laws of jungle - give space, assume people are a threat, an attack can come from anywhere
seek give space when conflict
if feel need weapons or armor to protect
try to avoid that place
“ Harness God “
1. Repeat “ I am god, the energy that animates all life, from one incarnation and planet, to the next.
2. Practice self intimacy for self-control to help avoid any verbal or physical unloving premarital intimacy.
3. Use toys such as the doc johnson main squeeze with coconut oil
4. Celebrate and protect women more than hobbies such as cars or pets
5. Find serenity via your wife’s vvs via oral, more important than wanting to dominate during interx. compliment her VVs size and qualities.
6. Visualize people you are upset at smiling and imagine beaming and shining brilliant light at them. Fly over people and places like an angel and imagine them smiling, do this for influential people, who need protection from demonic forces.
breathing - other people don't upset you
lack of proper breathing upsets you
7 sec in 8 sec hold 4sec out
ensure bottled/tap/brita water/toothpaste has no fluoride
food that can sustainably eat, live indefinitely,
won't clog arteries
inexpensive- plant based
- coconut oil for skin
- avoid wifi/ phone radiation
dont accept free food
don't make decisions when sitting down or lying down , dont listen to people in this state
they will offer free transport or invite to house or restaurant in order to get you in a place it's hard to say no or you feel you owe them
children need protection from human
and canine predators
they need to be taught people want them sexually
don't train your child to be submissive
talk to them as equals, on first name basis
label self guardian, which is a role
father mother uncle etc is more about heirarchy and dominance that protection
use it or loose it
it's sex with self - can be highly enjoyable and make it easy to wait for the right person.
men use toys such as the personal stroker
from the brand doc johnson "the main squeeze"
pornography is considered controversial because it is often prostitution that is filmed.
it is at the discretion of the viewer to ensure they are viewing content of voluntary participants.
even then, it is unloving acts on camera, between two people who are not married.
if porn viewing helps to avoid premarital intimacy, that is for the greater good.
also, there are loving couples who do porn.
another outlet is fantasizing about people you see in real life. you can find nude pictures of a similar looking person on the internet
try to look at pictures and videos of women naked and they playing with themselves.
In a perfect world. I think only married women should dance naked as strippers in real life or on the internet, or dress sexy and have hair when in public with their husbands. (I think unmarried women should have shaved heads)
the woman's body should be celebrated and protected and made the center of soceity.
but unmarried women if they strip etc will consciously or unconsciously be hoping men will find them attractive and that creates sexual tension.
it should be about the women showing their pussy and the art of it rather than the striper or the men viewing thinking about whether they want to get married or have sex- that's not friendly.
recognize others have sexual desires
don't pretend it is not there.
gender seperate schools, dance floors, also, certain professionals like teaching, massage therapy, doctors etc only one gender working each other
dont stiffle , celebrate and recognize that it is a phenomenon
only women should teach female students k-12
only men should teach male students k-12
fucked up women are women whose fathers allow them to do whatever they want
the problem is not just woman,
it's giving people things for free that they have not earned
that is why if I was a woman, I would prefer to stay at my fathers house and help him do chores and have him help me find a husband
because I would not trust my judgement because if I was a woman, I would be more emotional and think more emotionally
if you can have casual sex and attach and unattach so easily,
then it will be hard for you to attach to someone.
so why wouldn't you want to attach to someone
you are saying you are not concerned about getting your heart broken
and you are not worried about hurting someone else's feelings and breaking their heart either ?
how much research have you done in this area?
most people who are anti virginity is because they are either Simp males, or women who think that to express their
1. The following talking points are about Hetero men having a sense of peace about life.
1.1. Need to be able to look at a woman and decide if would oral sex her
Do you like her skin tone?
Do you like her degree of hygiene?
When Women convert to a Vegan Diet, their body is typically more alkaline, as long as they aren't consuming much sugar or caffeine. alkaline is healthier and makes a woman's body and pussy taste better.
Aiming to reach an orgasm as a man is not you.
Your desire to orgasm is not you
Your desire to have a woman want you sexually
Or your desire to dominate a woman is NOT YOU.
The only thing that is truly you is your desire to provide oral sex and massages to your future wife, because you care about her because she has the same values as you
In a perfect world, everyone is a virgin so cleanliness is ensure and no one has any mental physical attachments to anyone so they can completely and easily attach to their spouse
Stop thinking about sucking on her breasts like a baby.
