to get pregnant out of wedlock
28. And women working is strongly encouraged because women are easier to manipulate and get them to selfishly by products and services that are about them, not their family, and then
29. And then, rather than support loving successful families by doing childcare for payment or volunteer,
30. Feminists who do not want to marry or have children with for various reasons* end up encouraging other women to have abortions rather than be more careful about their mate selection
31. *reasons men do not want to marry or procreate with feminists include because the woman is bisexual or homosexual, because the woman is promiscuous, because the woman wants her own career and money and does not want to follow a man, because the woman is afraid to have children, because her birth control makes her think like man not a woman, because she is not attractive enough or fertile so does not attract a mate, or simply that she has bought into male propaganda in general even though she could be a great daughter and subsequentially a wife…
32. Buy dogs and raise them like children and spend their money and time on them instead of human babies and kids in need
33. One thing we as men can agree on.
34. Something that not all men have thought about,
35. But it’s that the most attractive kind of woman is a virgin woman,
36. One that wants to follow a man and is trainable.
37. But the only way that most men can achieve that is if we all work together to protect our fellow man’s daughters and our future wives.
38. Some men say that they prefer a woman with experience, but that is like saying you want the woman to be the dominant force in the bedroom, which only a feminine man would want.
39. I am not saying that it is amoral or antisocial for a man to be feminine or a woman to be masculine in a marriage,
40. But I am expressing to the general public, most of which are heterosexual men who want to be masculine and heterosexual women who would prefer to be feminine and be protected and taken care of by men, namely her father and male biological relatives, and then, her husband, primarily.
41. Acting like women are rational enough to protect themselves is a lie. Look at how women go gaga crazy at concerts, how they use makeup and high heels, which is unhealthy, how they use birth control to change their hormones, which a man would never do, how women have sex with a man to convince him to marry her but she is supposed to be intimate and date him only after he commits for life, how women mistreat the few men that truly care about her- her male guardians like her father, and how women do not like like a good man- a man who will not cheat on them.
42. Women actually don’t respect a man who is willing to be loyal and a dedicated husband.
43. Women only want a bad boy archetype
44. Or perhaps that is only unconscious women and men- women who are hypergamous and men who are polygamous.
45. Whichever gender is responsible for engaging in this unloving antisocial behavior, we all need to take responsibility and stop it.
46. Clitoris and Labia just as attractive whether larger or smaller.
47. The highlight of human existence.
48. As Hetero men, or Homosexual Women, we need to
49. Women need to be assured that the size of their breast sacks is not as important as their Vulva. Babies suck on breasts, but as adults, the emphasis should be on sucking the Vulva of our Wife. This is both playfully sexual but it is equivalently serious and a stoic ritualistic practice of celebrating Vulva.
50. There is something special about a larger inner labia or Clitoris it looks more like a flower.
51. Moving in and “dating” aka bf gf being in a relationship” is too easy because it’s no commitment and it’s not
52. A Simpette gives their body to a man who does not give her marriage
53. She is not thinking about what her future husband would think
54. Nor about being a feminine woman who could experience her feminine if she was with her IDEAL man,
56. Now women hate men so they use their body to seduce men and get their resources.
57. Men hate women so they do not commit to one woman.
59. Is a woman thinking about her future husband?
60. What would her future husband want?
61. Virgin woman
62. No tattoos
63. No jealous ex-intimate partners
66. Is a man thinking about what is future wife would want?
67. A masculine man ready to lead
68. Lead by following his religion and lifestyle,
69. Not by trying to follow the woman
70. Why do woman want to be able to do whatever they want and be as promiscuous as possible and get away with it?
72. Men get post nut clarity while
73. women get post nut cloudiness
75. Worshipping GoddessV is about putting Vulva first,
76. Even though women’s minds are imperfect
78. During K-12 coed schooling, men have become desensitized and think women are the same as them and
79. Men have become Simps to women by focusing on impressing women
80. Rather than finding a purpose and inviting a women to follow them in life.
82. Women won’t admit that they want to follow a masculine man willing to say no to them
83. But women’s behavior indicates that they want the bad boy type. This is because the bad boy does not follow women, rather they follow him
84. Because he is willing to say no.
85. The reason bad boys are willing to say no is not because they have a purpose but because multiple women want them because of their body and status
86. ask a person: is it loving to have premarital sex
1. Women wanted freedom from being protected and taken care of by their father, male guardians and their husband and they got freedom. In exchange for freedom, they gave up happiness.