Think about
2. At least in reference to pps and tts size, bigger isn’t better.
3. The reason larger pps isn’t better is because it puts too much sexual attention emphasis on the man, when most emphasis should be placed upon women.
3.1. every element reduces percentage points attention towards celebrating such as larger pps, tts, a man acting feminine and wanting women's attention, or having pets or men always watching tv and too much sports or videogames.
4. Also, it is a physiological burden to have a larger appendage because it forces it’s owner to think about sexual matters more frequently than they might want.
5. Also, sexual intercourse places more emphasis on the man and his pps and domination of the woman,
6. when the most important sexual act is oral sex performed on the vvs.
7. This same phenomenon occurs with women with larger tts.
8. It’s a burden.
9. My conclusion is that the most important thing is that instead of interest placed upon a man’s pps or women’s tts, which are more for baby’s milk,
10. Interest should instead be placed on a women’s out vvs, her clit and labia.
11. The reason for my logic is because it will make men feel peaceful because since they can use ultra realistic pocket pussy stroker toys, they no longer need the inside of the womans’ flower vvs.
12. They only need the outside vvs.
13. Once men start getting aroused by a woman’s outer vvs and also fantasize about it, only then will they be at peace.
14. you must stop being penocentric (as a hetero man) and making the most important part of your sexual relationship about penetrative intercourse because even though it is enjoyable, it puts more emphasis on the penis and about a man entering and dominating a woman.
15. thus, it is exciting but stressful to a man.
16. it is feminine for a man to want sexual attention from a woman towards his body and penis. it is masculine for a man to direct sexual attention towards women, and especially, his wife, and complimenting and her body, pussy and details of her body.
17. overt focus on pps is almost a homosexual act
20. the only way to find peace as a man is to worship your wife's pussy and massage her.
21. you have to make the primary theme of your life worshiping her.
23. the reality is some women are not healthy enough so they are not attractive.
24. but if they are not attractive enough to suck on their clitoris and labia skin, that is ok.
25. instead, you can massage and dildo her
27. also, even if she is not in the mood for vaginal intercouse , you can still "thigh fuck" her.
29. The point in that you love her and want to pleasure her.
30. Your motivation is not use her to have an orgasm, it is to please her because she has the same values as you and you respect her for that.
32. Is basically being addicted to sex and it's a dopamine pursuit- restless and insatiable and people will seek it elsewhere and cheat if it is the basis for the relationship.
Key Term: VVS Flower : a woman's Vagina Vulva and celebrating it, because it's humanities' flower. once a man manages his own orgasms, via masturbation, he can think more clearly and does not crave vaginal intercourse for orgasm, so he can focus more on her Flower, in a sacred and peaceful way- with Oral Sex.
even if I never get to be near wife Vvs,
the daily path alone to her is worthwhile
people think the Vvs looks less attractive if the Clitoris or Labia Minor are Larger but I think it is even more inspiring to Provide Oral Sex to.
also, when a woman's vagina is loose or open, perhaps due to childbirth or age, I think it is even more attractive.
so when you look at a woman, do not get distracted by anything else except if you would want to give her oral sex.
it is distracting to think of a woman in other terms.
so for example, you may be aroused by her breast sacks, but I personally think that breasts are for babies and interfere with the Vvs interactive experience.
I do not like anything that interferes with the Vvs experience.
for instance, I would rather look at a nude woman displaying her Vvs flower for 1 hour rather than watch excess sports etc
I think it's important for men to place their future wife's Vvs at the forefront, more than other hobbies, such as car enthusiasm
married men should help inspire other men by having their wife display her Vvs.
you can determine sexual compatibility without sex.
the way is to masturbate and use toys, especially women use dildos, and pornography as a reference
masturbation is how you determine what you like, and the frequency/duration you want sexual activity.
most sex organs are sexually compatible
talk about sexual ideals without acting them out.
how much sex do you need to have before determining what you want?
people's fetish or kink are anomalies
do you want a woman who would gladly have sex before marriage
what would the first time look like? would there be any substances involved?
sex is a strong and addcitive emotion, so why treat it casually?
do you think that when you have sex that it will change your brain chemistry and make it more difficult to make a clear decision? post nut clarity
what are the benefits of premarital intimacy?
during these marriage and sex debates, who mentions Love? or Vulva?
1. pussy is most important, be suspicious of any person or book that does not express this
2. a virgin woman is the most attractive, but she should use dildos to know herself too.
3. orthodox religions divorce rates are much lower than others.
4. you should be married to yourself and have sex with yourself
what is your best advice for avoiding premarital sex ?
child abuse leads to increased sexual partners - so the more you have, the more unresolved emotional damage you have.
so the opposite is that if you have a healed mind and love yourself, you
don't ever act like a woman's husband such as give her food, sex or money,
if you are not actively trying to find a spouse, then how do you expect to randomly find them?
women, what do you think a masculine man would want? a virgin?
The reality is that being homo etcetera is a limitation.
being hetero is limiting as well.
this is because it's better to not be around people you are sexually attracted to when you are trying to focus, and avoid sexual tension.
it is good to promote the brotherhood of man, and the sisterhood of women.
each gender should help their own and speak about those who are lgbtq and help them focus on finding a spouse and being loving to themselves and others.
it's more convenient for lgbtq to cheat on their future spouse, and there are more predation in the community but as men, let's protect our fellow lgbtq men, and as women, let's support out lgbtq fellow women.
would be be better for there to be no women or lgbtq in the police/military so that there was complete trust and no sense of sexual tension? perhaps but i do want all people to have job opportunities -
but ultimately, it's about keeping things professional
The solution is for people to wear color coordinated Shield Heart wrist bands that denote marital status and orientation.
This is really important because it is people being transparent and not having any secret agendas.
BE AWARE that some people may wear the wrong wristband in order to deceive and manipulate someone.
a sense of peace should be the primary emotion
not excitement not unhappiness
same with trying to get
get serenity by worshiping Vv.
peace, not over excitement
a peace based in logic
gender seperate schools, dance floors, also, certain professionals like teaching, massage therapy, doctors etc only one gender working each other
dont stiffle , celebrate and recognize that it is a phenomenon
For a peaceful society,
we need to celebrate and protect sacred women, and make their Vagina aka Flower the focal point, rather than men focusing on men's genitals, which is inappropriate for Hetero men to do, and also, stop focusing on women's breasts more than the pussy because breasts are sacks of milk for babies. the pussy is what adult hetero men should be more interested in sucking.
The reality is that even though intercourse is fun, it does place an emphasis on the men's genitals. and about dominating a woman, so in my view, Oral sex performed on a woman is a more important and defining act of a man showing his care for his wife- it's not just him trying to get off.
Start by labeling no one your hierarchical authority:
men mistakenly label women their authority figures, such as mother or aunt, which makes men unconsciously resent women,
because people prefer to be their own authority- it allows for clear thinking and feeling like your life is yours.
- that is why you see men who say they love their mothers but objectify other women.
- it is because they unconsciously feel objectified themselves, by their own mother.
- all they have to do is start labeling each other as Viesfam, if you have the same values.
- treat each other as equals, not a hierarchy.
- you can serve each other better by doing this, because labeling yourself a Son
makes you act out a submissive and needy role of expecting the parent to help meet your financial and emotional needs.
because men act more responsible when they label themselves their own final authority. this is the power of language.
- try labeling your biological relatives by their first name, and as friend, or spirirtual sibling, or even disconnected person, but not mother father aunt etc
- women should also not label anyone their hierarchical authority, but I think it helps to have people that act as guardians to you, for both men and women, until marriage.
- but think of it as a role that you hire someone for, similar to hiring a life coach to keep you accountable.
- it must be someone who shares your core values, which may or may not be some of your biological relatives.
because men act more responsible when they label themselves their own final authority. this is the power of language.
- try labeling your biological relatives by their first name, and as friend, or spiritual sibling, or even disconnected person, but not mother father aunt etc
- women should also not label anyone their hierarchical authority, but I think it helps to have people that act as guardians to you, for both men and women, until marriage.
- but think of it as a role that you hire someone for, similar to hiring a life coach to keep you accountable.
- it must be someone who shares your core values, which may or may not be some of your biological relatives.
The new word I use to describe people I share values with and consider an equal is the " Viesfam"
Values Interests Equal Spiritual Sibling Family
It is essential not to eat with and socialize very much with people that do not share your values. (except for some professional work lunch kind of meetings)
you only have so much time in life and so during your non-work time, give it to yourself,
It is better to be alone than to do personal activities with people that you do not consider a spiritual sibling.