2. This is because women are biologically followers- so they follow each other, cultural pressures and their own irrational emotions, instead of being protected by the logic of a father and husband.
3. It’s not about being forced to have children. You can have a scared marriage with no kids. It’s about wanting to follow a man deserving of being followed.
4. If the woman does not have a viable male guardian, she should at least look for one.
5. The most important thing is what is ideal, and people keep the ideal in mind
6. Both women and men should be conscious of how they save their money. It should be saved primarily for each other and their future kids. If they do not have kids, they can still spend the money on sharing their values with future generations, and being able to afford the woman being able to help other mothers from her church help raise the children
7. It’s not about whether women seek truth and use logic, it’s whether they prefer to do that. They do not. They rather use their friendly social skills to raise kids and care for people and do social cultural activities
8. Feminism may be incorporated by women who no man wants to commit to for life or have children with,
9. But that does not mean women should become hateful towards men that want a wife to follow them
10. It also does not mean that they should encourage women to promote abortions just because they can get a husband
11. We all need to admit that both women and men have a biological time clock. Women and also men because of sperm quality reduces as they age .
12. It is important that when a man approaches a woman with “romantic interest” that he be ready for marriage and get straight to the point. Not waste her time when she could be seeking another man
13. People may disagree with this but it’s all about the most efficient way to get into a successful happy marriage life commitment.
14. Women get into bf gf “intimate relations” and then the women keep hinting to the man that they want marriage.
15. That is masculine for the women to even hint at marriage. It has to be the man who proposes. And the incentive to marry used to be because she would then give her body to him, but now,
16. Women think it’s better to have premarital intimacy than to be alone but it’s the opposite because if they gave their body without a life commitment from the man, then they are even worse off because they are increasing their body count and decreasing their likelihood of marriage by a man who loves them.
87. Be aware of men who say they want a pure Vcard woman but do not want to promote the culture of no PMI for neither men nor women.
88. Women protect your purity even if you have lost your vcard
89. Men protect your money and commitment – save up your money and energy and use it to get ready and only use it to provide your wife security- the woman who choose to follow you
90. PMI is potentially harmful, can you agree?
91. Try this harmless experiment: send your future spouse an email
92. Consider that especially for men, it is good to have a sense of personal sovereignty. When you label people your parents or uncle or grandparents etc, you give them power over you, that they can play a role of authority in your life. It is hard to have strong self esteem when you are labeling another person your authority. When you have a personal relationship with your higher power, you define and interpret what that higher power is, that’s why it’s important to have a higher relationship with a higher power, or you reading religion and other texts for personal growth and knowledge so that it’s you who is interpreting them, not another person.
93. If someone says you are over protective or insecure because the man wants his woman to be his, and perhaps not post “thirst trap” content so that other men have access to her-
94. Simply state that your future wife will choose to be with you knowing you will be very protective and territorial with her
95. If someone makes fun of you for your opinions on marriage and avoiding promiscuity and treating women as sacred,
96. Ask them: we may disagree on various issues but will we be able to agree that Vv Flower is #1. They may avoid answering, ask them for a yes or a no.
97. The reason women seem to prefer the bad boy archetype is because they do not want a man who seems desperate for their body.
98. The reason bad boys are not desperate is because multiple women want them, but they are still neglecting their wife and being in a unloving vibration and should not be trusted by other men or women.
99. Women do not want their husband to seem like he is desperate for their body either. Women are constantly unconsciously “shit testing” their husbands to see if he is following his own values and life direction, and she can follow along, or whether he is following her leadership because he really wants her mental and physical affection.
100. So the solution is for the husband to not be desperate for any intimacy from his wife.
101. The way to avoid this in a loving way is for the man to use self intimacy when needed so he is not dependent upon the wife to get off. Also, it’s to make massaging her and giving her oral more important than receiving anything from her.
102. But more importantly, for there to not be a power struggle for money, intimacy, who makes the money, what to spend on, what lifestyle religion culture and or politics are important, all that needs to be discussed before ANY intimacy.