People may accuse you of acting like you are superior to them,
but you can tell them that you professionally respect them and aren't trying to force them to change.
For example: tell your biological brother that you respect his right to have his own values, but you would rather identify only as friends, not spiritual brothers aka Viesfam because you do not have the same values.
focusing more on identifying as yourself, a healthy body, working on living as long as possible and other sustainable loving values like loving a spouse
rather than only identifying as someone who owns a certain possessions and being competitive and trying to seduce and attract whomever you can...
live for trying to impress your and connect with your future spouse and spiritual family,
not other people who you do not share common values with.
verbal affirmations
thinking that you are already married walking into a room
social media: be your own promoter and greatest fan
like and comment on your own posts – that’s more impt. Than what anyone else can say
unless you want to listen to and be programmed by others -
label yourself your final authority by saying:
" I am Consciousness, ruling over my life
I am the King and Boss of my life.
I am my own parent
and treat yourself as if your body is your responsibility to manage
treat your finances as if you are your own financial manager.
journal and listen to yourself as if you are your own therapist
eat vegan and do cardio exercise 4-5 times a week so that you don't need to follow a doctors instructions but that you are your own doctor.
study the legal aspects of what you are doing with people and learn to determine how much you can trust people
Pure Consciousness
going from one lifetime to the next
from life to life
whether we destroy this planet or it eventually gets destroyed in a galactic or biological event
instead of hoping that supernatural forces will
resolve our problems,
let's keep advancing ourselves.
Such as, it may make the more sense to always do
C-Section procedures because they reduce pain and problems associated with vaginal birth.
“ Harness God “
1. Repeat “ I am god, the energy that animates all life, from one incarnation and planet, to the next.
2. Practice self intimacy for self-control to help avoid any verbal or physical unloving premarital intimacy.
3. Use toys such as the doc johnson main squeeze with coconut oil
4. Celebrate and protect women more than hobbies such as cars or pets
5. Find serenity via your wife’s vvs via oral, more important than wanting to dominate during interx. compliment her VVs size and qualities.
6. Visualize people you are upset at smiling and imagine beaming and shining brilliant light at them. Fly over people and places like an angel and imagine them smiling, do this for influential people, who need protection from demonic forces.
Envy: want people to have a spouse that they love
instead of focusing on men's pps or women's tts, make women's vvs the center of your life, and then you won't be worrying about trying to dominate a woman through regular intercourse which is penocentric but now, your life wil be vvs centeric
Karma; build favorable karma by fair trade, being profesional, choosing veganism, because it is the least harmful to nature
maximize this life
- 5 days a week cardio, for heart longevity
- eat vegan/ eat food that doesn't block arteries,
only seek dopamine out of more subtle activities;
instead of out of alchohol drug use and unsustainable overexertion activities
seek it out of creative accomplishments, massaging and worshiping your wife, teaching strong values to your children, and helping society even if your activites are not noticed, because the truth is that you are not interacting with people.
you are interacting with the universe.
this is not to say that everything is spiritual and hippy dippy.
No. Some people should be avoided, imprisoned or executed, to help them on to their next life.
If I was stuck in a body due to significant mental or physical incapacitation, I would want help getting out "Boosting" to my next life.
The same goes with my children. I would rather help my child into their next life if they were incapacitated and could not enjoy life, and did not have the mental ability to decide for themselves.
the reality is that people will be living much longer lives.
however, when a couple gets older and dysfuncitonal, I think it is important for the husband (or the masculine person) to FIRST help their spouse to their next life, also using magic mushrooms to remind each other that your are WAY NOT this body.
then, they can exit their body themselves.
obviously, this would be done in a humane way.
if people can humane put down their pets with dignigty, why can't we do the same for ourselves?
- Please experiment with the following “lightwork” visualization technique to manage your thoughts and attract positive and beneficial experiences.
- The mind thinks in imagery, often, the images of people smiling or frowning, depending on whether you like them or not.
- Even if you don’t like a person, it is useful to imagine them smiling and imagine an aura of bright warm white light around them.
- There are other ways of imagining the white light around them,
- Such as, I like to use my index and middle fingers like a wand and discreetly “beam” around me in public .
- Or imagining I am an orb of light traveling everywhere like a cloud and people come in contact with me and their auras and smiles are illuminated
- Or standing on a roof or elevated place and using your fingers as a wand and facing the direction you want to “beam” and blast near and far, locally and globally, to protect people with the light manifestation.
- Or imagine you are seeing an angel fly say 50 feet above someone and they are beaming down on that person, such as global leaders or other influential people who may be subject to demonic forces trying to possess them
- as if I am beaming a bright white laser light at all the people and objects around me
- it’s a way of spiritually conditioning a space, or beaming any object person or place I am having difficulty with, such as if I am having a problem with a coworker, or car or tool or any company -
- This is useful to do if you are waiting in line, or uncertain about something, you can imagine
- If there is immediate threat or danger, don’t rely on this spiritual activity to protect you.
- Instead, deal with the problem via fight or flight and only do this “lightwork” when you are safe
- This is all experimental but it works for me- at least the placebo effect of making me feel better, and maintain my loving vibration.
- It’s all about maintaining a high vibration and avoiding getting into lower vibrations if possible
- Such as arguing and fighting back and forth with people
- Or listening or dealing with a toxic person, which in turn lowers your vibration as they mentally program you by you listening to them. This is a good reason to avoid over listening to the news etc
- Try seeing things like a scientist- see problems as information that you can use to solve a problem.
- See information as useful, for example, if you deal with a bad or rude person,
- See it as information to act upon to
- Objective analysis, documenting and observing things for analysis to solve the problem logically rather than get emotionally consumed by it.
Here are the steps of the Daily Action Plan to Prepare for a Great Marriage:
when you make a list of qualifiers and disqualifiers of who you want your future spouse to be,
you really define who you are and know yourself.
this makes you more principled and self assured and that makes you not want to give your body or money to someone unless they are your spouse.
it makes you not want to cheat on your future spouse.
people question why they should get married.
it is because it makes you much more selective about who you would want to give your body and money to.
WHY Avoiding Premarital Intimacy 1. Premarital intimacy is both physical and verbal romantic or sexual interactions. This may be intentional or unconscious interactions from Subject A to B and/or Subject B to A. 2. People only seduce someone for Premarital Intimacy (Hereinafter PI) if they do not respect them. For example, a prostitutional exchange involves people seducing each other with money and their body- something you would not do to someone you respected. Any intimate connection prior to marriage is prostitution, even if both Subjects are well intended. 3. PI is lustful and unloving. Love is about mutual commitment to commonly held values. When building a life together and imbuing your values into future generations is not the foundation of your relationship, it is prostitutional and unsustainable. 4. When avoiding PI you avoid being in the lust and seduction energetic frequency. You can stay in the self-love frequency. 5. Saying No to PI is saying yes to the culture of respecting everyone’s future spouses, your fellow man or your fellow woman and yourself and even your future spouse. Not seducing another man’s wife 6. Promotes Virginity- Most men would agree that a virgin woman is more attractive, and even “Alpha Men” would agree, but in order for all the wives to be virgins, all the men have to be virgin as well. 7. It is a healthy and hygienic practice and eliminates STD’s 8. It is more honest and authentic – less about fake half heart weak roles like bf/gf, partner Significant other or lover- these are all not the real thing, not love in it’s most powerful form. 9. Avoiding intimacy before marriage makes you want to be strong mentally and physically for your spouse, and it takes time to do this10. it seems that between age 25-33 is the best age range to get married, because you have discovered your values and boundaries. 11. And acting upon your desires when you hit puberty will result in immature people neglecting personal growth and therefore passing on the unresolved conflicts they developed in childhood directly to their children, so the negative cycle continues. It’s starting a family prematurely and traps you into wage slave. 12. Avoiding PI can completely eliminate heartache from breakups, shame humiliation self hatred, hatred of others, development of misogyny or misandry. 13. Avoiding PI= less distractions from building your self and finances for a future family. Other people and their bodies and intimate relations can interfere with and delay your family experience. 14. Because female purity or virginity is the most valuable thing a woman can offer a man biologically- even though her best offer is to commit to and accept a man’s offer of marriage.15. However, since a woman cannot propose marriage, the most only thing she can and should control is not allowing the man access to her body until she is married. 16. No attachments and unwanted memories of previous intimate interactions. Clear slate for a full life of love with your spouse. 17. Avoiding PI until marriage makes sure you don’t tease yourself with flings here and there- but rather get married and have reliable love based intimacy where a person wants to please you because they love you and your values, not because they only want pleasure. 18. Avoiding PI is statistically shown to result in higher marriage success rates 19. It’s stabilizing for society – stable marriage, families, children’s wellbeing and so on. 20. It creates interfamily trust because if people are marrying people in their same age range around 25-35yrs old and not divorcing, then there no old guys trying to marry younger women and so the old guys are not trying to take their son’s potential wives, and the older women aren’t trying to lower their daughter’s value so they are not competing with their daughters for older men. 21. It creates intergenerational and intersex trust because men are not trying to seduce other men’s daughters or sisters 22. Avoiding PI is an essential core value that if people are confirmed to practice it, help to distinguish the good from the bad guys. That is why people can often trust more orthodox religious people because those people are more likely to avoid PI. 23. Eliminates the confusion of people having multiple partners and not knowing who to trust. Even alpha males should stop sharing mates with other alpha males because it is unhygienic and unloving.24. When people avoid PI, it gives a reason to want to save our species because the 95% of sane men can now better trust each other and can impose justice upon the problematic 5%. When the 95% is divided, they cannot defeat the 5%.