103. It can be observed by looking at someones facebook page
104. A woman wants a man who has self control and is willing to be the leader and follow his values and life plan and not for him to follow her because that will make her vulnerable and it is saying that she cannot experience being a feminine woman
Size does not Matter!
1. When someone makes a size matters comment, calmly state this:
2. A woman’s external VV is so much more meaningful than any of that and it’s the only source of men’s peace.
3. Not the restlessness of men wanting to dominate a woman with a larger private or get off and or impregnate.
4. people should discuss before marriage size and appearance of mens privates women’s internal V or chest size
5. these are private matters and rude to discuss and not worth envy because only one person can have one spouse. 0
6. Men control can control these energies via self intimacy, even during marriage if necessary. It is Men: think about post-nut clarity. It's about not wanting a woman for getting off, but rather, wanting her for her VV.
7. It is feminine for a man to want a woman’s attention and masculine for a man to direct his attention.
8. Yes, there should be a mutual attraction, but for the man to feel masculine and the woman to feel feminine, they must play roles of provider giver man and follower receiver woman.
9. But the attention and celebration and compliments should be directed to and about a woman and her Flower
Even a womans chest- it is these sacks but is meant for babies to teet.
A man can only achieve a tranquil mind when he makes life about living for his wife and prioritizing providing her massages and Oral, more than wanting Oral or any other intimacy from her
Men think that “players” are “successful” with women but they are neglecting their wife and they are interested in tricking women into pursuing them, which is feminine.
A man follows his religion and or principles.
When a man looks at a woman he would consider marrying, the first thing he should think of is would he give her Oral
you want to be in complete control of your 2nd chakra energy. or else, you will be controlled by your desires or easily seduced by women or even just looking at women's bodies.
It’s amazing when it gets aroused because it blooms into a larger flower and can consume the spirit of the onlooker and husband or wife offering oral
Efficient Path to Wife
1. Not necessarily legal marriage, but definitely publicly marriage ceremony, woman take man’s last name, not hyphenated, because that shows she trusts him enough to be her masculine leader.
2. Women, even a wife, does not respect a man that “follows” her and is her “yes man” because he wants her physical intimacy. That is why a man should use self-intimacy to get off as needed, so that he is following his own energies. A woman’s brain is designed to caretake and be emotional so that is why men should lead. That allows her to enjoy being in her feminine.
Women a blank slate empty vessel
Need to be programmed by society and men, their husbands
Men want virgins
Fathers want to protect daughters
Women don't want virgin men
Women don't want to be virgin
Women don't want fathers protection
Women envious of each other
I not only believe in but I prefer no premarital intimacy
Do you prefer premarital intimacy
Make your opinions public
It's not only unloving and unclean
It blurs discernment to choosing if you really like someone for their values
For those who are already convinced due to religion good
Now have to determine a method of efficiency , not only for selecting a spouse
But for preparing for marriage and avoiding PM
Prostitute paradox
Also look at latest tiktok or YouTube vids
And copy paste the HOW & WHY
Celebrate Vulva
Take out the GoddessV
Mention empower youth most loving relationship is brother sister and its less submissive than father mother uncle son
Especially for men who are expected to go out into the world on their own
Women ideally cling to their fathers
Reason it says Eve betrayed
And men head of woman
No sex before marriage is a popular phrase but it's an inadequate restriction
More proper is no premarital intimacy whatsoever
Feminism I get why
Seeking pm I get it
But it's unclean unloving and inefficient
For inquiries about appearing free of charge at a religious establishment or podcast or phone discussion,
These ideas are available for free use in sermons or publications on the subject
The author has many more ideas and philosophies and is inviting further discussion
Advisement for your children
They can be taught these things
Since there isn't anywhere in the Bible that says do not masturbate, I recommend it because for men it creates post orgasm mental clarity
I hear that for women it creates post orgasm mental cloudiness but I'm hoping that masturbation can help women as well manage their sexual desires until marriage
Needs to be denominational so there is accountability
how woman makes you feel and act around her or when think of her
when you meet someone that says they are religious, it seems like they are more trustworthy and will not seduce people you care about via seeking PMI.
however, that's the whole point of having a religious structure, to make the members of a church or denomination accountable for what values and rituals they say they are willing to do,
Including things like proper clothing, gender separation and etiquette and no PMI
Religious clothing, some think necessary for reducing PMI
I think it's uncomfortable and it's a good intention but there are other ways to avoid that also allow us to enjoy looking at women
Although if unmarried women are alone it is dangerous for them to look attractive
Men and women need to be taught how to become marriage material...