People only seduce people they do not care about.
think of a prostitute and their client. if they respected each other, they would not trade money for body.
the question is can sexual compatibility be determined without having sex.
I would say the answer is yes, this can be assessed over an online conversation and sharing personal information, including nude pictures, and expected frequency of sexual activity.
Men are generally the only ones who can propose marriage because men are more logical and will be the financial responsible party, so they have to choose which woman they would want to bear their children.
So if women cannot propose marriage, what can they do?
If I were a woman, I would use my newfound "freedom" as a modern woman to live at my Guardian's (aka bio father's) house if possible,
knowing that women are more emotional and can make poor decisions about partner selection.
1. This is not about trying to satisfy a religious cultural and legal obligation of virginity until marriage, even though it is a good thing to uphold in society. It is not a mindless ritualistic practice without any practical application.
2. It is about the logic and science of how people can more easily pair bond and also respect each other and trust each other in society when people are not trying to seduce each other.
3. What no one realizes is that getting married is about the culture of being very selective about who you choose,
4. And really thinking about who you are so that you marry someone who is similar enough to you.
5. Marriage is not about conforming to something. It is about becoming more conscious about yourself and others and only giving your passion and energy and money to someone you are formally committed to because you are committed to mutually shared values and interests.
6. It is operating upon love, not lust.
7. Pursuit of sex and especially men competing for and playing for how many women they can get
8. Is basically being addicted to sex and it's a dopamine pursuit- restless and insatiable and people will seek it elsewhere and cheat if it is the basis for the relationship.
9. If a man wants to have sex with a woman before marriage, it means that he does not love her
10. If a woman want to have sex with a man before marriage, it means she is likely trying to convince him to marry her and would prefer that he marry her.
11. Women need to recognize that if a man want sex with her, it does not mean that he likes her or would ever want to marry her or have a child.
12. It is not significant that he want sex with her, only whether he will commit to her, before sex.
13. Either way, it means that they do not respect each other if a person is trying to have sex with you, if you try to seduce someone for sex with your body or money it means you do not respect them enough to wait until marriage
14. A prostitute and her client do not respect each other because they use body and money to seduce each other.
15. This is the same action that anyone engaging in premarital intimacy are doing. Body for body.
16. Their relationship is based upon money and sex, not a lifetime commitment to mutually shared values.
17. If men want a virgin woman, which most men say they prefer, they will need to promote a culture of protecting women and treating them sacred, because this will help keep men’s future wives and sisters and daughters virgins
18. This keeping women pure simultaneously keeps men virgin and pure. it keeps their mind and body free of memories and attachments that dilute the meaningfulness of a loving marriage with only one romantic life partner.
19. Think about it, if you are in numerous previous intimate relations, you will think of all those other people and the characteristics you liked about them,
20. And the memories of doing fun things and eating favorite foods and cultural activities or and public places and you no longer wanting to do these things because it reminds you of them.
21. Most importantly, it does not celebrate and protect women.
wear a wedding band indicating your commitment to your future spouse
when you are in public, act like you are married,
it will make you feel secure and not be worried about the sexual tension of hoping that someone will be attracted to you
also, when you look at people you are attracted to,
HOW Avoiding Premarital Intimacy
1. Need to begin thinking of self as worthy of a spouse and true love- and that you are marriage material
2. Then, start preparing for it. The reason most marriages fail is because people aren’t scientific about- they don’t study and prepare and learn from others mistakes and they don’t study themselves or a potential spouse in a logical platonic non-emotional way
3. When you see people you are attracted to, instead of wanting to seduce them, want to
4. Mr. Joey Mr. Strategic and Mr. Zach all were supportive of this writing session.
5. Wear a wedding band, indicative of your commitment to not only your future spouse, but yourself and your values and dreams.
6. Chant positive affirmations out loud, as spiritual protection and programming your mind, not letting others program you. For instance, say “ I am only sustaining the Love frequency, I do not give any space to lust fear and greedy seduction”
7. Make sure you have guardians, especially as a woman, people to protect you and advice you and be someone to talk to when you feel angry and lustful and don’t care about anything. It is best to refer to these guardians on a first name basis, because you don’t want to label anyone else a higher authority than you, because you should be your own primary guardian, especially as a man. But do have people you can check in with who you share the same values as you. In a perfect world, many of these guardians are also biological legal relatives, but sharing values is more meaningful than biological or legal relation.
8. Recognize that as a young person, people older or wiser than you can seduce and manipulate you even if you aren’t attracted to them and even if you think you can outsmart them.
9. For example, the reason people try to offer “free” food, transportation or invites to lounge at their house or attend their invitation is because they want to get you in a place where you feel psychologically submissive and obligated to them and it’s harder to take a stance and say no.
10. Daily every day self-intimacy, inclusive of toy use, both for men and women, makes it easy to control your desires and not be seduced and charmed by anyone.
11. Men, recommended use of the docjohnson main squeeze with coconut oil- that is the most reaslitic, and women should use toys that make it so they are not hopelessly reliant upon a man to know and enjoy their own body functions. unless it seems like having sex with oneself, people will want to prematurely rush into marriage. Only by managing these desires can we return to the loving creative clarity of a child unencumbered by desire. This is the easiest way to play a balancing game, and not seek unhealthy sensory gratification such as caffeine sugar or worse. Use it or loose it.
12. Avoiding PI allows for time to discovery oneself and be highly selective about choose a person matched up to your values and lifestyle rather than only choosing someone because of a physical attraction.
13. As a hetero man, one technique of being more selective which makes easier to avoid Premarital Intimacy is thinking of a woman in terms of looking at her and thinking whether you would want to give her oral sex. This is different from wanting an orgasm via intercourse and it’s also not about thinking about your pps and speculating on the size of her inner vvs and trying to dominate her, nor her breasts , which small breasts are recommended because breasts are for babies, and vvs is for men.
14. So really think about her skin tone and health and hygiene and diet and whether you think you would enjoy giving her oral sex, because that is a more serene and defining act than animalist intercourse or anything else. It is a masculine way of most genuine worship of her. As a man, you should not hope for compliments from a woman or trying to be the focal point of sexual attention, because that is the privilege of the feminine woman and her vvs flower rightfully deserves praise and celebration.
15. Healthy gender separation, which has been shown by orthodox religions to maintain a respectful space between the genders, and not pretend like there are no such thing as sexual desires and that people, particularly younger people should keep space between, such as with gender separate schooling, where the teachers are the same gender as the students.
16. It might be said that it is hard to implement all of the aforementioned and below actions but steps can and should be taken to make the world more peaceful.
17. Next, people can start converations about it with questions, instead of saying “it’s wrong to have sex before marriage, ask people things like do you think it’s loving or a sustainable way to approach relationships,
18. ask if people like marriage ask people what they think is the most efficient path to marriage.
19. Send a loving daily email update to your future spouse. Include details like you are saving x amount and did x work for them today , send a pic of the day, also mention plans you have with them – example “I can’t wait to do this hobby with you” or “ this fun vacation”
20. It is important to not hope or wish someone will like you, but rather, know exactly what your future spouse’s key values are and that that IS who they and you are not single and looking or hoping someone will like those values- they already do, or maybe they have at least some and then you can tell them to look at your social media to consider more-
21. In fact, that is the way to avoid Premarital Intimacy- it’s by having a protocol for approaching a potential future spouse
22. First, it should be clear to both of you that you are both ready for marriage- emotionally and financially- that one is looking for a husband, and the other looking for a wife
23. Second, the woman should display non-verbal cues of her interest, such as looking at the man or posing for him.
24. Third, the man should approach her and ask if she is looking for a husband.
25. If she say no, he can say good luck, if she says yes, he can say that he has some interest in her but would like her to look at his social media and gives her a business card an suggest to her that if she likes me, that she should email me.