Reality is women try to attract men by dressing sexy
Alcohol could be banned because of related crimes and drunk accidents
make efforts to discontinue child support and welfare because it would make women much more selective about who they sex with
Make abortion illegal unless it occurs without consensual sex
Be alert to what a feminine woman is
- quiet
- not initiating a conversation with a man
- not high heels
-not much makeup
- not tattoos
- not pets
- Nicky Minaj masculine
- okay to be a masculine woman
-it can be necessary to be masculine in order to earn money in the world if don't have a father or guardian provider
-really a question of whether even if you both work , do you think it's ideal for man to
Women cannot handle the truth
Only deadbeat unloving men benefit from promiscuous women,
These men take woman's body but not give her life commitment marriage
Women s job is to see their body as the most valuable
Not give it away for free, or for a few dinner date meals or even for a car and apartment.
Trade only for life commitment.
Different orientations
Higher and lower sex drives
Some people are polygamous
Pan sexual
Gay man not admitting
To wife
Shame don't admit it to themselves
Own internalized homophobia
Deep need to be socially acceptable
Straight women explore being with a woman
People want to try based upon theory
Society to be
Nothing is guaranteed
Age gap as long as look similar age
If wanted biological children would have made more specific
No guarantee with love
Increased probability
Loyal through hard times
Men be aware that fat reserves may arouse you but they are carcinogenic and fat holds toxins. It's gradual self-destruction
What do
Need website
Israel loves Hamas
What do they have in common?
Respect women to the ability that they can
Ask a person if they are intertested in world peace. If they hesitate or say it’s not
Possible, that is a red flag
Ask them what it would take for there to be world peace
I prefer a woman with small chest and big flower but it's ok if her flower is smaller
They don't care about the hardship of life that's why they are not committed to the hardship and going through the hard times
Women follow themselves into thinking the man cares about them and
Men don't want a challenge
When it comes to seeking a wife. Don't want a woman playing hard to get
Reason that feel nervous to talk to a woman it's because it's unloving and manipulative
Unless the man is ready for marriage and asks her if she is looking for a husband
And she has already given him non-verbal cues of interest
Women say they want lots of PMI but why would you want to compare sexual experiences. It makes you want one person over the other
Men need to stop congratulating each other for seducing women
People say they like polyamory but it increases stds unwanted attachment and when they say I'm polyamory it's like saying I can do whatever I want and others can too sexually and it doesn't affect society stabilityor family stability
No decency
Things like ghosting
Or telling people about your private lives
Matrons rejected
Young attractive women take no accountability because men give them whatever they want but it corrupts them
Then these rejected matrons don't guide women to use your youth to get a good husband but rather pretend to be young because they are envious of
The young women and since even the old perverted men are going for
The young women
1. Ask a woman what she ideally want
Most hetero women would say a masculine man she can follow and who would take care of her
2. I respect how some feminists do not want to be forced to be a wife but
3. If they want to be a wife they can train themselves how, how else do they expect to prepare?
4. For a man to commit to a woman he'll want someone who will follow his lead and advice
Naturally trust religious people more
Religious people who avoid PMI may think other religions are bad but they in fact should trust people of other religions because they will not manipulate for PMI
The men women are intimate with are men who wanted intimacy, not to be a man with a plan that a woman could follow and he be a masculine leader man.
A real man can say no to women unless they want to be his follower wife.
No such thing as casual sex.
Can you think of a more intimate or impactful act?
If a person wants PMI, they will use anything as leverage for it
Trying to get buff, get money, host or attend events
Words used:
Success with women
Ladies man
F boy
Who would want to be that?
You'd still be engaging in intimacy with people who had premarital intimacy
Sex is never free
Is it ok to have sex?
What is consent?
What's the statistically likelihood that they will break up?
What is the likelihood that one or both people will be heart broken
Define marriage
Sex is the most bonding act we can do, creates more attachment than a kiss on a wedding day ceremony or anything else
So sex is more consequential than a marriage ceremony
Instead of selling pleasure,
Seek to pleasure someone you care about
During ovulation cycle women's choices change for a more masculine looking man so if they have ovulation blocked by birth control then they will choose less masculine men
Women have been taught to choose men that lie to them act pretend to love them,
Rather than save their body for a man who will commit to them
Sex in a poor time historically is dangerous
So it was normal to avoid PMI
Is casual sex good for you?
Are you proud about what you do?
Do you think it's good for society?
If a woman was attractive enough would marry them
But that means don't want to marry for love, only to trap someone for sex
Instead of using the terms alpha high value man,
Say high quality man
And have security and a lifestyle that you could invite a woman into
Should have conversation about intimacy before doing it
Planning something makes it conscious
Watch out for anyone who uses alcohol because it makes people not care about anything
Along with suggesting PMI is ungodly, haram, evil and leads to hell, also state that it's unloving unsustainable leads to social collapse
Who is in control you or energy of desire? You or a person who may be consciously or unconsciously
People act like intimacy is their own business and they can do what they want
Can't separate intimacy from society
Talking about disentangling emotional and xual behavior
Is sociopathic -
It's a demented adolescent fantasy to want many intimate partners
Only a principled masculine man if you can say no to a woman,
Unless you are ready for marriage and if she is willing to follow your lead and values and be a wife
If think people should be allowed one night stands
What type of people seek out one night stands?
Not marriage oriented
Not committed to help each other during hard times, only want good times
"Fair weather friend"
If enough people wanted to vote to make PMI illegal, we could do it.
Even though people engaging in reproductive activities they are not having children,
Or if they are, they are having children in an unstable environment
And that makes
It's people getting married without studying it.
You should study the potential spouse and biggest decision of your life
Not supposed to be an emotional decision
Ie fall in love
Or love at first sight
Logical scientific:
List of want mental and physical attributes you want
List of values that are necessary
List of things you definitely don't want
If casual intimacy ok in your view, what determines whether you want to be intimate with
And why be intimate if you would never want to marry them or have kids or raise kids with them?
Hi I see that you're into writing about abortion etc
Thought this would be good to write about if you don't already know
So that women don't have to go through the tragedy of abortion I think it's useful to put emphasis on avoiding premarital intimacy -
Because what's more valuable, Premarital sex with potential risk factors like unwanted pregnancies,
Or lifetime commitment, THEN sex
Women are the gatekeepers of sex
Men are the gatekeepers of a marriage (legal or non legal) proposal
I therefore I think
One major issue is that religious people are having premarital sex .
The reason for this is because they are not Orthodox.
To me, that means they are not practicing the religion it's like a half-Muslim, for example
Because what's the use of claiming a religion and doing all the religious rituals when you don't practice the most prudent action of avoiding premarital intimacy,
The root issue of problems in modern societies, in my view...
Marriage is about forming a co created legacy
Build marriage policies that encourage strong marriages
And de incentivize divorce
Another solution is to remind people of covenant marriages which is specific to the religion.
It keeps people accountable just like accountability for avoiding PMI
When you know someone is strongly religious, part of that means that they are wanting to avoid PMI so that makes them more trustworthy
Really important to be able to engage in self intimacy as a man because sometimes woman unable to have intercourse and also women get baby brain where they get fully focused on the children and it's hard for them to focus on their husband
Women are primitive and far more likely to want to leave a marriage because they get bored. They need to be entertained and given tasks and assignments to do. They need structure teal swan on YouTube talks about this
There is this constant fear and anxiety of whether a woman
will ever like you and want to be your wife follower.
You do not have to pursue
You do not have to convince
When you are prepared you can look for her.
But it takes time to prepare and you need to be in a financial and emotional
Strong place so that you can afford the time and money to build the marriage
As for now, when you look at women, you can admire their bodies
But remind yourself to want the best for them,
For them to have a good husband, even though there’s a low probability
That person you are looking at right now is going to be your wife
Best for women to cling to fathers then cling to husbands
But how can we be sure the husband will be faithful?