26. During email, some discussion can lead to sharing of personal details, including sexual and financial aspects of life- a platonic and private assessment but this should be done efficiently, say within 1 week, because when you are talking with someone, it means you are not potentially available for someone else who may be more compatible.
27. Wear a small keychain doll representative of your future spouse so they are with you at all times. Show people this doll, and your wedding ring. Do not hide your love for yourself and your future wife. you will energetically chase away the bad people. This is with the power of words.
28. Write a list of likes and dislikes- absolutes and absolutely nots- example: no cigarettes example; they must like a certain music , they must be a certain height and health
29. Study history and statistics – proof of mistake to be avoided
30. Have your future planned out to an extent- certain monthly and annual goals and activities, this is creating a plan and schedule, thus making it easier to say NO to the wrong person.
only the man can ask the woman if she is looking for a husband and that he is interested in emailing her back and forth in a platonic way to determine if she likes him
he shows non verbal signal that he's interested in her
she is the one who needs to display her body to his gaze in some way that shows her interest.
so he offers her his email and full name and says look me up on social media
if you are interested, contact me for further learning about each other including personal matters
to see whether a match or not
must be xyz , such as a specific diet, or willingness to humanely abort or kill a child who has impairments that make it impossible for the child to enjoy their lives.
must not be xyz, such as no cigarettes or pets
People only seduce people they do not care about.
think of a prostitute and their client. if they respected each other, they would not trade money for body.
the question is can sexual compatibility be determined without having sex.
I would say the answer is yes, this can be assessed over an online conversation and sharing personal information, including nude pictures, and expected frequency of sexual activity.
Men are generally the only ones who can propose marriage because men are more logical and will be the financial responsible party, so they have to choose which woman they would want to bear their children.
So if women cannot propose marriage, what can they do?
If I were a woman, I would use my newfound "freedom" as a modern woman to live at my Guardian's (aka bio father's) house if possible,
knowing that women are more emotional and can make poor decisions about partner selection.
celebrate LGBTQ+ Marriage.
Being Homo is a limitation,
just like being Hetero is a limitation.
that is because it will influence decisions if someone is around a person they are attracted to.
It can be harder to control desires and that is why it's a limitation.
One major reason for the bias against this community is because they seem more promiscuous.
If they were marriage oriented, there would be more trust from religious communities towards them.
It's an unhealthy cycle of certain groups in society not accepting them, and the hatred leading Gays to hate themselves and seduce each other unlovingly.
then religious and other people saying they are bad because of that.
Gays need to make extra effort to be dignified and wear a wedding band and Shield Heart Patch on their heart and make it verbally clear to whomever they can and on their social media that they value marriage and are preparing for a loving marriage, not seeking any unloving premarital intimacy.
Core Principles :
1. Commitment to preparing for marriage
2. no premarital intimacy
3. practice veganism
4. meet your own needs, desires and wants while preparing for marriage
5. do not label anyone as an authority figure higher than yourself. for example, do not label someone as a father, uncle, boss, instead, label them on a first name basis or last name, and act like you are doing business with them, not for them. for example, your male guardian (aka father) is someone who you hire to be your guardian , and in exchange, you pay them by abiding by their cultural rules.
6. Label people Brother and Sister only when they are " spiritual siblings " with you, which means that they have the same values as you and therefore, even if you died, you would be glad you invested in them because you know they would perpetuate your values into the future, thus making the world one you would want to reincarnate into.
7. make women a main focus of your life and celebrate them and pay attention to them, including other women treat yourselves as important and sacred.
8. do not have pets because that detracts from the focus on women and humanity and raising children , also, no pets are conscious and so they cannot choose to be vegan.
9. be professional and do not force people to follow Shield Heart principles, and only talk about it when it seems appropriate but do not alienate professional relationships, and instead, say that you respect a person's right to their own practices.
The information and advice presented on this website are based upon the research
and the personal and professional experiences of the author,
and are not intended as a substitute for consulting with a healthcare professional.
The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly
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There are no magical instant solutions to personal mastery and preparing for and locating a spouse.
The benefit of re-reading this website is not that the information will change, but that as you re-read,
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