These men need to be men of principles and religious in some
Way where following their principles and values system is
More important than following a woman
Imagine being a woman
Breast feeding
When look at people train mind to want the best for them
Women think that they deserve freedom
But you can't do whatever you want and still get a happy result
Problem is women follow people around they don't use their own mind they are like a teenage. They follow other women, they unconsciously follow the most alpha males
They compete by seeing which of them can get the most attention from an alpha make other women want
Even if your church is non denominational you should hold it's members accountable
So if someone is a member, their life should be scrutinized, their phone should be examined periodically
And so on
Scary to be pregnant
Imagine the mind it would take to do that
tough being a woman because unless they have a father or guardian providing for them a reasonable life,
the woman may want to venture out
it may seem that all women want is their own job and a guy they want for X ,
but that is the opposite of a woman.
yes there are exceptions, a small percentage of women are driven to succeed , perhaps 15%, and
a feminine woman is supposed to want a provider man and wait to only give her body to him once he commits to a lifetime together in marriage
marriage is not about a man controlling a woman.
it's about a woman looking at a man's life and his expectations of his wife
and she deciding that she voluntarily chooses to play that role.
So are you saying you don't like conservative values like smaller government, family values of marriage, anti abortion ( so women are more prudent) anti govt assistance ( so responsible people don't have to pay for women having children with irresponsible men
What is the foundation of your relationship?
Did you speak about marriage
What are your first verbal interactions about?
Did you discuss values?
Or did the man simply try as quick as he could to get physical intimacy
Be aware that your youth, physical attraction and money can distract you from focusing on what your wife would want and future family
another concern is that since women do not think about sex as much as men,
Women are naive and think that men didn't have ulterior motives to get intimacy from women
And women act like hugging or touching or talking with men is not about physical intimacy,
But it might provoke men's desires and women do not consider that reality and act like it's a playful
Men why do you want to be thinking about your privates all the time or other men's?
Think of your wife VV for peace of mind...
If you want a virgin
Then you need to work together with other men to promote that culture otherwise even if you are an alpha type guy with good genetics and career you cant get the vcard
Problem with Bible is written in 1600s when survival was the main theme of life, where is was necessary to marry and have kids young for existential reasons
Not easy to avoid predators
They are people who may seem like you would not be attracted to
Anyone who invites to house
It's hard to say no
They give you free things to make you feel obligated
They ask you to go in their car
The result is some women and men become reprobate
Like the men don't want virgin woman
And the woman don't want to be a feminine follower wife
And they can't...
Because their mind is corrupted, and if they
use drugs like cannibus or alchohol,
That makes them not care about anything
Me dealing with a Feminist: (woman who wants to be a man but
Does not want to follow a masculine man)
Lelani Reed fair point but you are avoiding the main theme of my comment. the point is to revisit family values and not engage in premarital intimacy that creates unwanted children.
If you are really interested in the debate on this, check out my website
If you are really confident in your positions you'd be willing to publicly debate them.
To be honest, most women throw out one counterpoint but then avoid and further debate, and perhaps it's because most women cannot hold a calm logical conversation,
But neither can many men...
So prove me wrong and give me more opinions or facts or links to affirm your position.
In fact, what is your position exactly? Do you identify as a feminist?
What is ideal and sustainable in your view?
What do you think of family values?
Would you prefer to follow a man husband that you respected?
So you could be in your femininity?
Think about it, even though women can do some men's jobs and act masculine, isn't it better for women to enjoy being feminine?
And the argument that I should be quiet or avoid talking about women is contrary to my right to free expression and it's about humanity and world peace and creating a loving society, not creating a gender war.
But let's be honest, women are more easily manipulated and have harder time making decisions so that's why they get taken advantage of by predatory men who take their body but do not give them life commitment (legal or non legal marriage)
And before you think that I'm privileged, consider that I used to have mental health issues and low self esteem and so I used to prostitute myself to predatory older gay men who I was to afraid to say no to and did not understand their manipulative tactics like acting like a friend when I was homeless and eating out of garbage cans. All true.
Can you handle the truth and have an open conversation?
If your goal is world peace like mine, and avoiding women having to be in a situation to need abortion or to have to work or where they don't have a viable husband
Then let's team up and work on it.
And I've already screen shot your response so it's on the permanent record even if you delete it.
Why have sex because might get attached
Why have sex because with someone not attracted enough to get attached to
Stealing other men's wives
Argument PROMISCUOUS men would use is that the women wanted to
But women are irrational
Only reason you would cheat on your future wife is because you don't believe she exists
It seems like
Marriage based upon truth,
Each person told the truth of what they want before the marriage and then they have a shared truth
Need to be like a spiritual sister before marriage
So ask to go on date with their parents or family members or best friends
Women need to respect their time horizon for marriage
Why wouldn't you want to live your whole life with a trusted person
People have invented many words to describe premarital intimacy, including significant other,
Women hesitant on commitment
Not true they simply want marriage, not to exist in half committed relationships
But it's not a life commitment
Anything except life commitment such
As bf gf significant other is saying you might want someone else
And do not want to commit t
You need to tell future spouse exactly what you want from them
The core essentials
Lifestyle activities and hobbies MUST do with you
How to deal with social dynamics like opposite gender, what level of privacy and gender separation want
How much physical contact with other people, esp. Opposite gender
want a woman who is super clean inside and out
No pets ( unclean toxoplasmosis from cats and smelly
and dogs are disgusting waste eating scavengers)
Certification for no premarital intimacy
Hold people accountable
Mormons do that
Assumptions has been proven to be like an end statement
That its validated
If it's unwritten then it's not a law
Make a list of churches who are accountable forNOXB4M
If you are going to tell the truth make sure you
make them laugh otherwise they'll hate and subvert you
Make list of ideas that complement
Think strong enough to handle temptation
Can't be around person
Why make it easier to fall victim to sexual sin
Red flags that a person does not value sexual purity
Do not tease with partial intimacy
It can make you feel attached to person for years after the sex is over
It can make you hate men or hate women or hate sex as an adaptive mechanism
It can happen to you
Teach people to read that out loud
Reason women give body away is because they don't respect or value themselves
When say one day we'll get married and have kids, not precise or realistic
And makes them get attached when they are not sure about marriage so there is a statistically high possibility it won't work out
When you feel badly like someone made fun of you
Document what happened make it on the record
Having a bf gf means not wanting to be a real wife or real husband
Do you want to be?
points. I would be interested in debating you about women's rights. What are your key positions? I am very conservative and prefer marriage and no premarital intimacy and women should be encouraged to stay under the protective umbrella of their family until a worthy loyal provider leader husband offers for marriage
I think most women would prefer to be instructed and be under a good husband and be home.
I would say 60-70 percent of women would prefer this if they really thought about it
But feminism made it so women could work which is good that they have the option but bad that they had to pay taxes too and big corporations benefit...
So if a woman works, I think she should continuously consult her father and trusted family to advise her on how to save money for her family, and for herself...
Men need advice too but I think men do better not having an authority, but learning how to follow their own value system...
A lot to think about.
My website is ShieldHeart.org
I want to live in a peaceful sustainable world where people can trust each other (even though it's best to not trust, but there should be the possibility)
People seem to think that men can have all the intimacy they want
Bigger sex features detract from Vulva experience
Who is in it to win it
Who is studying hard for the biggest decision of their life
Virtual living together
Document life what do in a week
What want to do it a week
Monthly expenses
Average monthly income
People are acting like there is no tomorrow
So anyone who says live in the moment that’s a major red flag
Religious insistence is to act like eternity, act like sustainable
Some perceive it as “only” Sex
vs others see it as carefully selecting a man
and survival of kids grandkids 20 generations
Have you at least experimented w masturbation?
As a man you should want to get to a place mentally where you are not
If there's any questions as to whether a woman is single that's a problem also
Lies and deception all these words like does a person like you or have a crush on you
It's does that person seem like marriage
Only responding to past stimuli
Not intentional
If not love, fear
Fear not worthy of a spouse
It is for consideration that one task for a pastor is to keep account of what's going on and who is PMI and
People say good sex
But just because something is pleasurable doesn't mean it's good
Why you want your wife to get fd before you fd her
“ Religion’s secret enemy”
You know the trusting feeling you experience when you are around someone who is religious or who seems loving and sacred?
Well that is because they are likely not wanting PMI (Premarital Intimacy)
The real enemy of religion is not other religions or even orientations.
it is those who prefer PMI Premarital Intimacy and do not value a sacred marriage.
These PMI seekers even say they are religious.
But there are also those who avoid PMI who are of a different religion or are not even religious
Some people say it’s judgmental to judge PMI seekers,
But they are like drug addicts and interested in lust, not love.
So if you say PMI is “ok” or “good” or acceptable, you are equally saying that non-PMI is not ok.
they may call you a Prude- but that’s actually a compliment, it means prudent and living sustainably with long term goals for the future.
Many PMI seekers will not admit or identify as PMI seekers but they are deceiving themselves and others.
If safe, ask them if they seek PMI and why- do they not think that they can get a loving spouse?
My website is ShieldHeart.org
you're free to not get a husband and pursue PMI
but why wouldn't he want
but do you ever want a husband and to be a wife?
So you are saying you do not want to grow old with a person?
Learn how to "talk to girls?"
No all that leads to is guys consciously or unconsciously seducing women
Everyone knows what it means when a guy is talking to women even if he thinks it's just to be friends
Unless it's a brief conversation then it's not legitimate
Women are more emotional and lower self esteem by default and that is why they act like escorts
I know because when I had low self esteem I was an escort
LGBT and women not as logical as men
More prone to emotional decisions and promiscuity due to low self esteem
Most people see a new car and think a person is successful or doing well
But how physically fit they are is their real wealth. Don't be fooled
important for people to really examine people and find reasons NOT to want intimacy with them,
because you are doing battle with yourself
Polyamory is an excuse to have commitment free intimacy and not worry about STDs
Why even put yourself in a situation where that is a possibility?
Non Commitment is like saying you want the person's body but if they loose their health or wealth you don't want them
My strategies may seem unconventional but if you are not willing to try them for even a week it means you are closed minded
If you think PMI is so good are you willing to have a public Livestream debate about it?
So do you want to have ownership of a person's body where they only belong to you or do you want to share them with someone else
Beware of labels such as when people say they are hippies, it can indicate that they are unwilling to make commitments
Women don't seem to be able to commit to a value system, but they can commit to following someone. They should commit to following a male guardian or husband
To promiscuous women ask them how you think a good father should act
problem is people are unwilling to experiment
try sending your future spouse a loving email describing how you are living for them and working on your health and finances because you are inspired by them
religions' secret enemy is not other religions, it's people who seek PMI.
they may not admit they prefer and seek PMI but they do,
even "religious people " who claim religion seek PMI.
if people claim you are being judgemental, say that it's ok to judge criminals,
so why not judge people who contribute to a dysfunctional lust based unloving society?
people will say they accept all people and are non-judgemental but the reality is you can't be accepting of PMI and also against it at the same time. you can't have both.
you can't have a high school who allows PMI on campus and says that they also ban it.
you can't have a party or event or church that says it's ok with either.
it's either one or the other because people who want to
avoid PMI can't be trusting around people who like PMI
Core Principles :
1. Commitment to preparing for marriage
2. no premarital intimacy
3. practice veganism
4. meet your own needs, desires and wants while preparing for marriage
5. do not label anyone as an authority figure higher than yourself. for example, do not label someone as a father, uncle, boss, instead, label them on a first name basis or last name, and act like you are doing business with them, not for them. for example, your male guardian (aka father) is someone who you hire to be your guardian , and in exchange, you pay them by abiding by their cultural rules.
6. Label people Brother and Sister only when they are " spiritual siblings " with you, which means that they have the same values as you and therefore, even if you died, you would be glad you invested in them because you know they would perpetuate your values into the future, thus making the world one you would want to reincarnate into.
7. make women a main focus of your life and celebrate them and pay attention to them, including other women treat yourselves as important and sacred.
8. do not have pets because that detracts from the focus on women and humanity and raising children , also, no pets are conscious and so they cannot choose to be vegan.
9. be professional and do not force people to follow Shield Heart principles, and only talk about it when it seems appropriate but do not alienate professional relationships, and instead, say that you respect a person's right to their own practices.
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